so close to giving up :'(



  • aneikaa

    try and think about how good it wil feel and how good you wil look when you have lost the weight :)
  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    I had one of those days yesterday, I get you!

    The scales weren't moving, my passion for exercise had waned, I was making bad food choices and generally felt very low and miserable. I had a moan and a groan, some great MFPs assured and reassured me and gave some good advice and a bit of a boot up the backside and I picked myself up.

    I will do this, I need to do this, I want to do this!

    So will you! A day at a time....
  • 75in2013
    75in2013 Posts: 361 Member
    Very often you DON'T EAT ENOUGH.

    Try to meet your food goal. Eating too little is as bad as eating too much. I have set my goal to a 500kcal deficit. If I eat 100kcal over my goal I steal ate 400kcal less than I need. And I will lose weight. Maybe at a slower pace but I'll get there. Like somebody said: it's a marathon not a sprint!

    "Constant dripping hollows out a stone."

    If you want coffee, drink coffee. Just don't add milk/sugar.

    Eat what you like to eat. If you're bored of cucumber/lettuce eat something else. Why eat something that you don't like / bores you? That will set you up for failure.

    Now focus on your exams!

    You can do it!

    You look cute already. You'll look awesome when you finish! Good luck :)
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    I often have little bits of chocolate! there are some great mini chocolate bars that are only 100 calories or so and if you eat them slowly and really enjoy the flavour its much better than any chocolate experience you had before! just factor in a mini choccy bar on your workout days and you wont feel guilty :)
  • LivingInPuglia
    LivingInPuglia Posts: 122 Member
    Some great advice in all the posts here ...... don't give up!
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    Very often you DON'T EAT ENOUGH.

    If you want coffee, drink coffee. Just don't add milk/sugar.

    Eat what you like to eat. If you're bored of cucumber/lettuce eat something else. Why eat something that you don't like / bores you? That will set you up for failure.

    Now focus on your exams!

    You can do it!

    You look cute already. You'll look awesome when you finish! Good luck :)

    haha thank you, I think normally i eat quiet alright, I just had an awful week last week where I'd eat loads on one day then friday I was at a party with a bottle of malibu /rum punch and vodka, so the scale was a no-no this weekend...
    I can't always control whats on my plate because I go to boarding school (the 6th form part!) I don't always board so at home its easy to eat what I want but be healthy about it but its days I can't do that, that I'm left with lettuce and cucumbers !
  • Kimjanebrooks
    Kimjanebrooks Posts: 253 Member
    Sounds to me that you are getting bored and feel restricted with what you feel you can eat. I'm not very good with working out what I feel i can and cant have so I look at all my friends diaries and see what they are eating. Today I have something I've never tried before for my lunch at work and I'm quite excited about it! lol
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    Imo if yout going to eat fish you might as well eat some chicken and beef, at least chocken, even from a moral standpoint. I think because your in boarding school you need eat to maximize your nutritional needs with what they have until you have full control over what you eat. Or stop "dieting" eat food, enjoy life and get more physically active.

    I mean do they not serve any other type of veggies? Rice? potatoes? Anyothet fish???
  • 75in2013
    75in2013 Posts: 361 Member
    haha thank you, I think normally i eat quiet alright, I just had an awful week last week where I'd eat loads on one day then friday I was at a party with a bottle of malibu /rum punch and vodka, so the scale was a no-no this weekend...

    Not sure if I understand you correct. (English is my 3rd language)

    I would try to hit my goal on a day to day basis. Basically looking at a day as an isolated event. If you missed one day and ate too much (or drank) then I would not try to compensate by eating less the following days! I have seen several examples where people could not lose weight because their body adjusted to "starving days" and "binge days".

    If you have too much one day. Forget it. And treat the next day as if nothing happened. Just don't let this happen too often.

