Runner Problem :{

allymacary Posts: 54 Member
edited December 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
I've been running for almost a year now. I average 10-15 miles a week. I recently took a 2 1/2 week break off because I got married (yah!) and went on our Honeymoon. After that time, I started back up and have been consistently running ever since. Last week I went for a seven mile run and it felt really great until I got home. My right hip started to bother me, so much so that I had to limp around for the next two days. By the third day, my hip was much better but I figured it probably wasn't a good idea to run. I waited a week (about four days with no pain) to head out again. I didn't even make it a quarter of a mile when my hip started acting up. All yesterday and today it's been killing me and I'm back to limping around.

I'm so incredibly upset about not being able to run and I have no idea what the issue with my hip is. It feels like there is an air bubble or some sort of pressure that's causing the pain. Has anyone else experienced this?


  • I don't have the same pain but I have experienced what you are before. For me its my right knee, what I usually have to do is do some low impact exercise for a while like the elliptical or bike machine. Ill do that for maybe a week or two, then at home either ice or heat the area and usually by the middle of the second week it will be good to go again till I do something else to screw it up.

    I hope it helped, I know its not the same problem but similar.
  • Go see doctor.
  • madmickie
    madmickie Posts: 221 Member
    All sorts of problems can occur with hips and the bits around there so I doubt if you well get any definitive answer here. Do the same as you would with anything - rest for a while and ease back into it gently. If that doesn't work get it looked at professionally.

    I have had hip pain in the past and find that it tends to flare up if doing a lot of miles on the road. So now I mix in some trail running for a bit of variety and it seems prevent any strain on a particular spot.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I've had this as well and it turned out to be my IT Band. Use a foam roller and google some stretches for it. I always make sure I stretch it REALLY well before I go for a run, otherwise I'm feeling it later!
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    I had hip pain earlier this summer. I went to the chiropractor and it was sciatica. A couple weeks of rest, therapy and stretching and I was back running again. Good luck!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I've been running for almost a year now. I average 10-15 miles a week. I recently took a 2 1/2 week break off because I got married (yah!) and went on our Honeymoon. After that time, I started back up and have been consistently running ever since. Last week I went for a seven mile run and it felt really great until I got home. My right hip started to bother me, so much so that I had to limp around for the next two days. By the third day, my hip was much better but I figured it probably wasn't a good idea to run. I waited a week (about four days with no pain) to head out again. I didn't even make it a quarter of a mile when my hip started acting up. All yesterday and today it's been killing me and I'm back to limping around.

    I'm so incredibly upset about not being able to run and I have no idea what the issue with my hip is. It feels like there is an air bubble or some sort of pressure that's causing the pain. Has anyone else experienced this?

    I've learned from experience it's best to see the doctor. You have no idea what is causing it. When you put things off and try things for yourself without a doctor telling you whats up you end up usually making it worse.
  • pithole
    pithole Posts: 75 Member
    Go see doctor.

  • MrsSnelly
    MrsSnelly Posts: 30 Member
    See if you can find a chiropractor in your area, preferably one with experience working with athletes. Running is hard on your body, and sometimes things just get "out of wack," so it's important to get regular adjustments and make sure your joints are aligned properly so you don't cause long-term damage. I think you're definitely on the right track with taking a break though - that kind of pain is not good to just push through! Good luck, hope you get it figured out soon!
  • Cinner01
    Cinner01 Posts: 3 Member some strength training for your glutes/hamstrings....dead lifts are my favorite. I strained my g-max at mile 10 during a half marathon (was on pace to PR)...took 4 weeks of therapy and rest...realized it was because i slacked on my strength training the closer i got to race day.

    Runners forget that strong muscles help you run better and longer.
  • You might want to go see the chiropractor - they can most always help! It could be outta place!! That would be my first step, if no relief, see your medical dr.
  • payupalice
    payupalice Posts: 126 Member
    see a doctor that specializes in athlete issues
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Are you stretching, especially after? I have back issues that render me all but useless if I don't stretch after a run.
  • Cinner01
    Cinner01 Posts: 3 Member
    My chiro is my BFF...good point.
  • lorihalsted
    lorihalsted Posts: 326 Member
    Go see your doctor. A runner friend of mine was having the same issues you describe and she had a stress hip fracture. She was still able to run but had intense pain afterwards. Don't wait until it's too late to see professional help and further damage yourself.
  • I have had this issue starting 6 weeks ago.....went to the dr and was told it was tendonitis. Physical therapy was perscribed but I honestly don't have an extra 2 hours in my day. So I took the papers home and started stretching on my own. Find a hip flexer stretch. I just started running a half mile a day last week. Upped is to a mile this week. I am babying it and if it hurts I don't run. I have been walking at least an hour a day.

    Just remember that this is just a bump in the road and you will get back to it....just take baby steps.
  • egordon81
    egordon81 Posts: 6 Member
    I had the same problem and went to a physical therapist. They diagnosed me with gluteus medius tendonitis. They had me doing a lot of glute exercises to strengthen that area. Also, when you're running you want to make sure you're lifting your knees, to engage your glutes. At least that's what I needed to do. But I agree with everyone else, it would probably be best to go and see a doctor, especially if it doesn't ease up after resting.
  • allymacary
    allymacary Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone! I do stretch very consistently, I've had problems in the past when I don't. If it doesn't get better by next week I'll bite the bullet and go to the damn doctor. Gah, just don't wanna spend the $$$
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    In the mean time of getting to the Dr - work on hip strengthening activities. I do Brazil Butt Lift as my main cross training routine, it's helped my hips and knees be pain free.
  • yecatsmn
    yecatsmn Posts: 54 Member
    I'd go see a Chiro. Most insurance companies cover a certain amount of visits if it is medically relevant. Which it is.

    I'm a soon to be Chiropractor and it sounds to me like either an ITB or Glut Med problem. Pretty common in runners. In fact, I just treated someone with a similar issue with adjustments, graston, and ultrasound. She is doing almost 100% after a few treatments. The doctor in me wants to asks so many questions to you about it, but i'll restrain :D

    If you don't want to go then do some strengthening/stretching. Strengthen your hip adductors, stretch your hip abductors and hip flexors.
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