How many have you...?

How many pounds/inches have you lost from strictly counting calories? Not including exercise?


  • yyleekop
    65 lbs
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    Right now I'm not exercising and I'm losing weight at approximately 3.5-4 pounds a month. I expect that to slow down closer to my goal weight which I'll add exercise back in but I'm so tired after my upper level chem classes and work that exercise is pretty much out of the question....... I did exercise in the summer and I was losing 5-6 pounds a month so it makes a small difference for me.
  • almalaurathomas
    65 lbs

    That's awesome! I have a problem with my legs/arms going weak, and sometimes my legs give out from under me when I am out dancing and stuff. I am still trying to exercise, but it's hard. It gets me unmotivated. It is nice to see progress from people who didn't exercise!
  • almalaurathomas
    Right now I'm not exercising and I'm losing weight at approximately 3.5-4 pounds a month. I expect that to slow down closer to my goal weight which I'll add exercise back in but I'm so tired after my upper level chem classes and work that exercise is pretty much out of the question....... I did exercise in the summer and I was losing 5-6 pounds a month so it makes a small difference for me.

    3-4 pounds a month is still wonderful! I set my goal at 0.5 pounds a week. Slow and steady!
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    I've never done one without the other.

    But I know others have.

    I did 1500 cals and 500 burn when I started at my big weight. It got me to 150, then I bounced around with numbers a lot.

    Prob not the answers you were seeking. Sorry.

    In theroy if you drop (ex: 500) cals from intake, you can lose though. :)
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I'm not sure what you mean. Counting calories includes exercise. I would add those calories back and count some more lol. Hmm... I lost about 20 pounds.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Although you can lose weight with diet alone, I am a firm believer in exercise complimenting weight loss by improving your over health and even at my heaviest of 560 lbs. and unable to walk, I used water displacement to walk (had to walk in a therapy pool for the first 17 months til I could support my own weight) so that I could begin exercise to promote a healthier me... So know you can lose without exercise but could not tell you from my own experience how much... Best of Luck
  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    When I used mfp consistently in 2010, I lost 15 pounds purely by counting calories without exercise. The only time I exercised was when I went over my target. That said, I've also lost weight with exercise and of course it goes much faster (and it stayed off longer)! But losing weight purely by reducing calorie intake can be done.
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    I lost 15 pounds by eating 1200 calories a day and no exercise. Now that I'm closer to my goal, I upped my calorie intake and added exercise (cardio and strength). I started to feel really good when the weight started coming off and I was making healthy choices, but I feel even better after I added exercise.
  • almalaurathomas
    Thanks for the replies! I try hard to exercise but sometimes my body just feels so weak and sometimes my legs even buckle out from under me! It can be very embarrassing and unmotivating. I am just going to keep pushing through it! Right now I am focusing on cardio, and will eventually add strength training!