Can I lose weight running...



  • langurmonkey
    I love running! It's exercise that's useful in the real world as well (running for a bus etc.) plus it's a great mass participation sport so you can enter races to get you motivated to train (no races for elliptical trainer). I have lost 35kg since March, mainly running and cycling as exercise, with some weight training to avoid muscle loss (which you definitely don't want!).
  • Bradleyjah
    Bradleyjah Posts: 48 Member
    Absolutely, you can lose weight running! Obviously, it depends on how long/far/intense/often you run! I now run to supplement my P90X workouts (3-5 miles), and like others, I think some strength or cross-training would also really benefit your goals. However, I will say that I have lost plenty of weight through just doing a consistent half-marathon training plan (20+ miles a week) and eating fairly well.
  • zoeystafford
    zoeystafford Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there!

    Running is a really great way to lose weight. Even though the motion seems simple, it really does whip away calories. I just started up running (I was using the elliptical), and I saw results really fast. Just make sure to do a bit of weight training in addition to the running (I throw in a few sets of lunges and push-ups after a run). You're going to end up loving it! The first few runs will be tough though. Good luck!
  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    I think running is a great way to lose and then maintain...I also find it very rewarding. I've been running for about 5 years now, and I do two or three "races" every year to keep myself motivated. I try to incorporate stretching and strength as well...just for variety and it helps prevent injury. Having said all that...I have pushed myself too hard sometimes, and that left my knees and hips just be careful and listen to your body :), and ENJOY!!!

    I also have fallen into the trap of thinking I could eat a lot more because I would run a long way :)...
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Here is an excerpt from an Interview with Jillian Michaels...

    Jillian Michaels covers the July/August issue of Fitness, and in the interview the former 'Biggest Loser' trainer opens up about leaving the show, her body hangups and her workout regimen.

    Here are a few excerpts; scroll down for photos and read the whole thing here.

    On her least favorite body part:
    “My *kitten*! I hate it! There’s cellulite on it, and no matter what I do, I can’t get rid of it. The reality is that it’s connective tissue. I can starve and my boobs will go and my face will get gaunt, but I will still have cellulite. It’s not so much about aesthetics for me these days. Instead, I think a lot more about the mark I’m going to make on the world than about the back of my *kitten*.”

    On her workout hell:
    “A marathon. I think, you’re at mile twenty and you have six more to go and your body is just battered and bleeding and miserable. I would rather be dead.”

    On what she never skips in her workout:
    “This is ironic. As much as I hate it, I run every time, like three miles. It makes you skinny, that’s why. It works.”

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  • coffeebrown5
    coffeebrown5 Posts: 73 Member
    Running does help. A app you can download is c25k its free for most Android phones.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Yes it can! Especially if you do interval training. In case you don't know; interval training is when you increase/decrease your incline and speed. For example:

    Warm up: Walk for 3 minutes
    Brisk: Pick up the pace for 2 minutes
    Run: Run for 5(or whatever is comfortable for you)
    Brisk: Decrease from a run to a brisk walk for 2 minutes
    Run: Pick up pace again

    Repeat the cycle until your workout is complete. Also, you will blast more calories if you intergrate hills in there!

    Good luck!
  • SonicaBE
    SonicaBE Posts: 151 Member
    c25k all the way!!!
  • smom21g
    smom21g Posts: 10 Member
    When I added running in as an exercise I noticed an increase in my weight drop. I have been on my weightloss journey since January. Picked up running in March and to date I have lost a little over 39lbs. the couch to 5K is a great program to follow.
  • coffeebrown5
    coffeebrown5 Posts: 73 Member
    Running does help. A app you can download is c25k its free for most Android phones.
  • SparkleHorse224
    SparkleHorse224 Posts: 98 Member
    I was talking to some friends about this and they pointed out that on all the big fat loss shows and in programs for weight loss, running seems to be the top method for loss and maintenance. It's cheap and you can do it practically anywhere. I do Couch to 5K on my iphone, and I do other things, too, like Zumba and swimming.
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    (any app suggestions are welcome, as i'm not an experienced runner)

    As I don't run (shin splints did me in), I bike instead...but if I ran, this app sounds like a blast!


