ChaLEAN Extreme - Start now done for Xmas !!



  • Sagetheplace
    Sagetheplace Posts: 74 Member
    I just finished week 2 of the push phase and I am loving it!
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    I just finished week 2 of the push phase and I am loving it!

    How much heavier did you need for push?
  • bluelena
    bluelena Posts: 304 Member
    I'm doing Turbo Jam right now and running 2-3 days a week. I have both CLX and TF and I think I'm going to jump in with both feet and start the hybrid schedule on the 9th or so when I get back from vacation.

    For those of you that have done CLX and Turbo Fire - Is this a good idea? Or should I stick with one or the other (TF or CLX) and then combine them later?
  • Princess_Sameen
    Princess_Sameen Posts: 284 Member
    I am on my third week!! I love it feel free to add me :-)
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    anyone ?

    Hey girl...I did one round...some of my progress pics are in my profile. Am planning on doing Round #2 when I'm done P90X in a few weeks. LOOOOOOVE chaLEAN Extreme!
  • Since I am training for a marathon that is in 23 days.. I have decided to do phase one for 2 more weeks. Then I will have to take two weeks off to rest before race and then recover!

    HOW is everyone else doing?

    I am a BEACHBODY coach so let me know if you have any questions!
  • Heather1899
    Heather1899 Posts: 179 Member
    I am on my second Week of Burn!! I found my set on for only $50 and I thought that was great. It didn't come with the band or callipers though, but I didn't care.
    I just upgraded and got some adjustable dumbbells that go up to 40 this should keep me busy until the new year! Next on my wish list is Turbo Fire.
    This all started when I found Turbo Jam dvds at a thrift shop for $3 each...
    If anyone wants to "Friend Me" feel free to!
  • Missyelliotfan33
    Missyelliotfan33 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm starting it Monday! I am doing a hybrid of that and then insanity in between! I am soo ready to get some weight off before Christmas!
  • I've done it in the past. (before having my 4th kid :) )
    I'm starting Push phase on October 14th, finishing up another program now and skipping Burn.
  • Sagetheplace
    Sagetheplace Posts: 74 Member
    I am using 29 pounds on some exercises like squats, and am only in week 2 and thinking I might be able to go heavier by week 4 but we will see.
  • I'm starting it Monday! I am doing a hybrid of that and then insanity in between! I am soo ready to get some weight off before Christmas!

    Girl hybrid with those two video's you will see great things!!! :)
  • Alioops831
    Alioops831 Posts: 207 Member
    I'm starting Week 3 (Burn) today and I've already noticed that it isn't so hard to do lunges and pushups anymore.
  • dlbinin
    dlbinin Posts: 66 Member
    Hi everyone! I just started October 1st with ChaLean Extreme. I hope to have good results. I only have about 10 lbs to lose; however, being realistic, if the inches come off I am ok with weight where ever it needs to be. I do have a question, why do so many people choose to do a "hybrid" with CLX? Does the program alone not give the results?
  • Alioops831
    Alioops831 Posts: 207 Member
    How much weight do you all use for the different exercises? I go from 3 lbs (warm up weight) to 10 lbs. I have 12 lb dumbells, but I'm not quite ready for those yet.
  • Hi everyone! I just started October 1st with ChaLean Extreme. I hope to have good results. I only have about 10 lbs to lose; however, being realistic, if the inches come off I am ok with weight where ever it needs to be. I do have a question, why do so many people choose to do a "hybrid" with CLX? Does the program alone not give the results?

    You should be fine doing this alone! I would maybe add in some cardio training too. I think a lot of people like doing a hybrid because it keeps them changing things up. I did the program with a hybrid with turbo fire but I honestly think you will get the results without doing it! Lift heavy, eat right and it should workout like it should!!!!
  • How much weight do you all use for the different exercises? I go from 3 lbs (warm up weight) to 10 lbs. I have 12 lb dumbells, but I'm not quite ready for those yet.

    Everyone ability is different. I go all the way up to 30 pounds but I been lifting for years. Just do what YOU can do remember to push yourself! You will see results faster if you do that! :) Good Luck girl!
  • Burn intervals is probably one of my favorite workout that is on the series! Does anyone else like Burn Intervals? I know can listen to my IPOD and do the workout since I have been doing it so long! :) Happy lifting
  • w292737
    w292737 Posts: 25
    I just ordered mine today!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Hi everyone! I just started October 1st with ChaLean Extreme. I hope to have good results. I only have about 10 lbs to lose; however, being realistic, if the inches come off I am ok with weight where ever it needs to be. I do have a question, why do so many people choose to do a "hybrid" with CLX? Does the program alone not give the results?

    Not sure - I do the weights part of it but am training for a race so I substitute the cardio CD's with my running...Halfway into the Push circuit, and planning on repeating the full program once running season is over - but then include the cardio workouts twice a week instead of running 3-4 times a week with the weight part.....
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    How much weight do you all use for the different exercises? I go from 3 lbs (warm up weight) to 10 lbs. I have 12 lb dumbells, but I'm not quite ready for those yet.
    Absolutely up to you - work your way up safely and slowly.....

    I do warm-up with 10lbs and the deadlifts and squats with 2x40lbs or 35lbs....(in the push circuit) Upper body is up to 15-25lbs....But I've been lifting (as heavy as I can:laugh: ) for over six months now....
    I do find that I started with lighter weights than I was used too, simply because she does it extremely SLOW and with emphasis on form...which is good!