New, trying to lose 30 lbs and gain more confidence!

I'm new to the forums, this is actually my first time ever actually joining one and not really sure what to expect.
I am hoping to contribute as well as well as receive some feedback from others in a similar boat!

I'm almost 30- My goal is to lose 30lbs- I gained it when I moved into my first apartment, and was in a relationship. I'm officially in the "overweight" category" and don't have as much energy as I did when I was at my "ideal" weight of 130-140.

It's two years later- still live in my own place, but have moved on from the relationship (which was a big factor in my weight gain)
Slowly losing the weight, but need to stay focused in order to keep the momentum, which can be difficult sometimes- especially emotional eating!

I have tons of acquaintance "friends" and am a social, outgoing and friendly person, but no close friends whom I could talk with about these kinds of things.

Besides the usual (exercise, hobbies, getting outside etc-) what are some things that have helped you stay motivated for the long run to drop the weight? What has helped YOU to stay disciplined in this journey?

For me, it's knowing that I will feel better about myself once I do, because I'll have more energy to do the things I love, and perhaps even make more friends too once others see my motivation, it will help others be motivated. That is my hope.


  • Soloflyergirl2
    Soloflyergirl2 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi..... though I'm much older... here's some ideas for weight loss....... Instead of looking at 30 pounds... break the goal down into manageable pieces...... There's a group out here working on an October goal.... so.... let's say you are looking at losing a pound a week... or 5 pounds in October..... Journal your eating.... notice the emotional eating triggers.... and set up a list of five tasks you want to get done in the apartment... or outdoors.... and tell yourself... I will do these five tasks... before .... ( I eat a bag of cheetos..).... and by the time you are done with the fifth will not binge... you diverted your emotions away from the trigger.... There's a lot of left and right brain influence in our behavior.... Emotional is on the right side..... Balancing your checkbook, or math is on the left side.... so... force yourself to do left brained tasks... when you are tempted to eat for emotional reasons instead of healthy reasons.... Also.... in general... the people in the myfitnesspal forums are sincere......Share with all ages... There seems to be a common thread., regardless of age... and that is.... We all want a long and healthy life........
  • namluv
    namluv Posts: 194 Member
    Planning ahead. As in, every morning I plan my main meals for the day into MFP (without considering any workout unless it happened in the morning already) - leftover calories are my "fun" calories. I even do it when going out to eat - get the menu online and pick while I am rational and not at the place when I am starving!
  • StarBirdie
    StarBirdie Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you for your very insightful reply "Helpmeloseweight".
    Your insight on the fact that the emotional eating is very right brained is helpful. I never thought of that before.

    I am very right brained (artist) and could afford to think more with my left brain when it comes to weight loss-
    great suggestion to focus on more left brained tasks. Also, could you point me in the direction of the group you mentioned? Thanks!

  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    Hello! And welcome...I think planning, water, exercise and patience with yourself are the keys to success. I keep reminding myself that it took me six years to put on this extra weight, so it's not going to come off overnight! I am in my forties...and have battled with weight my ENTIRE life. It's never been easy but this site and tracking what I eat is an enormous help. I'm far from perfect, but I'm doing better!

    GOOD LUCK!!!
  • StarBirdie
    StarBirdie Posts: 5 Member
    namluv, that is a very important point. I never plan ahead, and so end up eating at random-I lived with my parents up until a couple years ago, and my mom did all the cooking. I didn't really think about that.

    The MFP app is really ingenious, and that is a great idea to plan the meals into it ahead of time, so you have a predetermined limit.

    Lately, i've tried making sure I eat one large portion of green veggies for one meal a day, which is kind of a "plan" but sometimes I stray. And, things like: instead of a whole sandwich, half a sandwich, instead of two eggs - one hard boiled egg. It's a start~!

    Good ideas, thank you for sharing :)
  • Laurab2125
    Laurab2125 Posts: 11 Member
    Some people have already mentioned this -- planning out food. I actually take about 1-2 hours on a weekend and cut up vegetables into snack portions, make homemade yogurt, make healthy breakfast sandwiches, etc ... that way during the week it's all grab-and-go. If I had to prep every night or morning, it would never happen.

    I will also plan to cook 2-3 times during the week, making sure that I have healthy leftovers for lunch. (I LOVE leftovers!).

