Really getting irritated... No weight change in weeks...



  • scrapfrfun
    I pretty much eat homemade dinners with fresh meats and vegetables. I don't really even do any frozen stuff except the occasional bag of vegetables. Nothing canned.

    I have seen some other sites that suggest I might need more calories. I've been trying to increase slowly, but my biggest fear is I'm still not getting enough exercise.

    I have no idea what a macro minimum is...

    Dude, am 5'3 and weigh 108 lbs and I eat 1700 cals a day plus my exercise calories back. You need to raise your calorie intake. I promise you will not gain weight but eating more.
    I was on 1200 per day for a long time and went no where, then I upped to 1400, then 1500 then 1600 and kept losing. I promise if teeny tiny me lost at 1600, then you will not gain eating that amount

    Go to this site and caculate your total daily energy expenditure, and yes, it is going to be much higher than you think it is going to be. After you get that number, subtract 500 from it and that should be how many calories you eat per day.

    I mean come on, its worth a try right? Its way better than saying eff it and going to McDonalds.

    Good Lord, I entered my statistics in here and subtracted the 500 number from it and that means I would have to be eating just over 2500 yeah, I don't think so!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I pretty much eat homemade dinners with fresh meats and vegetables. I don't really even do any frozen stuff except the occasional bag of vegetables. Nothing canned.

    I have seen some other sites that suggest I might need more calories. I've been trying to increase slowly, but my biggest fear is I'm still not getting enough exercise.

    I have no idea what a macro minimum is...

    Dude, am 5'3 and weigh 108 lbs and I eat 1700 cals a day plus my exercise calories back. You need to raise your calorie intake. I promise you will not gain weight but eating more.
    I was on 1200 per day for a long time and went no where, then I upped to 1400, then 1500 then 1600 and kept losing. I promise if teeny tiny me lost at 1600, then you will not gain eating that amount

    Go to this site and caculate your total daily energy expenditure, and yes, it is going to be much higher than you think it is going to be. After you get that number, subtract 500 from it and that should be how many calories you eat per day.

    I mean come on, its worth a try right? Its way better than saying eff it and going to McDonalds.

    Good Lord, I entered my statistics in here and subtracted the 500 number from it and that means I would have to be eating just over 2500 yeah, I don't think so!

    Why not? So your TDEE says you burn 3000 calories a day and you refuse to believe you can lose weight by eating 2500 per day? To each his own but hopefully, some where along this journey, you will find that food is your friend and eating is very important to maintain good health and nutrition.

    Feel free to look at my diary and my pictures. You will see that eating, and eating lots (all be it I eat darn healthy food) has not hurt me in the least. I am also 44 years old, so its not like I have one of those young metabolisms or something.

    Its your life, you are quite welcome to do with it what you wish. I shall go about mine eating healthy, getting exercise and continuing to allow myself to be educated with simple facts
  • scrapfrfun
    I pretty much eat homemade dinners with fresh meats and vegetables. I don't really even do any frozen stuff except the occasional bag of vegetables. Nothing canned.

    I have seen some other sites that suggest I might need more calories. I've been trying to increase slowly, but my biggest fear is I'm still not getting enough exercise.

    I have no idea what a macro minimum is...

    Dude, am 5'3 and weigh 108 lbs and I eat 1700 cals a day plus my exercise calories back. You need to raise your calorie intake. I promise you will not gain weight but eating more.
    I was on 1200 per day for a long time and went no where, then I upped to 1400, then 1500 then 1600 and kept losing. I promise if teeny tiny me lost at 1600, then you will not gain eating that amount

    Go to this site and caculate your total daily energy expenditure, and yes, it is going to be much higher than you think it is going to be. After you get that number, subtract 500 from it and that should be how many calories you eat per day.

    I mean come on, its worth a try right? Its way better than saying eff it and going to McDonalds.

    Good Lord, I entered my statistics in here and subtracted the 500 number from it and that means I would have to be eating just over 2500 yeah, I don't think so!

    Why not? So your TDEE says you burn 3000 calories a day and you refuse to believe you can lose weight by eating 2500 per day? To each his own but hopefully, some where along this journey, you will find that food is your friend and eating is very important to maintain good health and nutrition.

