
Hi all!

I joined MFP Before couple of weeks and havent really found any result. I started at 153 lbs, 5'3" and now I am just 1 lb down. I am an indian and I donno where I am going wrong :(.. I need help and motivation from you guys.. My target is to lose 25 lbs in 4-5 months. Please help!!



  • Aswiniraj
    Aswiniraj Posts: 6 Member
    It would be great if someone could help me!!! Thanks :)!
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    Could you make your diary viewable so people can look at it?
  • CincinnatiDEIFan
    CincinnatiDEIFan Posts: 188 Member
    Please start by opening up you food diary so we can see what you may be eating.

    Are you exercising? Drinking a lot of water?

    You can do it, just keep at it!!!! I know this is very frustrating!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    2lbs down in a couple of weeks isn't bad. I'm pretty sure you didn't put the weight on very quickly so why do you expect to see instant results? chances are you're not eating as well as you think you are, aren't drinking enough water, are overestimating calories burned from exercise if you're working out.....
  • justlistening
    justlistening Posts: 249 Member
    Feel free to friend me.

    Being Indian you might want to check your carbs (rice, naan, roti etc.) just because it is a large part of the diet and don't provide much nutrients given the calories. I'm Indian too although I don't eat Indian food regularly.
  • Aswiniraj
    Aswiniraj Posts: 6 Member
    My diary is now open.. Dint log in last couple since we moved into a new house but dint eat anything crazy!! Thanks a lot again!!
  • jrs1008
    jrs1008 Posts: 18 Member
    I think you can go to settings. I think that's how I made my menu/nutrition diary viewable. I'm not sure though, still pretty new to MFP. Welcome, and good luck to you! =)
  • Don't get discouraged. Just track everything and make sure you are eating a good balance of protein as well as carbs and fat. You can do it! Congrats on your new house!
  • kennacoconut
    kennacoconut Posts: 62 Member
    I noticed some days you're under 1000 calories, and other days you are over your goal by quite a bit AND you don't exercise regularly.

    Develop a routine and try to stay within a reasonable range of your calorie goal. Also, make sure you eat enough or your metabolism slows down. And I don't just mean your metabolism burning fat, I mean the energy you have for basic biological functioning.

    Healthy body= weight loss!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    You haven't logged your food for the last 3 days....and the last day you did log was under 1000 cals. This is what you are doing wrong.
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    I looked at your diary and it doesn't look like you logged everything in. You ate plain mung beans cooked only in water with no vegetables, meats, or sauces?

    I think you have to go back and really get serious about what you are logging in your diary. weigh and measure everything and make sure that you are counting all the calories, especially fats.

    Also I saw a lot of sugar on one of the breakfasts. I'm NOT suggesting that you switch to fake stuff. That would be a mistake. But retraining your palate to eat less sweets and more meat and veggies might help.

    I'm not trying to be cruel but trying to tell it like it is, I hope to always be helpful and never hurtful.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Food. Your problem is food.

    You need to learn to eat better and with consistency.

    Focus on fresh foods, exercise every day, only feed your temptation once in awhile (don't eat treats every day!), try to consume foods that have little calories when you are in a snacky mood (carrots, celery, etc), include foods that help you burn fat i.e. hot peppers, make yourself soups for the week (not creamy soups, try water based broth soups), DRINK WATER (half your body weight in ounces per day), try eating smaller meals more frequently, track your food EVERY SINGLE DAY in your diary....

    ....and most importantly, make eating well a habit!
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    what everyone else said

    AND... make sure that you are using measuring cups to measure... 1 ladle isn't always 1 cup (my big ladle is about 1.5 cup and my small one is about 0.75 so when I use the big one I count it as 1.75 and count the small one as 1 because of overfilling... but I measured them to find out for sure before I knew that... when I was just counting them as 1 cup it was a lot less! and some of the soups I eat can be 2-300 calories per cup.... so being almost a full cup over and count 2 ladles full... that could be 400 extra calories!!
  • Kathe2
    Kathe2 Posts: 31 Member
    You need to watch your carbs. I joined a week ago and have lost almost 3 lbs so far because I keep my carb intake below 50 (doctor's orders). Try eating more protein and I am sure you will see results. Good luck!
  • chicadejmu
    chicadejmu Posts: 171 Member
    Okay, check this out: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    And then use this calculator: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    You can change your diary settings to watch sodium and whatever else you want (fiber, sugar, etc). I am not familiar with Indian food, so I have no idea if some of what you're eating is loaded with sodium or not. And be sure to track everything that goes in your mouth. Little bites here and there can really add up.

    Make sure you are exercising and drinking a lot of water. Also, give your body time. It took me several weeks of working it at it to see a loss. And it seems my losses show up in a minimum of 1.5 pound increments. I don't show gradual losses, I show whooshes (really technical term, I know). Seems this is the case for many people.

    So, hang in there and keep at it. Be sure to read those links above.
  • kmf014
    kmf014 Posts: 3 Member
    Well...I went on a cruise and gained 4lbs back. I did ok with my meals but I dranked like a fish. I will never go on a cruise when dieting again. Entirely too much temptation!!!!:drinker:
  • Try taking a walk each day...I started on slow and short and now walk at least an hour every am and the change is my weight is finally noticable...I am only down 8 pounds in 3 weeks but I feel great and seem to have way more energy...drink lots of water and eat smart foods...I used to grab a lunch cake when I needed a snack and now I keep fresh Vegetables cut in the fridge so they are quick and easy snacks. Good luck and just keep at it..I also replaced any potatoes and breads at dinner with a salad...I have learned to eat the salad first that way I am not as hungry..
  • hi!
    are you sure 1200 cal is enought for you? Do you weight or mesure what you eat? How is your fiber and sodium? What about exercice?
    hope we wil be able to help you :)
  • elizabethis
    elizabethis Posts: 155 Member
    I want to emphasize one thing that has been mentioned already........MAKE YOURSELF DRINK THAT WATER! Think of it as medicine and do it when you don't feel like it at all. It will become a habit. I have a hunch that if you drink 64 or more ounces in the next few days, you will see a loss right away. It will help get things going for you. Don't give up.
  • Aswiniraj
    Aswiniraj Posts: 6 Member
    U all are just AWESOME!! thank u so much.. I will def buy measuring cups and scales AND will start excercising regularly..U are a great group of motivators!! I will start eating sensibly.. But sometimes it is very challenging.. Noone hurt me!! :)
    Can someone just me about what measuring devices should I buy??