    I can't always control whats on my plate because I go to boarding school (the 6th form part!) I don't always board so at home its easy to eat what I want but be healthy about it but its days I can't do that, that I'm left with lettuce and cucumbers !

    I don't know how boarding school works. And I don't know how much money you have. If you have the chance buy yourself a blender, milk, a good protein powder, banana and (if you have a freezer) frozen berries. This way you can easily make a shake whenever you don't feel like eating the stuff they offer you.

    We have a 3yr old at home. And it makes it so much easier in the morning when i don't have to worry about my breakfast. I just make the shake and drink it when I've time. It has 300-400kcal dending on how I make it and it keeps me satisfied until lunch. Plus it tastes like chocolate-banana-strawberry :)

    Btw. If you are like me and you need food (=chocolate) when you're stressed (=exams). Then I think it's a better idea to eat the chocolate, put it in your diary (accountability) and feel better. You can just do an extra 30min/60min cardio in the evening. And that you can do anywhere, boarding school, home, indoor, outdoor, with/without equipment.
    I'd rather eat over my goal, feel better and get it back with a nice workout than starve myself and feel miserable.
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    Imo if yout going to eat fish you might as well eat some chicken and beef, at least chocken, even from a moral standpoint. I think because your in boarding school you need eat to maximize your nutritional needs with what they have until you have full control over what you eat. Or stop "dieting" eat food, enjoy life and get more physically active.

    I mean do they not serve any other type of veggies? Rice? potatoes? Anyothet fish???

    It's not really a moral thing I normally eat other meats etc, but I think I eat too much meat, and just want to try something new...however doing it in school can be a bit of a problem, take todays lunch a veggie wrap or piri piri chicken, so veggie wrap it was
    but, it mainly consisted of mushrooms and courgettes and therefore I ended up having a salad, with an empty wrap.

    And I don't know how much money you have. If you have the chance buy yourself a blender, milk, a good protein powder, banana and (if you have a freezer) frozen berries. This way you can easily make a shake whenever you don't feel like eating the stuff they offer you.

    ^^ that is a brill idea thank you x
  • emilyd08
    emilyd08 Posts: 3 Member
    looking at your diary your barely ever eating the amount of calories you are allowing yourself...don't deprive yourself, it just makes it harder to succeed!
  • pabisc
    pabisc Posts: 17
    I looked at your diary....boring and only 940 calories to boot. Are you a vegetarian or something? Why are you only eating salad and cucumbers and tuna?

    yeah having a pescatarian october and unfortunately REALLY out of ideas!!

    I'm struggle to juggling/add proteins and carbs into this !

    Add in some black beans and rice. It'll make you feel fuller and act as an amino acid (protein). Put garbanzo beans or black beans in your salads. Add in more vegetables (brocolli, tomatoes, cauliflower, peppers) to give more variety and colors that will enrichen your vitamin intake as well. Try a lentil soup (Progresso makes some really good ones).

  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Don't give up! I think every one of us here has felt exactly like this as some point, probably several times at least! But this place is also filled with success stories, people who have made it through those days and gone on to meet their goal. And not only meet their weight loss goal, but do things they never thought they would do, like run a marathon, or even fit into a normal chair! You can do it! And food does not have to be boring just because it is healthy. You just have to spend a little time learning to make new things, and fnding the healthy things that you like. I have been vegan since March, and I absolutely love the food that I eat. It's all about finding what you enjoy!
  • fasttrack
    fasttrack Posts: 2 Member
    Dont give sound very busy and stressing over exams, life changesand they are all coming together. Stop focusing on the changes and let it happen. I just started back yestersay and I have been thinking about food also,so I started making menus and food options. I ate a piece of choclate, didn't kill me, I didn't eat the slice of bread i wasgoing to have.

    Change is not easy change is necessary. Remind yourself why you started this in the first place and let's do it together. You and me, let's go through this together. I also startedthe Body for Life 12 week fintness challenge yester day. I am trying to stay under 1300 calaries daily.