    Feel free to look at my diary and my pictures. You will see that eating, and eating lots (all be it I eat darn healthy food) has not hurt me in the least. I am also 44 years old, so its not like I have one of those young metabolisms or something.

    Its your life, you are quite welcome to do with it what you wish. I shall go about mine eating healthy, getting exercise and continuing to allow myself to be educated with simple facts

    There is no way that I could eat that many calories in a day, I average right around 1600 - 1700 calories and sometimes have a tough time eating all of those. I am 45 and I know that food is my friend, I don't starve myself, I eat healthy and some days I have a cheat day. I exercise 5 - 6 times a week and have both cardio and weight training in there.

    Just to let you know I wasn't being nasty in the first reply to you just simply stating, but that is how you replied and I don't think it was necessary. Feel free to step off your soap box anytime......everybody's body is different and we are not all made out of the same piece of wood.
  • HMToomey
    HMToomey Posts: 276

    There is no way that I could eat that many calories in a day, I average right around 1600 - 1700 calories and sometimes have a tough time eating all of those. I am 45 and I know that food is my friend, I don't starve myself, I eat healthy and some days I have a cheat day. I exercise 5 - 6 times a week and have both cardio and weight training in there.

    Just to let you know I wasn't being nasty in the first reply to you just simply stating, but that is how you replied and I don't think it was necessary. Feel free to step off your soap box anytime......everybody's body is different and we are not all made out of the same piece of wood.

    If you eat a lot of low cal or diet things you could easily switch it up for some regular things and still make calorie goals without adding additional foods in. Sugar in your coffee instead of an artificial sweetener, real butter instead of fake ones, regular salad dressings, peanut butter... Pick more calorie dense foods that can get you to that number without making you feel over stuffed by lunch.
  • scrapfrfun

    There is no way that I could eat that many calories in a day, I average right around 1600 - 1700 calories and sometimes have a tough time eating all of those. I am 45 and I know that food is my friend, I don't starve myself, I eat healthy and some days I have a cheat day. I exercise 5 - 6 times a week and have both cardio and weight training in there.

    Just to let you know I wasn't being nasty in the first reply to you just simply stating, but that is how you replied and I don't think it was necessary. Feel free to step off your soap box anytime......everybody's body is different and we are not all made out of the same piece of wood.

    If you eat a lot of low cal or diet things you could easily switch it up for some regular things and still make calorie goals without adding additional foods in. Sugar in your coffee instead of an artificial sweetener, real butter instead of fake ones, regular salad dressings, peanut butter... Pick more calorie dense foods that can get you to that number without making you feel over stuffed by lunch.

    Already do that.....full fat cheese, 2% milk, real sugar, etc...........I did WW and my caloric intake was about the same on there as it is on here right about 1700 calories. Sticking with that right now and if I end up with issues I will go to a dietician and have them tell me what or where I need to make changes
  • citizencrp
    citizencrp Posts: 228 Member
    I had luck increasing my water intake. FOR REAL.

    I had not lost in a few weeks and hadn't changed anything diet/exercise wise.
    Getting frustrated and mentally panicking a bit, I decided to experiment with a few things that I've seen people recommend here in the forums for breaking through plateaus.

    I picked the easiest thing first:
    I increased my water intake. I ALWAYS get at least 6 glasses of water a day--often 8. But I started to make sure I got AT LEAST 8, sometimes 10-12 and I tried to spread it out throughout the day.
    I've lost 4 lbs in 10 days since i started that, so I think it really helps.
    I also changed my log to start showing me sodium so I can know when I'm getting too much--those days, I aim for 10+ glasses of water to flush out the salt.
    It may not be all fat I'm losing but seeing the scale move again is hugely motivating and I feel better.
    It's worth a shot.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I pretty much eat homemade dinners with fresh meats and vegetables. I don't really even do any frozen stuff except the occasional bag of vegetables. Nothing canned.

    I have seen some other sites that suggest I might need more calories. I've been trying to increase slowly, but my biggest fear is I'm still not getting enough exercise.

    I have no idea what a macro minimum is...

