Wheat Belly



  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    So according to you N=1 is greater than all current literature in nutrition?

    Yep. The bestest research is worthless for you if it doesn't work for you. Don't trust anyone telling you what to do. Try it. Stick with it for long enough to see if it is beneficial of not. Drop it if you don't like it. Go on if it doesn't.
    Wanna put your results against mine?

    Female, post child-birth. Dropped 30 lbs with high carb-low fat diet and 3+ hours cardio/bootcamps a day post pg. Got sick as heck, including wanting an orange peel from a trash can, unable to stay full on caloric limit; started regaining weight. Dropped processed grains. Felt immediately better. Over the next couple years moved more and more towards nothing but meat, fats and vegetables. Fixed high blood sugar. Stopped being dizzy, disoriented and maddeningly hungry every time I went without food for 2 hrs. Hold weight in low 120's, lifting 4x a week and throwing in HIT 2-3x a week & moving slowly as much as I can. Regained muscular mass in the upper body. Stopped looking like I ran away from a concentration camp on top, while still sporting huge thighs at the bottom. Go sick & gain uncontrollably every time I eat grains or sugars. My calories to get satiated go up by 300-600 cals a day when I eat grains/sugars.

    My N=1 is that no grains/no sugar is the only way I can manage my hunger, my weight, train and not go mad with hunger and deprivation. Grains are not my friend, even the benign rice.

    Because I tried different things, I know what I know.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    So according to you N=1 is greater than all current literature in nutrition?

    Yep. The bestest research is worthless for you if it doesn't work for you. Don't trust anyone telling you what to do. Try it. Stick with it for long enough to see if it is beneficial of not. Drop it if you don't like it. Go on if it doesn't.
    Wanna put your results against mine?

    Because I tried different things, I know what I know.

    You were able to control for all potential confounders?
  • yspen42
    yspen42 Posts: 285 Member
    I have heard alot about this book and I have it on hold at the library...I was told there is a lot of information in it that is stopping us from losing the fat that is in our belly area.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    So according to you N=1 is greater than all current literature in nutrition?

    Yep. The bestest research is worthless for you if it doesn't work for you. Don't trust anyone telling you what to do. Try it. Stick with it for long enough to see if it is beneficial of not. Drop it if you don't like it. Go on if it doesn't.
    Wanna put your results against mine?

    Female, post child-birth. Dropped 30 lbs with high carb-low fat diet and 3+ hours cardio/bootcamps a day post pg. Got sick as heck, including wanting an orange peel from a trash can. Dropped processed grains. Felt immediately better. Over the next couple years moved more and more towards nothing but meat, fats and vegetables. Fixed high blood sugar. Stopped being dizzy, disoriented and maddeningly hungry every time I went without food for 2 hrs. Hold weight in low 120's, lifting 4x a week and throwing in HIT 2-3x a week & moving slowly as much as I can. Go sick & gain uncontrollably every time I eat grains or sugars.

    My N=1 is that no grains/no sugar is the only way I can manage my hunger, my weight, train and not go mad with hunger and deprivation. Grains are not my friend, even the benign rice.

    Because I tried different things, I know what I know.

    But, and I only say this based on what you yourself have said, that's all meaningless because it worked for you. No one should trust what you're telling them.

    And I would have suggested that instead of low-fat, high carb with 3+ hours of intense cardio every single day to the point where you were ill and starving I'd simply:

    Eat the calories recommended to a person by MFP, exercise 30 minutes a day 4-5 times a week. Period.

    Sounds to me like you followed a bad plan with a slightly more reasonable one and now you're pretending it's the only thing that works.

    You should have tried moderation.

    Disclaimer because you always have to in this debate: If you have a special condition that requires this type of diet by all means it is the best thing for you. That does not mean a person without that condition needs to eliminate entire food groups also.
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    You were able to control for all potential confounders?

    No. But hunger increase when eating sugar/grains is so significant, minor deviations do not impact the results.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Davis is given to sensationalism, but he is right on the money that grain makes you gain. I think absolutely everyone should try to go clean-food only, grain-less and legume-less for 6 weeks and see the difference for themselves.

    I eat grains and legumes (lots and lots of legumes). I feel fine, I look fine, my doctor says I'm fine, and I have no disease risk factors that are within my control. Why would I want to see a difference?
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    And I would have suggested that instead of low-fat, high carb with 3+ hours of intense cardio every single day to the point where you were ill and starving I'd simply:

    Eat the calories recommended to a person by MFP, exercise 30 minutes a day 4-5 times a week. Period.

