Working out without shoes on.

So I'm wondering if it is a bad idea that I work out without my shoes on. I do workout videos and I usually wont wear shoes, but if I am on my eliptical I will wear my shoes. Im just wondering if it is going to become a problem later since I used to have knee problems? The only reason I do it is because I feel it's a lesser impact noise on the the floor, so my neighbor wont freak out because I live on second floor.
So my question is should I just forget what my downstairs neighbor thinks and just wear shoes, or is it ok that I dont?


  • crazyassmomma
    i dont wear shoes when i do my workout videos either.
    when i do wear shoes, my feet hurt really badly afterward.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I workout barefoot, but only because I don't have sneakers. My arches hurt like heck, and I find myself babying my feet. Some people are huge proponents of working out barefoot- even running.
  • ready2glow
    Wow! This is interesting! I never heard of people doing this except for yoga or pilates. I suggest a good pair of shoes. I can't imagine this will be good in the long run....
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    I don't wear shoes while using videos and such, Eliptical I do. As long as it's comfortable keep goin!
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    Personally I think you're fine going either way. I like running barefoot on my treadmill... but that's just me. :flowerforyou:
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    I ride my stationary bike without shoes.. when i do videos, I don't wear shoes; but I am the type of girl who would walk around bare foot 24-7.. I hate sneakers!!
  • chrcos24
    As much as I hate shoes, too, I always wear tennis shoes when I workout! Whether I'm at the gym or am doing workout videos at home, I wear tennis shoes. I can't imagine exercising without shoes. I don't know what the long-term effects would be, but make a new pair of shoes a reward for a goal you reach!
  • ldchandler2
    ldchandler2 Posts: 2 Member
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I read this awesome book on ultra marathons and its proven that if your feet are strong enough its great to workout barefoot!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    As much as I hate shoes, too, I always wear tennis shoes when I workout! Whether I'm at the gym or am doing workout videos at home, I wear tennis shoes. I can't imagine exercising without shoes. I don't know what the long-term effects would be, but make a new pair of shoes a reward for a goal you reach!

    research actually shows that running shoes (more expensive ones usually) cause more injuries! They now make "barefoot running shoes" to protect your feet while giving you the same illusion and support of bare feet!
  • cmurphy04722
    If you're interested in barefoot workouts but don't want to be barefoot in gyms or outside, check out the vibram five fingers.

    I have a pair and wear them when I run, but use shoes on the elliptical. I used them a lot during outside workouts for softball (when not wearing cleats) and I feel like the wind when I run in them!
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    work it whichever way feels best.
  • slm638
    slm638 Posts: 64
    Wear shoes...if you're doing anything with a fair bit of impact (and of course on equipment/machines). I learned the hard way why you should. I did one of Jillian's videos (metabolism one I think) at home shoeless. It has a lot of jumping and side to side movements. I could barely walk for 3-4 days! Your body (aka calves and knees) shouldn't have to absorb all the shock. My calves were so tight after, stairs were almost impossible. My fitness instructor AND my massage therapist both gave me heck. Moral of the story...wear running shoes. And if they hurt, get shoes that don't.

    (that being said, if I'm doing a light workout at home with no weight bearing moves or machines, I might not always wear shoes)
  • randilynn113
    randilynn113 Posts: 227 Member
    I find that my feet ache when I wear shoes - is this normal? I've bought some expensive shoes, and it seems that no matter what, the sides just ache - I find if I am doing a cardio workout, I'll just take them off and it goes away.

    My dad is a runner and he says that it will go away, but I am just not sure if it is me, or the shoes since it goes away when I take them off. No matter what shoes I wear! Help! :)
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    :flowerforyou: bump
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I find that my feet ache when I wear shoes - is this normal? I've bought some expensive shoes, and it seems that no matter what, the sides just ache - I find if I am doing a cardio workout, I'll just take them off and it goes away.

    My dad is a runner and he says that it will go away, but I am just not sure if it is me, or the shoes since it goes away when I take them off. No matter what shoes I wear! Help! :)

    From my research (which I have been doing a lot of lately on this topic) I think that shoes can be the cause of your pain even if they are expensive. Check out barefoot running shoes. Now, they may be hard to use at first because your foot strength is weak from wearing shoes but they are suposed to help end running and workout injuries.
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    If you're interested in barefoot workouts but don't want to be barefoot in gyms or outside, check out the vibram five fingers.

    I have a pair and wear them when I run, but use shoes on the elliptical. I used them a lot during outside workouts for softball (when not wearing cleats) and I feel like the wind when I run in them!

    love the 5 fingers! i have the classic!
  • laurasmeag
    laurasmeag Posts: 1 Member
    I was lifting low weights with no shoes and noticed bad Achilles heel pain after a few weeks. I do ride my recumbent bike without shoes but wear good shoes for weights. Listen to your body. If something starts to hurt, change it. Good luck!
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    Barefoot runners and generally being barefoot have entirely solved all the foot pains I was having. And I'm someone who wore medical orthopedic inserts since childhood because my left foot is sorta deformed.

    Barefoot is awesome.
  • KickboxFanatic
    KickboxFanatic Posts: 184 Member
    This post is over 10 years old