    Dude, am 5'3 and weigh 108 lbs and I eat 1700 cals a day plus my exercise calories back. You need to raise your calorie intake. I promise you will not gain weight but eating more.
    I was on 1200 per day for a long time and went no where, then I upped to 1400, then 1500 then 1600 and kept losing. I promise if teeny tiny me lost at 1600, then you will not gain eating that amount

    Go to this site and caculate your total daily energy expenditure, and yes, it is going to be much higher than you think it is going to be. After you get that number, subtract 500 from it and that should be how many calories you eat per day.

    I mean come on, its worth a try right? Its way better than saying eff it and going to McDonalds.

    Good Lord, I entered my statistics in here and subtracted the 500 number from it and that means I would have to be eating just over 2500 yeah, I don't think so!

    Why not? So your TDEE says you burn 3000 calories a day and you refuse to believe you can lose weight by eating 2500 per day? To each his own but hopefully, some where along this journey, you will find that food is your friend and eating is very important to maintain good health and nutrition.

    Feel free to look at my diary and my pictures. You will see that eating, and eating lots (all be it I eat darn healthy food) has not hurt me in the least. I am also 44 years old, so its not like I have one of those young metabolisms or something.

    Its your life, you are quite welcome to do with it what you wish. I shall go about mine eating healthy, getting exercise and continuing to allow myself to be educated with simple facts

    There is no way that I could eat that many calories in a day, I average right around 1600 - 1700 calories and sometimes have a tough time eating all of those. I am 45 and I know that food is my friend, I don't starve myself, I eat healthy and some days I have a cheat day. I exercise 5 - 6 times a week and have both cardio and weight training in there.

    Just to let you know I wasn't being nasty in the first reply to you just simply stating, but that is how you replied and I don't think it was necessary. Feel free to step off your soap box anytime......everybody's body is different and we are not all made out of the same piece of wood.

    I have no idea why you felt it necessary to make a response then to me and the way you ended it, yeah, it sounded a bit nasty to me, or that is the way I took it. But as far as the soap box thing goes, I shall not and will not EVER step off my soap box, it is part of who I am and it is how I help change peoples lives daily. :smile:

    Eating that many calories is not hard at all, nut, avocado, sweet potatoes, quinoa and steel cut oats are things that can be high calorie that are good for us. Even adding 1/4 of mixed nuts is 220 calories, that is an easy way to up them, and a yummy way if you eat an apple with them.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    So, last week I upped my calorie goal and I will test it for 10 days (because I typically eat lower carb than I am now and I do not want to gain too much if the higer carb is truly bad for my body type). I will get on the scale on october 10th to see if there is any difference. If I do not gain weight, I will continue on this plan for 30 days and weigh again. I just hope this approach gets me off my plateau. You can add me if you want to see my results...maybe you want to test it out for yourself?

    3 weeks is normally the number that I have seen most people who have done this recommend for testing. 10 days likely will not be enough time to give your body a chance to adjust. Depending upon how fat you up your calories and by how many you may even gain weight the first week(s). Just don't give up so soon if you don't see any change.
  • Mathguy1
    Mathguy1 Posts: 207 Member
    Without looking at your diary and the numbers, and blah blah blah, my guess is that you are underestimating your portion size.

    I dont know what MFP uses as a "Serving size" for home cooked recipes, but I would think that a serving size will be between 3-4 oz. For steak, chicken, etc. that is the size of a deck of playing cards.

    I recommend buying a scale to weigh your portions. Also, get a deck of playing cards and keep the box in the kitchen to remind yourself how large a serving size is (or at least how much 3-4 oz looks like for meats).
  • PennyHarris123
    PennyHarris123 Posts: 159 Member
    sorry i'm pretty new to all this and been looking at my tdee calculator which says i need 2431 cals a day ( i exercise about 6-7 times a week) that would mean i should eat about 1900 cals per day? mfp says 1200 and then you eat your cals back.....i don't get to eat them back always when i exercise so do you change the goal in mfp and ignore exercise cals - not eat them back? sorry this is all a learning curve....thanks :bigsmile:
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm in the same situation so I don't have any "This WILL work!" advice BUT- what I have found is that what worked for me at first no longer works. I lost 24 lbs by simply eating better...I didn't avoid certain foods and didn't work out. That's not enough anymore. Even adding exercise didn't make much difference. To see changes again, I need to make more changes myself, so now I'm trying to eat clean, avoid alcohol, lower my carbs, up my protein, and engage in both cardio AND strength. I know I can't avoid everything forever, but I'm hoping to jumpstart the loss and learn healthier habits so I can be on a better path in the long run.

