Weekend Cravings

MFP I have a question. Throughout the week (Monday-Friday), I maintain a STRICT diet averaging 1400 calories daily and workout 5 days a week. However, when the weekend arrives, I eat ALOT. Chinese, McDonalds, etc. maybe 3200 calories a day on the weekend. Then when Monday comes back around, I'm back on my strict diet.
I was wondering if anyone does the same or similar thing, and if so, are you having success at losing weight?

In the past, I tried staying on a healthy diet on the weekends but I failed badly. So I decided to eat what I crave on weekends.


  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    I don't stray as bad as you do. Are you losing? If you are, no issue.
  • BassBoneBabe
    BassBoneBabe Posts: 226 Member
    Have you considered eating the things your crave on the weekends, but still stay within your calorie goals?
  • TnTHawkins
    TnTHawkins Posts: 285 Member
    I too do great during the week and have problems during the weekend. I figure out what I want, then exercise a little more for the variations. I make adjustments on how much I eat and don't get the Dr Pepper with any fast food meal anymore. The last couple of weekends (Superbowl, then Valentines) have been tough, but it hasn't been too bad.

    Good Luck.
  • jenn0113
    I've been sticking to 1200 calories M-F and working out 3-5 of those days. On the weekends my cravings go nuts and I usually splurge. But I still try to stick to a semi-strict diet by eating only half of the meal and maybe saving the other half for the next day. Or if I know I am really going to go over I make sure to work out that morning so I am less likely to eat way too much that night. Over all though, I am definitely more relaxed on the weekends with calorie counting.
  • tzvishear
    i have a similar problem. i do not log what i have on weekends. try to keep in mind what i am eating and not it get out of control. i have been able to lose as long as i am strict the other days.
  • lauradrees
    Sounds to me like you need to eat the odd treat in the week so that you don't feel deprived and then splurge at the weekend. I've tried this and it works.
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    Hmmmm, Well I think it's really great that you have a 1400 calorie mind set during the week. As far as eating what you want on the weekends, this is a little un healthy. If you're out eating fast foods and a bunch of junk, I can't see that as being good for your body. You may or others may see the scale drop from this life style, but look at what you’re putting into your body! A bunch of CRAP!!! Saturated fats, Trans fats, bad carbs, tons of sugars and so on. If you want to eat out on the weekends, and then enjoy 1 meal, log your calories and stay within them. Have a salad for lunch so you can have Chinese at night, make smart choices so you can have a little of what you want. If you’re serious about a life change, then you will change your habits on the weekend as well. You’re young now, but eating like this will cause health issues later in life, high blood pressure, high cholesterol diabetes (Yes thin people can have diabetes too). Sorry to bounce around so much, I'm in shock that you may actually think this is a healthy life style... Remember that failure is okay and is a part of the process, but consistency, will power and motivation will get you to that finish line, now and in the future. Don't compromise your health because of the scale.
  • oats4breakfast
    You've still gotta live your life.
    But here's one rule of food that you may want to live by. It may help on the weekends if nothing else does.

    FOOD is NOT SERVED through a WINDOW.
  • donnaleecam
    I, too, take a day off each week. Usually Sat. or Sun. It helps me stay on track during the week. I realize it probably isn't the best way, but you have to do what works for you! Better than pigging out all 7 days!! I still exercise daily. A friendat my old job, a Physical Therapist who is in great shape(he had never eaten a Krispy Kreme-willpower..), did that also. He was very diligent/much more than I!!
  • krg918
    krg918 Posts: 36
    Try eating sensibly on Sat/Sun then enjoy a "cheat" meal on one of those days instead of the whole weekend. You'll find that its not that hard in time, those cheat meals become less frequent.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    Same problem here. I will do fairly well during the week and, POOF, out the window my diet goes on the weekend. I workout 3-4 days during the week and I don't deny myself treats like ice cream or chocolate on the weekdays that I do workout, but the weekend is JUST horrible. I use the weekend as my rest days from the gym, but try to do housework or other light stuff to stay busy and burn a few calories. The biggest problem is that my mom will make a tons of scrambled eggs with pepperjack cheese and pancakes for breakfast; and being the mom that she is, she ALWAYS make a ton of it and encourages everyone to go back for seconds and thirds! I measure out everything she made and will eat breakfast, but unfortunately that breakfast wreaks my diet for the day as I will only have 600 calories or so left for the remainder of the day. I need to rest my body and my joints, that's why I don't go to the gym on the weekends, but it is SO FRUSTRATING!!!

    And on top of all of that, my Dad will come home with breakfast sandwiches from Burger King, which my Mom gives me half of to eat, hashbrowns, etc. AND, as if it couldn't get worse, if my Mom goes out shopping, she will bring home some sort of fast food like Carl's Jr. massive hamburgers, Del Taco, or Taco Bell. I hate telling my Mom "no, I can't eat that", so I will eat it and tell myself I can't snack...which never works.

    So yes, I totally understand the massive weekend snack and fast-food attacks!!!!