Crazy things said/done on 1st date!!



  • chocolateandpb
    chocolateandpb Posts: 453 Member
    ROTFL!!! I don't really have any stories to contribute, but please keep them coming. :laugh: I'm about to dip my toe back into the dating pool so these are extra funny to me.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    One guy I dated was telling me how his friend likes to show off his gf and how she is a gold digger. And then he started saying that he wants a gold digger. Really????

    And another time, I laughed in a guy's face when he was leaning over to kiss good night in his car. I wasn't being mean, but he had a big SUV, and there was a big gap/space between the seats and I was slipping off as I was leaning over. Oops.
  • Cat52169
    Cat52169 Posts: 277 Member
    Lmfao......this is gonna be short and sweet. Went to ladies house to go out, she asked if I wanted a sandwich? While she was asking a roach ran across the counter, and she kept cutting her bread like tht was normal. Then I noticed she had dead roaches on the wall in her thermostat. Not to mention her sister was breast feeding while all this was going on. Then she asked where we were going? I said I'm going home!!! I thought I was in the twilight zone

    OMG! MFP so needs a like button!
  • aimee_1410
    On a first date once a guy asked me a load of questions like...

    etc etc

    He was like well you've answered 8/10 right, I guess I can deal with you liking salt and vinegar crisps just as long as you dont eat them in front of me, I like to cry during comedies I hope you dont mind, I cant stand the sight of red sauce so you will ever be allowed eat it in front of me.

    He then asked if I wanted to meet his parents for lunch the next day to which I replied:

    "Eh could you drop me home now??!"......................

  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    New Years eve, we went to a party...all my friends were there, we were mingling & having a good time, right? About 11:30 he says, lets go to the Longhorn, I haven't been there in years! (I'm thinking, yeah b/c its the only place in town that you can get a beer & herpes all at once!) but I was trying to be nice. We went....and joined 2 pathetic individuals who didn't have New Years eve dates! When the clock struck 12, he raised his glass & said Happy New Year, you ready to go home? So let me get this straight, we leave a party where they're about to do fireworks & REALLY start celebrating to come to this hole in the wall dump?!? HELL YES I wanna go home!!!
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    Other than going on a date with a guy who wouldn't shut up and then opposite of that with a guy who wouldn't dare say a word...I really can't say I had anything weird happen. There was one guy who took me out on a date and then as conversation started, I asked AGAIN if he was single (probably wrong timing...but I had asked before we got to the date part). He paused and my eyes got big because right then I knew he wasn't. He said yes that he was married with 4 children. As I stared at him for a moment he leaned over and tried to kiss me. I got up and left.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    New Years eve, we went to a party...all my friends were there, we were mingling & having a good time, right? About 11:30 he says, lets go to the Longhorn, I haven't been there in years! (I'm thinking, yeah b/c its the only place in town that you can get a beer & herpes all at once!) but I was trying to be nice. We went....and joined 2 pathetic individuals who didn't have New Years eve dates! When the clock struck 12, he raised his glass & said Happy New Year, you ready to go home? So let me get this straight, we leave a party where they're about to do fireworks & REALLY start celebrating to come to this hole in the wall dump?!? HELL YES I wanna go home!!!

    I would have asked him to take me back to the party! LOL
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    There was one guy who took me out on a date and then as conversation started, I asked AGAIN if he was single (probably wrong timing...but I had asked before we got to the date part). He paused and my eyes got big because right then I knew he wasn't. He said yes that he was married with 4 children. As I stared at him for a moment he leaned over and tried to kiss me. I got up and left.
    :huh: And you didn't think to ask this before you went on a date?
  • battynat12
    I was on a first date with this guy and we were in his car on the way to dinner. At the stoplight there was a homeless man asking for money. I was raised to always give money to the homeless, so I asked my date to roll down his window. My date looked at me like I had three heads, saying there was no way he was going to do that. So I rolled down my window and gave the homeless man the money. My date was so pissy about the whole thing that I wrote him off there and then.
  • lilmzritz
    lilmzritz Posts: 176
    Known the guy for a while and he asked me to see a movie - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. All throughout the movie, he was really very quiet which is not usually his normal self. After the movie, I was ranting about how awesome the movie was and asked him if he liked it. He said that it was okay and that he didn't really understood the movie because it was in Chinese. I said there were subtitles. He said "I know but I can't really read that fast". Oops!

