Crazy things said/done on 1st date!!



  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    I went out w/ this guy my friend knew from college,...he picked me up in a sweeet ride!(& I'm not even into cars),..but this was a classic..just beautiful,well, he blasted the music to where my ears hurt!!! & then asked me questions ...all the while I said huh??..we get to the dinner for coffe/dessert ,..and he starts telling me his life story,adopted from Africa,..witnessed horific things as a child,..etc...So, I'm being polite but on the inside cringing!!,..then he says ,.".I feel like a white man traped in a blk mans body"...I could'nt say check please! quick enough!!!-never saw'em again,wheeeew!
  • HollyAus
    HollyAus Posts: 251 Member
    Oh, to tell a story on myself.

    Went on a date with a girl who lived in the country at the end of a very long driveway. On the way out, her dog started barking and chasing my car. I ended up running over it.

    Yea, killed her dog. That didn't end well for any of us.

    Oh snap!! Sounds like our farm where I grew up. I would have cried!
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    let's just say i went on a date with a guy who was referred to by my roommate and i for years later as "drunken naked farty guy"
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    Went to a guys' house for a Monday Night football game...during which he fell asleep. I started walking out when he woke up and asked where I was going? Umm..yeah. Stimulating evening there...

    HAHA That reminds me: Not a first date, but when I was with an ex, we went to his friends house, where he played video games for 6 hours straight without speaking a single word to me. i was exhausted, so i fell asleep on the floor on purpose. i guess he got the clue, but then he blamed me for us having to leave because i was tired. fighting ensued and we eventually broke up anyway.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    I remember once going out with this one dude in HS...we stopped at the mall on our way to whatever place we were going to eat..

    I ran into CVS...came out...and he was sitting, handcuffed on a bench for shoplifting sneakers from the store next door.

    I ended up paying to bail him out. Dumba$$.
  • cocoshiny
    I had a guy propose to me on the first date...he said he wanted me to have his babies and move to canada with him. SUPER CREEPY.
  • rhvandan
    rhvandan Posts: 185
    My (now husband) and I met at Universal Citywalk for our first date. We went to see the movie "Romeo must die" and had to sit in the front row, staring STRAIGHT up at the screen.. About 10 minutes into the movie, he starts snoring... loudly.. VERY loudly.. and drooling... I playfully kicked him and woke him up.. and had to repeat that about 4 times through the movie.. But afterwards he woke right up and after talking for a while we actually completely fell in love and we were ready to go to Vegas right then and there and get married.
    We decided to wait, but since it was so late and Citywalk was much closer to my place than his he followed me back to my place (let me start by saying I was 19 at the time and lived with my mom.. and I had only kicked out my ex-boyfriend (a WHOLE other story) about 4 weeks prior to this date) and he crashed in my room. We didn't do anything that night, but the next morning my mom met me at my door and asked a little "too" innocently... "So, who's in your room?" Apparently he had snored so hard that night he woke my MOM up!
    I made him breakfast.. had some nooky, went and got me a tattoo, and we've been inseparable ever since. I moved in with him 8 months later and we'll be married 10 years next Month. LOL
  • red1775
    red1775 Posts: 22
    Went on a date where the girl basically called everything I loved wrong as I sat there through dinner looking at the biggest boggier I had ever seen hanging her nose.
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    I'm torn between two first guys decide:
    1) Great first date...drop her off. Later on I get a phone call, says she wants to go on a drive....I'm thinking booty call, she's thinking, let's go to park and call my drug dealer and buy heroin.

    2) I guess this was never really a date...met online (POF), texted/messaged back and forth for several weeks. Finally decide it's safe to meet her. I had to drive an hour....enroute to pick her up for the date, I get a text with a picture. It's a pic of a gift bag. Says she got me a gift...says she just left the adult store and that she had to buy me a brand new set of anal beads to use on me for our first date. I flipped that car around...twas a tense butt cheek clenched ride back home.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Oh, to tell a story on myself.

    Went on a date with a girl who lived in the country at the end of a very long driveway. On the way out, her dog started barking and chasing my car. I ended up running over it.

    Yea, killed her dog. That didn't end well for any of us.


    SAMANTHA!!!! :sad:
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    Nothing TOO crazy, just awkward:

    Went on a first date with a guy I met while waiting tables. He ordered ribs (yes, ribs) for dinner, only tipped $3 (on a $30+ bill), and when we got into the parking lot, he stood in front of me and said, " wanna hug??"

