Snacking--What are your thoughts?

I've been diligently posting my food consumption throughout the day, but I have realized that the majority of my calories fall under the "Snack" category. It got me thinking about what defines a snack or differentiates it from breakfast, lunch & dinner. What are your thoughts? How do you break down the meal occasions?


  • cwanek726
    cwanek726 Posts: 98 Member
    I generally stick to 3 'larger' meals per day, and have a morning and afternoon snack, and have another entry for pre/post workout. Ideally, it would mean breakfast around 8, morning snack at about 10, lunch at 12, afternoon snack at 3, pre/post workout after I get home from work and then the gym (usually around 5:30 and 7 pm) and then dinner at 8. My snacks are generally under 200 calories each and I look for something with a good amount of fiber and protein to keep me from getting hungry.

    Feel free to look at my food diary, it's open.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You can customize your food diary however you want. I've seen some folks post set theirs up with specific meal times or have a morning snack and an afternoon snack. I personally just left it as is. Some days I have 3 different "meals" in the morning (my protein scoop when I get up at 6am, scrambled eggs around 8am then oatmeal around 9:30) but put them all under breakfast even though technically one could call the oatmeal a mid morning snack. I also get lazy and if I know something's already in my recent foods in lunch, I'll post it under lunch eventhough technicall it's a snack.

    IMHO, it doesn't matter one bit as long as you stay in your calorie range!
  • My personal opinions on snacking, which I've had to be aware of cutting back on myself, is to use them when necessary to hold me over until the next meal. I bring them to work with me in case, but I don't always use them. Being that I sit at a desk all day, it's easy to snack while I work. I found that when I planned my whole date out on the food tracker first when making my lunch, if I noticed my snacks were too high, I would try to adjust them.

    I keep my snacks to carbs and proteins. I usually munch on raw veggies with some sort of protein. Veggies being your carb and then your choice of protein. Hummus or salsa can make good dipping choices. I also will do hard boiled eggs or a protein shake for a snack.

    What are your reasons for snacking? Are your meals too small in calories you're needing more snacks in between? How often do you eat during the day?
  • I also agree with MinnieInMaine, as long as your within your calorie range, there really is no "right" or "wrong" way.

    You just have to find your balance. Healthy eating is not a one size fits all. Find what makes you happy and satisfied.