    Sounds to me like you followed a bad plan with a slightly more reasonable one and now you're pretending it's the only thing that works.

    You should have tried moderation.

    Did that. Moderation = slowly regaining to the weight right back to the over-weight line where I started after pg. I did not want to be overweight. I am much more comfortable here. Now I hold the same weight I had to go sick on grain-based diet without much problems and my body comp is better. It is not easy. It is never easy, but it is much better. I can be reasonable without grain. I have to be unreasonable with it.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    This comes up pretty regularly on the forums and I gotta say, I think this guy is full of it, which is usually the case with people who claim some unique scientific discovery. That said... wheat is highly calorie-dense like all the other staple foods.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I'm a coeliac no gluten/wheat for me at all but I've still managed to put on over 7 stone. Cutting out what may work for some people but its not the golden answer.
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    I eat grains and legumes (lots and lots of legumes). I feel fine, I look fine, my doctor says I'm fine, and I have no disease risk factors that are within my control. Why would I want to see a difference?

    I did not intend this statement for those experiencing perfect contentment with their health and aesthetics when I made this statement. I stand corrected.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    And I would have suggested that instead of low-fat, high carb with 3+ hours of intense cardio every single day to the point where you were ill and starving I'd simply:

    Eat the calories recommended to a person by MFP, exercise 30 minutes a day 4-5 times a week. Period.

    Sounds to me like you followed a bad plan with a slightly more reasonable one and now you're pretending it's the only thing that works.

    You should have tried moderation.

    Did that. Moderation = slowly regaining to the weight right back to the over-weight line where I started after pg. I did not want to be overweight. I am much more comfortable here. Now I hold the same weight I had to go sick on grain-based diet without much problems and my body comp is better. It is not easy. It is never easy, but it is much better. I can be reasonable without grain. I have to be unreasonable with it.

    So you reduced your calorie consumption, exercised, and gained weight?

    Honestly just asking. And I apologize for being skeptical, but I am. Sometimes people say "moderation" but mean "I ate whatever I wanted and stopped exercising", then they blame "moderation" for not working.
  • timp1234
    timp1234 Posts: 1 Member
    I think the refined products are junk. I make wheat bread (simple recipe) by grinding my own wheat and make the bread from scratch; this way I know what I am eating in my bread. I think pretty much all the bread you buy in the store contains fillers and refined/bleached wheat flour which makes it empty calories/carbs. Really, there is no difference in saltine crackers and a slice of store bought bread. Just my opinion.
  • Gentyl
    Gentyl Posts: 184 Member
    Three weeks ago I cut out all grains from my diet because I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and my scale hadn't moved for FIVE months, even on a faithful 1200 calorie diet with exercise. Here I am, 3 weeks later... my blood sugar is in the 70s and 80s (It used to be in the 300s, and normal is 70 to 110, and will soon change to 83 - 88), I've lost 13 pounds, my eczema is completely gone, I have much more energy; I feel better than I have in many, many years. For a couple of days, I went back to the higher carb diet with grains, and I felt like death.

    You only have a limited life-time supply of beta cells, people... these cells control and store insulin. You need insulin to regulate those carbs. They do not regenerate significantly. Don't let what happened to me happen to you. Yes, moderation is the key.. be very moderate... at the very least, cut back on the breads.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I think the refined products are junk. I make wheat bread (simple recipe) by grinding my own wheat and make the bread from scratch; this way I know what I am eating in my bread. I think pretty much all the bread you buy in the store contains fillers and refined/bleached wheat flour which makes it empty calories/carbs. Really, there is no difference in saltine crackers and a slice of store bought bread. Just my opinion.

    Do you make your own yeast too and do you use any fats in your bread that you render or make yourself?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I think the refined products are junk. I make wheat bread (simple recipe) by grinding my own wheat and make the bread from scratch; this way I know what I am eating in my bread. I think pretty much all the bread you buy in the store contains fillers and refined/bleached wheat flour which makes it empty calories/carbs. Really, there is no difference in saltine crackers and a slice of store bought bread. Just my opinion.