    This App is fun, but it's expensive at $8 but to me it was worth it to spend. I also recommend you trying out the C25K app. There's a free version that will let you go up to 3 or 4 weeks I think and then you can decide whether you want to fork over the $1.99 I think it was for the rest of it.
  • leslie0422
    leslie0422 Posts: 108 Member
    Yes, you can definitely lose weight running. I started C25K last year and lost the majority of my weight just from running and counting calories. After a few months, I added in some classes at the gym (BodyPump, spinning, and step aerobics) but I still burn most of my calories from running.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    You can lose just by watching calories with no exercise so yeah...the routine exercise with running shouldn't hinder you. I moved last year away from my gym and my choices are pretty much running or workout dvd's.

    I can run for my exercise for a month or so at a time and then I get sick of it and need a break or hit a nonroutine plateau. Sometimes running outside is change enough but during the summer it's too hot and in the winter it's usually too cold/snowy.

    So, I either take a 2ish weeks off for a change, change up my calories or do a different exercise for a little bit to break up the plateau but that can happen with any exercise so don't get discouraged...
  • naculp
    naculp Posts: 225 Member
    Definitely! I lost a considerable amount of weight (something like ~40 pounds) by focusing on diet and running. As others have advised, doing some strength training is wise, although not necessary. I have a full at the beginning of November, and I'm hoping to shave off about 30 minutes from last year's time. Running is fun, and you'll come to enjoy it if done properly.

    Personally, I use RunKeeper on my iPhone to log all my runs. It's free, you can have it update you as you run every X miles or minutes, and it allows you to listen to playlists without having to open your music separately. It also syncs with Fitocracy, which is quite a fun website/app that helps promote exercising in the form of leveling up like in a videogame ;)
  • leslie0422
    leslie0422 Posts: 108 Member
    (any app suggestions are welcome, as i'm not an experienced runner)

    As I don't run (shin splints did me in), I bike instead...but if I ran, this app sounds like a blast!


    That app sounds interesting. I'll have to try it out.
  • xxvogue
    xxvogue Posts: 172 Member
    Just gonna' say I think zombies run is awesome. I literally think it's the reason I've gone from running ~1 mile with SERIOUS struggles to over 3 miles - and feeling like I could go further. My ankle is sprained so I'm sort of out of the game right now.

    When I started running the first time I used C25k and was going about 2 miles before I stopped. It does work, and if you can't do a week, just repeat it until you can, though in my experience unless you're really, REALLY out of shape (which is fine, you just need to work up slower) if you can't complete the first week you're trying to run too fast.
  • fittyfittybumbum
    Yes, you can lose weight running. Running at a slow steady pace targets more of the viceral (spcheck) fat, which is basically the fat that lies deep under everything. How ever if you want to work smarter, not harder HIIT and weight training is where you want to be. I run two miles in between days that I lift. The only app that I use is RunKeeper but I haven't bothered with anything to vouch for it being the best.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Yes you can lose weight running, as long as you are maintaining a calorie deficit, you could lose weight by not doing anything exercise wise.

    That being said, cardio helps burn fat (as well as muscle) so while running is great to also make your heart healthy among other things, also look into lifting weights as well. It will help you maintain your muscle mass while losing the fat and will help improve your look overall.

    If you are not a runner, I would suggest the couch to 5k program. If the first couple of weeks on it are too easy you can always skip ahead but it would be a great starting off point! Also make sure you have proper running shoes to avoid pain and injuries!

    ^^^this. And welcome to the world of running, it is addictive and the best high you will get that will not give you a hang over or the munchies.
  • sweatysambo
    WOW! I didn't think anyone would have read my need for help (NB: MFP - we need notifications!) so thank you to EVERYONE for your response. VERY helpful.

    I've hit a bit of a slump and was going to cancel my gym membership, as they're not open for me to go in the morning, hence the running thought, but have woken up today and thought nooooo, keep it on, I am new to the area and should keep the membership to fill my evenings with classes / gym floor efforts.

    You've all definately given me the excitement for running though, sounds like you all love it! I'll try and get used to one of the apps whilst using the treadmill, before a class... Then when the downpours of rain slow down, i'll get in to going for an early morning run.

    My 'fault' is, I tend to get addicted very quickly, and want to go every day, but am constantly in competition with myself, as I got a really bad back injury last year, putting me out of all sorts of action and now I can get back in the game, I just wanna attack it mornings and evenings, and beat myself up if I don't manage it, but know I have to have rest days...

    Oh the exercise circle of a singleton! ;)

    Thanks again everyone - you've all really helped - lift my spirits if anything!! xxx