    Oh, I have another one :)

    Went out with this guy I met online and we went to an arcade. He asked me if I like playing video games and I said I do. He bragged that he's an amazing Tekken player so naturally we went to play Tekken -- beat 3 times in a row and I swear I wasn't even trying! He got so pissed he kicked the Tekken machine really hard and started limping away from me. Then he said he's going to redeem himself so he asked me to play air hockey. Beat him again then he threw the paddle on the floor and walked out. I stayed and used up the rest of the tokens he gave me LOL!
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    There was one guy who took me out on a date and then as conversation started, I asked AGAIN if he was single (probably wrong timing...but I had asked before we got to the date part). He paused and my eyes got big because right then I knew he wasn't. He said yes that he was married with 4 children. As I stared at him for a moment he leaned over and tried to kiss me. I got up and left.
    :huh: And you didn't think to ask this before you went on a date?

    I did..hence the insert of saying I had asked before we got to the date part. He lied the first time and wasn't wearing a wedding ring.
  • HollyAus
    HollyAus Posts: 251 Member
    This might sound kinda lame, but I've really only had one "real" first date. where you meet and go do something then leave, ya know with all the awkward "get to know each other" kinda stuff.

    But my first long term bf and I's first date was going to a movie. I was 16 and he was 19. during the movie I was playing with my hair, like I always do even still, and he asked if I needed something to do with my hands. Then he just held my hand. I really didn't think he wanted to hold hands lol... Then after the movie we went driving downtown (which is something young kids do in western OK, it's all about showing off and flirting and seeing who can get the most numbers lol) and on our first drag, I hear my brother's truck behind us. He pulls up on the drivers side (his side) and yells "Hey man what are you doing?" So my date looks at me and says I'm going to pull in and talk to him for a second." I said "OK but you should know that's my brother" Then I get the whole You are ____ ____'s little sister!!??? My brother parked and got out of the pick up and says "Hey what are you doin?...." See's me "... With my Sister?!?" It was hilarious

    A little back story: I live in a very rural area and went to a VERY small school and played sports so I knew a LOT of other people from all the other little schools. My brother knew more people. I never met someone that didn't know my brother. So I was always the "little sister" it honestly cost me a few dates cause my brother is about 6'6'' 240# and built like a train. Everyone knew my brother and wouldn't risk making him mad by dating me lol
  • vikingchix
    vikingchix Posts: 105 Member
    I let my mother set me up ONCE.....

    Mom said that he was tall, dark and drove a sports car. I was game...sounded like fun.

    We will just say that he was definately tall (wayyyy over 6 feet tall...but...was all of about 120 pounds!!!) I had a rule back then, never go out with a guy who has a butt smaller than gets worse....the "sports car" was a canary yellow somthing (I swear I have blocked it out, just because you paint your car yellow does not make it a sports car)....picks me up wearing a suit and enough Polo cologne to choke a horse. Get in the car....tells me to pick out some music....I love music...but 80's "hairbands" hold a special place for me.....Ummmm??? All he listened to was christian music....I asked if he had anything "edgier" Soooo....I got to listen to Stryper, with the windows down....all the way to Fridays. We go in....waiter comes up, asks if we want something to drink? I say great....and order up a beer. My date.....he said he does not drink....ever. Ummmm???? Great....We comes. He asks if I mind if we pray before eating....I am thinking a quiet, bow your head thing....nope....grab hands and loudly pray. I wanted to crawl under the table....

    Ride home was quiet....I almost ran into the house....and I was back before 8:00PM.

    Never again would I let me mom set me up......
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Went on a date with a tall, slender girl, model good looks that I'd met at work.
    Bottom line was she was so slender because "she just didn't much care for food."

    No second date. I don't date space aliens.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    There was one guy who took me out on a date and then as conversation started, I asked AGAIN if he was single (probably wrong timing...but I had asked before we got to the date part). He paused and my eyes got big because right then I knew he wasn't. He said yes that he was married with 4 children. As I stared at him for a moment he leaned over and tried to kiss me. I got up and left.
    :huh: And you didn't think to ask this before you went on a date?

