Unhelpful friends



  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    Congratulations on the full year!!!! And of course the weight lose :-)
  • marie_25m
    marie_25m Posts: 64 Member
    I'm not one of your 30 friends but I'm happy for you...Keep it up!!! You are doing great!
  • _JR_
    _JR_ Posts: 830 Member
    It could be because half of your friends haven't logged in for several days or weeks. :noway:

    Congrats on the milestone. Pick more active friends. :wink:
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    Sorry you feel you haven't gotten a lot of support from your friends on here. That is a great accomplishment! Congratulations on the weight loss too!!
    I don't always comment on everything people write. But when they reach the every 5th day mark, I always comment. Especially when they hit the year and beyond.
  • baycat107
    baycat107 Posts: 165 Member
    Sometimes we get busy, and we miss things. Sometimes people post in the morning, and if you work you won't see it till evening, and by then it might be buried by all the forums your friends have commented on. Or maybe they are just unsupportive. Sorry they let you down....But wow! 365..that is amazing dedication! Congrats!
  • totallydevious
    totallydevious Posts: 309 Member
    Wow, a full YEAR?!?
    That is just amazing, your dedication is really inspiring to me.
    I am sorry that your 'friends' aren't giving you what you need.
    If you need some extra support, you may request me.
    Congratulations on the full year, that is really just amazing.
    :smile: :flowerforyou: :heart: :smile: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member

    I have to say, I have a small circle of friends (which is manageable to me but am always open for more) but I do not comment on every single thing that happens to them throughout the day. For instance, I can not give a "good job" for those who finish their day 800+ calories under, or don't share their diaries. I will congrats those who have worked out, but jeez, how many times can you say congrats for a walk?

    I hope none of my friends feel neglected because I am in their corner!
  • well I am impressed! Congratulations!
    FITFORT Posts: 85
    CONGRATULATIONS ON DAY #365!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What a fantastic example of dedication to having a long and healthy life! You are an inspiration! I hit 175 today, and sure do hope that I make it to that YEAR mark, and beyond!

    The support and encouragement of my MFP friends have been such a help to me on my journey. And I only that I can show the love back in some small way.

    Congrats again! Continue YOUR journey!!!!
    You are awesome!
  • spersephone
    spersephone Posts: 147 Member
    I just thought of something else - I use my iPad and iPhone mostly for MFP, and on there, I pay no attention to anything anyone says. It's only when I sit at my computer desk and log in that I might have a look at the actual page and comments, as well as the forum.

    It's like my brother - he changed his mobile phone number on his Facebook page. Then he got angry because no-one acknowledged it. It's not like he alerted us to it, and most of us don't go stalking his information to see what it says.

    So don't worry about what others are doing, and don't jump to conclusions that they're purposely ignoring you.
  • I totally agree with you! Well said... not many people can be accountable on their own. I have found it better to be accountable on my own for some of the reasons you stated. Eventually, people who are so dependent on others will fail. Oh and not everyone that is "Supporting" are completely honest....they are being nice. When it comes down to it...you have to count on yourself. Yet...if one really needs the attention to make it...then by all means go for it.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Congrats on your 365th!
  • awesome job on 365 and great dedication i'm sorry people have not been supportive
  • First let me congratulate you for being on MFP for a year; that is fantastic!! Secondly, I understand your disappointment that only six people acknowledged it.

    However, you mentioned you have about 30 friends. That means that 6 people is 20% of your friends list. Ever hear of the 80/20 rule? 20% of the people do 80% of the work...including the work of supporting and motivating their friends on MFP.

    I would have been very surprised if you got many more than 6. Most people only get about a 10% return. You doubled it.
  • 365 days, 70 pounds lost... That is amazing! Congrats on your accomplishments. I wouldn't worry about the so-called friends. You're likely better off without them.
  • Congrats! 365 days is awesome and I'm sorry your MFP's weren't as supportive.
    I try and support everyone on my friends list each day I log in but have deleted people that never commented on my status and that I feel no connection with because like another poster mentioned they are just taking up energy.....
  • soniabogonia
    soniabogonia Posts: 778 Member
    Congrats on reaching 365 days! That is an amazing accomplishment! Hope that you continue making friends on here because there are many excellent supportive friends!
  • Congats on being devoted to this for a whole year. I now have someone to try to emulate. Hope you reach all your goals and find the support you need.
  • Congratulations on the 365 days.
  • janbez
    janbez Posts: 37 Member
    You inspired me with your post, and I would have been one to give you a shout out for the accomplishment. A year is a long time. I've been on MFP for two months, and some days, it is really tough to keep going. Good for you, and keep it up!