    Do you really think store brought 100% wholemeal bread is no different than saltine crackers (which are also available in whole wheat BTW)? Or are you unaware that stores now sell wholemeal bread?
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I think the refined products are junk. I make wheat bread (simple recipe) by grinding my own wheat and make the bread from scratch; this way I know what I am eating in my bread. I think pretty much all the bread you buy in the store contains fillers and refined/bleached wheat flour which makes it empty calories/carbs. Really, there is no difference in saltine crackers and a slice of store bought bread. Just my opinion.

    Its hard to make sammiches with saltine crackers though, too small and brittle
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    Honestly just asking. And I apologize for being skeptical, but I am. Sometimes people say "moderation" but mean "I ate whatever I wanted and stopped exercising", then they blame "moderation" for not working.

    I am a rule stickler. I counted my calories. I never touched anything white or that had sugar (no, no, it was all artificially sweetened! 0 calories!). I set macros according to Jillian Michael's 'Making the Cut book. I reduced exercise load, but doing a lot of gardening and walking. I was angling towards 130 lbs from 117 lbs, I shook with hunger. I was sick on 1400-1550 cals a day. I was fighting it for a couple of months. Then I read Hyman's book and dropped processed grains - the very next day the hunger let go.

    Today, I can eat 1300 -1400 cals a day and feel pleasantly full. I can go without food for > 5 hours. I don't wake up at 2 am starved and talk myself to sleep in 2 hours still starved. My hunger signal is not the: Must have FOOD, or I will collapse. GET FOOD!!!!" kind. It is the: "I think I am hungry. Gotta eat some time soon. First, though, I must do this..."

    No sugar, no grains = I got my life back, I am fuller on less calories. If I did not have this goal of becoming an Ageless Goddess and finally draining the 30+ years of the fat stores on my thighs, I would maintain at 1600 cals without any problem whatsoever with the body most people would consider desirable.
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    Its hard to make sammiches with saltine crackers though, too small and brittle

    Yeah, but stuff it all in the red or yellow bell pepper, and win at life in the flavor, nutrients and weight loss department. Pepperandwich for the win.
    Do you really think store brought 100% wholemeal bread is no different than saltine crackers (which are also available in whole wheat BTW)? Or are you unaware that stores now sell wholemeal bread?

    Have you ever read the ingredient list on your whole wheat bread?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Honestly just asking. And I apologize for being skeptical, but I am. Sometimes people say "moderation" but mean "I ate whatever I wanted and stopped exercising", then they blame "moderation" for not working.

    No sugar, no grains = I got my life back, I am fuller on less calories. If I did not have this goal of becoming an Ageless Goddess and finally draining the 30+ years of the fat stores on my thighs, I would maintain at 1600 cals without any problem whatsoever with the body most people would consider desirable.

    So you do or do not eat peppers, which zomg contains sugar, both glucose and evil evil fructose
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    Honestly just asking. And I apologize for being skeptical, but I am. Sometimes people say "moderation" but mean "I ate whatever I wanted and stopped exercising", then they blame "moderation" for not working.

    I am a rule stickler. I counted my calories. I never touched anything white or that had sugar (no, no, it was all artificially sweetened! 0 calories!). I set macros according to Jillian Michael's 'Making the Cut book. I reduced exercise load, but doing a lot of gardening and walking. I was angling towards 130 lbs from 117 lbs, I shook with hunger. I was sick on 1400-1550 cals a day. I was fighting it for a couple of months. Then I read Hyman's book and dropped processed grains - the very next day the hunger let go.

    Today, I can eat 1300 -1400 cals a day and feel pleasantly full. I can go without food for > 5 hours. I don't wake up at 2 am starved and talk myself to sleep in 2 hours still starved. My hunger signal is not the: Must have FOOD, or I will collapse. GET FOOD!!!!" kind. It is the: "I think I am hungry. Gotta eat some time soon. First, though, I must do this..."

    No sugar, no grains = I got my life back, I am fuller on less calories. If I did not have this goal of becoming an Ageless Goddess and finally draining the 30+ years of the fat stores on my thighs, I would maintain at 1600 cals without any problem whatsoever with the body most people would consider desirable.

    Listen I'm happy you found something that works for you. Kudos and I'm not trying to take anything away from you.

    But I'm still a bit mystified.

    So you're eating your 1400-1500 cals and starving. You eliminate carbs, eat less calories and now you're less hungry?

    Like I said, I'm glad it worked for you. I just can't wrap my brain around it. To me it's like saying "I used to be broke, then I got rid of all my $5 bills. Now I have all the cash I'd ever need."