    ...a year and a half later, I married that man. ;)
  • tweetybaby69
    tweetybaby69 Posts: 258 Member
    I'm torn between two first guys decide:
    1) Great first date...drop her off. Later on I get a phone call, says she wants to go on a drive....I'm thinking booty call, she's thinking, let's go to park and call my drug dealer and buy heroin.

    2) I guess this was never really a date...met online (POF), texted/messaged back and forth for several weeks. Finally decide it's safe to meet her. I had to drive an hour....enroute to pick her up for the date, I get a text with a picture. It's a pic of a gift bag. Says she got me a gift...says she just left the adult store and that she had to buy me a brand new set of anal beads to use on me for our first date. I flipped that car around...twas a tense butt cheek clenched ride back home.

  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Oh, to tell a story on myself.

    Went on a date with a girl who lived in the country at the end of a very long driveway. On the way out, her dog started barking and chasing my car. I ended up running over it.

    Yea, killed her dog. That didn't end well for any of us.


    SAMANTHA!!!! :sad:

    Oh come on now. I didn't kill your dog too!
  • 3Daughtersin2015
    3Daughtersin2015 Posts: 81 Member
    I've had two horrible dates that always make me shutter. Both were from an online dating site. The first one took me to the cheesecake factory for a nice lunch.(we met up there) It was a nice til they served the bread. He buttered the WHOLE loaf, and stuffed it into his mouth and kept talking. He didn't even bother to ask if I wanted any of the bread. Then since he paid for the meal he kept making statements that for the next date I needed to pay. Umm if my $4.00 side salad was to much for you to pay for then I would be happy to pay for myself and NOT your $30 meal. He called and called and would e-mail about why I didn't plan a second date with him. I had to tell him I didn't feel the chemistry.

    The second bad date I had was with a different guy. We went to restaurant, and I was planning on paying for myself, because I knew after seeing him I wasn't interested( funny how they never look like their picture online) but he insisted on paying. I sat in a booth, and he sat next to me really close I was up against the wall. Then he tried to put his arm around me, and I said I have to go to the bathroom, and he told me I didn't. Then I said I had to go home and he told me I didn't, I was getting nervous at that point. I got forceful and told him to MOVE. Then he said he'd walk me to my car. I said I'm fine he didn't need to do that. I got in my car and drove off. I didn't go home because I was scared he was going to follow me. I made a bunch of twist, and turns, and parked in a crowed parking lot and sat there for 30 minutes.
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    Just about every single date I have ever had when I was trying out the online scene was awful, so terrible that I have blocked most of them out. I made up so many excuses to so I wouldn't give the really mean letdown of honest truth. That didn't always go that well so one time I decided to tell the guy the truth. I met him at the bar and immediately he reminded me exactly of my cousin and he was so freaking annoying in every possible way. I left the bar and he called me with all the "oh I had such a great time blah blah blah" and I told him straight out, dude you remind me exactly of my cousin and we can never date because of that. He FREAKED out. Needless to say he didn't bother me again though!
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    I was just glad to read all these first dates and not see any that was with me...whew
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    I was an undergrad geology student who had met this chemical engineering student in our Calculus 3 class. She was super hot. I was excited because I liked this girl all semester long. So we went to a haunted house on our first (and last) date. She kept touching me because she was "scared". That made me SofaKingStoked. Then, later we went to have coffee and just chat together. We were talking about our friends and she mentioned she has a good friend she hangs out with a lot. Then she went to say "Well, he's kinda a little bit more than a friend". So I was thinking "OH? Friend with benefits?" Nope. This little-bit-more-than-a-friend guy has been her boyfriend for the past 7 years! The date ended on that note. But we did hang out as friends later. DOH.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    First date with my now super drunk and rapped Lil' Troy to him on our 30 minute drive back to our side of town. He must have loved my mad rapping skills since he didn't ditch me afterwards!
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    In college I had a date that told me in great detail all about the last fight he had with his Mother. The fight got so bad and physical that the police were involved. I got the heck out of there. Unfortunately, he knew too much about me and would show up at my studio. Dodge and weave....
  • jamielovesjbs
    jamielovesjbs Posts: 154 Member
    at 19 i went on a date and the guy had a "tickle me elmo" buckled in the back seat. i wanted to run....