    I did..hence the insert of saying I had asked before we got to the date part. He lied the first time and wasn't wearing a wedding ring.
    What a sleaze! Was he wearing the ring on your date?
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I was on a first date with this guy and we were in his car on the way to dinner. At the stoplight there was a homeless man asking for money. I was raised to always give money to the homeless, so I asked my date to roll down his window. My date looked at me like I had three heads, saying there was no way he was going to do that. So I rolled down my window and gave the homeless man the money. My date was so pissy about the whole thing that I wrote him off there and then.
    I was out with this guy and a homeless man asked if we wanted to buy a copy of The Big Issue (magazine). My date was really rude to the poor fellow and started crapping on about 'people like that ......'. What about treating a fellow human being less fortunate than ourselves with some respect! I wrote him off there and then too.
  • BronnersHarris
    BronnersHarris Posts: 247 Member
    I let my mother set me up ONCE.....

    Mom said that he was tall, dark and drove a sports car. I was game...sounded like fun.

    We will just say that he was definately tall (wayyyy over 6 feet tall...but...was all of about 120 pounds!!!) I had a rule back then, never go out with a guy who has a butt smaller than gets worse....the "sports car" was a canary yellow somthing (I swear I have blocked it out, just because you paint your car yellow does not make it a sports car)....picks me up wearing a suit and enough Polo cologne to choke a horse. Get in the car....tells me to pick out some music....I love music...but 80's "hairbands" hold a special place for me.....Ummmm??? All he listened to was christian music....I asked if he had anything "edgier" Soooo....I got to listen to Stryper, with the windows down....all the way to Fridays. We go in....waiter comes up, asks if we want something to drink? I say great....and order up a beer. My date.....he said he does not drink....ever. Ummmm???? Great....We comes. He asks if I mind if we pray before eating....I am thinking a quiet, bow your head thing....nope....grab hands and loudly pray. I wanted to crawl under the table....

    Ride home was quiet....I almost ran into the house....and I was back before 8:00PM.

    Never again would I let me mom set me up......

  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I let my mother set me up ONCE.....

    Mom said that he was tall, dark and drove a sports car. I was game...sounded like fun.

    We will just say that he was definately tall (wayyyy over 6 feet tall...but...was all of about 120 pounds!!!) I had a rule back then, never go out with a guy who has a butt smaller than gets worse....the "sports car" was a canary yellow somthing (I swear I have blocked it out, just because you paint your car yellow does not make it a sports car)....picks me up wearing a suit and enough Polo cologne to choke a horse. Get in the car....tells me to pick out some music....I love music...but 80's "hairbands" hold a special place for me.....Ummmm??? All he listened to was christian music....I asked if he had anything "edgier" Soooo....I got to listen to Stryper, with the windows down....all the way to Fridays. We go in....waiter comes up, asks if we want something to drink? I say great....and order up a beer. My date.....he said he does not drink....ever. Ummmm???? Great....We comes. He asks if I mind if we pray before eating....I am thinking a quiet, bow your head thing....nope....grab hands and loudly pray. I wanted to crawl under the table....

    Ride home was quiet....I almost ran into the house....and I was back before 8:00PM.

    Never again would I let me mom set me up......
    This is my favourite story!!!!!!
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Oh, to tell a story on myself.

    Went on a date with a girl who lived in the country at the end of a very long driveway. On the way out, her dog started barking and chasing my car. I ended up running over it.

    Yea, killed her dog. That didn't end well for any of us.
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    There was one guy who took me out on a date and then as conversation started, I asked AGAIN if he was single (probably wrong timing...but I had asked before we got to the date part). He paused and my eyes got big because right then I knew he wasn't. He said yes that he was married with 4 children. As I stared at him for a moment he leaned over and tried to kiss me. I got up and left.
    :huh: And you didn't think to ask this before you went on a date?

    I did..hence the insert of saying I had asked before we got to the date part. He lied the first time and wasn't wearing a wedding ring.
    What a sleaze! Was he wearing the ring on your date?

    Nope, but he felt bad and somehow I felt the need to ask him then when I asked him on the date he finally fessed up. Weird that I felt I should ask again.