    My point is- I agree that opening your diary may help. It certainly can't hurt and you might as well try everything you can before giving up. MANY people have been in your position but eventually overcame it by using "trial and error" instead of giving up. You'll need to make changes- it just might take some time, advice, and experimentation before you know what changes will work.
  • Miche11e5
    Miche11e5 Posts: 114 Member
    If you calculate your TDEE and reduce by 20% you do not eat your exercise calories back because they are factored in the TDEE. If you use MFPs (or some other "base") number and add your exercise calories, you eat them back.

    I think that the TDEE method works well for people who either don't exercise or who exercise regularly and have weekly exercise burns that are pretty consistent because with TDEE there is a base calorie amount and then your weekly exercise calories are averaged over the 7 days and added to the base.

    For example, your base (no activity) TDEE is 1300 but over the course of a week you exercise 5 times, burning 400 calories each time (2,000 calories total). 2000/7=285 + 1300 = 1585 TDEE.
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    Let's see the diary.
  • squirmmonster
    squirmmonster Posts: 98 Member
    A lot of people are over-estimating the importance of eating enough. "Starvation mode" is a myth, in a sense. It's actually true, that when you're starving to death, your body gets more efficient at holding onto stuff, but dieters are NOT by ANY MEANS starving. This happens only with true starvation... not with a diet. That is not a popular thing to say around here, but it's true. I feel that some people are probably losing more weight when they eat more, out of the fact that they're not run down. Therefore, they get more impact out of their workouts (it's been studied- people who have eaten within an hour or two of a workout burn way more calories), and because eating a little bit more reduces the inclination to break the diet in the first place. I KNOW that second one is a factor for me, 1000%. A week's worth of deficit can easily be blown away by one big binge day, if you are losing by DIET ONLY. You have to find your place where you can keep your sanity with food, long term.

    I would say that if you are eyeballing your portions, it's time to get an ounce scale and some measuring cups. I find it hard to believe that you're 214 lbs while eating less than 2000 a day, as a man. Don't let these people bully you into thinking you're "not eating enough". If you are not having energy issues, and are not eating junk food, it's probably that you're under-reporting your food intake. As for macros, you may be eating too much protein. That's actually a bad thing, since you're not working out, because your body will break down extra protein to store as fat, just the same way it breaks down and stores extra sugar as fat. That's something low carb diets often fail to tell you.
  • Aquarian
    Aquarian Posts: 1,094 Member
    possible causes

    1. you are eating back your work out calories and taking MFP burn rates as a guide - they are about 30% over stating burn rates hence eating 30% more than you really burnt

    2. you are not weighing and measuring everything - you will be amazed at how bad we are a guess what something weighs.....

  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    I am a 5ft 1 female, 143lbs. and my calorie goal is higher than yours AND I am pretty much sedentary. You need to fuel your body. Eat more.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    I am 46, 5'10" and eat over 2000 calories and lose weight. I think you need to re-evaluate your eating. 1500 is generally accepted as the minimum needed for a male to receive the nutrition needed for the day. You don't have to eat at a huge calorie deficit.

    Second, measure your food portions carefully with a kitchen scale and measuring cups and spoons. Don't estimate or eyeball.
  • jessc4343
    jessc4343 Posts: 214 Member
    bump; great stuff here.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    sorry i'm pretty new to all this and been looking at my tdee calculator which says i need 2431 cals a day ( i exercise about 6-7 times a week) that would mean i should eat about 1900 cals per day? mfp says 1200 and then you eat your cals back.....i don't get to eat them back always when i exercise so do you change the goal in mfp and ignore exercise cals - not eat them back? sorry this is all a learning curve....thanks :bigsmile:

    If you work from TDEE including exercise to create your deficit you do not eat back exercise calories as they are already included. MFP does not include them which is why people should eat them back. I personally prefer including them, and only did not when due to a knee injury exercise was less than regular. My knee has been doing well, so I have gone back to TDEE - 15%.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    You're getting some great advice here, so I'm not going to step on it. But I just wanted to say:
    a) Nice damn car.
    b) I think it's great that even though you said you wouldn't, you did ask for help. That's awesome.
    c) Good luck!