    Then I'll put in my food for the day first thing in the morning so I know exactly where I stand.

    And - the important part - logging every little bit that goes into my mouth. If I ate it, it's going to show up on my body, so I might as well account for it here. Sometimes I feel the urge to not log (as if by not acknowledging the calories, they didn't happen! Ha!), but by always logging, a lot of times that will stop me from needlessly indulging or overeating.

    Feel free to add me as a friend -- we can all use as much encouragement as possible! :)
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    I lost 35 earlier this lazy over summer and added back 5 but, getting back into routine now. Every person is different and what works for some, may not for others. Personally, I did elliptical twice a day and weights 3-4 times per week for about 30 minutes each time. it took 4 1/2 months. I wish you all the best in your goal and just know in your heart that you can succeed and you will succeed. :)
  • katierrt
    katierrt Posts: 113 Member
    I have never put a time limit or deadline on my weight loss efforts. I think that has helped the most. I knew going in that it was going to be a slow process as I want to keep the weight off. Plus, anything you do with significant outcomes (ie: school or moving up the corporate ladder) takes some time. Success usually doesn't happen overnight plus I have all this time to make mistakes and learn from them. I research food and its benefits, exercise and all health chemistry numbers in hopes of aligning everything I do. I'm about to turn 43 and I'm not trying to squeeze into a bathing suit or anything, I just want to be healthy and if I look good at the same time, so be it! :) I think learning about this stuff is what really keeps me focused and motivated. Good luck to you, and if you need more mfp friends, please feel free to add me! :)
  • cecyvaquero
    cecyvaquero Posts: 154 Member
    Hi, this is my first time also on the forum. What has motivated me has been seeing people with gret bodies. I actually found a picture of how I used to look a few years ago and I have it on my mirror so every morning when I wake up I see myself with the body I used to have and how i will soon look again. I also find motivation by going onto fitness websites. But the most motivation for me and the desire to lose weight and feel great. I drink lots of water and I eat smaller portions. Im currently trying to lose about 20 pounds myself and I have found that the more I journal what I am eating the less I eat.
  • symplegroove
    symplegroove Posts: 2 Member
    I have very similar goals! I will be 32 in December, and just got out of a 3 year relationship in which I gained 50 pounds. To be fair, my grandmother also passed away, which had an impact on my weight gain as well. I am ready to lose the weight I put on, and so far have lost 13 pounds!! I have the hardest time with discipling myself, because since I turned 28, my metabolism came to a screeching halt, and where I used to struggle to GAIN a pound (I was in nutrition and fitness for YEARS), now I easily put on 5!
    I have joined MFP to track my goals, and to keep an eye on what I eat. It has been awesome, but with no support system at home (my mother tries to push food on me), I am concerned about maintaining momentum. If you would like to be "Fitness Pals", let me know. I can be very persuasive, and could use the returned support. :)
  • symplegroove
    symplegroove Posts: 2 Member
    Hi..... though I'm much older... here's some ideas for weight loss....... Instead of looking at 30 pounds... break the goal down into manageable pieces...... There's a group out here working on an October goal.... so.... let's say you are looking at losing a pound a week... or 5 pounds in October..... Journal your eating.... notice the emotional eating triggers.... and set up a list of five tasks you want to get done in the apartment... or outdoors.... and tell yourself... I will do these five tasks... before .... ( I eat a bag of cheetos..).... and by the time you are done with the fifth will not binge... you diverted your emotions away from the trigger.... There's a lot of left and right brain influence in our behavior.... Emotional is on the right side..... Balancing your checkbook, or math is on the left side.... so... force yourself to do left brained tasks... when you are tempted to eat for emotional reasons instead of healthy reasons.... Also.... in general... the people in the myfitnesspal forums are sincere......Share with all ages... There seems to be a common thread., regardless of age... and that is.... We all want a long and healthy life........

    ****Great advice! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!******
  • manda697
    manda697 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! I feel like we have similar goals and could help each other lose this darn weight. I am trying to lose about 40 lbs and get down to 130-140lbs. Maybe we could do something to keep us in check, like a weekly goal and update. I have found it is earier to lose weight when you have someone to "report" to. Also, it's nice to be able to talk to someone who is going through the same thing. Let me know if you're interested. :)