water with a meal? or before? or neither? confused!!

After trying all sorts of crazy diets I find myself confused.......I've been told before to drink LOADS of water before a meal to fill up, and I've also been to to drink during a meal for the same reason,BUT, I've also been told never to drink in the 20 mins before or after a meal to avoid diluting the digestive acids in the stomach!!!
Anyone clear this up for me ???


  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    You should drink water before and durring a meal if you havent had a gastric bipass. If you have had a gastric bipass never drink it 20 min before or durring a meal as that will allow you to eat more.

    but that is just what I've heard too not actual fact....
  • SarahJoy_79
    SarahJoy_79 Posts: 107 Member
    I drink a large glass of water about 15-20 minutes before meals which helps curb my hunger. I've never heard that water will interupt your digestion.
  • stacyoct19
    stacyoct19 Posts: 187 Member
    Actually a lady I work with was just discussing this the other day. She had been told by her physician to NOT drink with your meal. It washes away nutrients that your body needs, and it can enable you to eat more. Ever notice when they have those eating competitions, they drink to help put more food in? It makes sense. Her doctor and nutritionist recommended drinking a full glass of water about 20 minutes before your meal. This will keep you from overeating.
  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318
    I've always been under the impression water aids in digestion. Although, I did have a neighbor once who was hospitalized because he drank too much water and lost too much weight because he didn't eat very much. I guess just like everything - good in moderation. :)
  • dclarsh1

    According to the Mayo Clinic website, drinking water during or after a meal will not disrupt digestion or dilute digestive juices. So go ahead and drink the water.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I've heard of this as well, water will dilute the enzymes/acids your body uses to break food down, and will not be as efficient at digestion if a drink is taken with food or just after, and not all nutrients might be absorbed..
  • scarecrow41
    There is so much conflicting information about the effects of drinking water during or immediately following a meal. I think, like most things, it varies depending on the body.

    If you have trouble with indigestion and you notice you're drinking a lot of water during your meal, try to lower your intake during meal-time.

    There is also no scientific evidence to support the notion that drinking a lot of water before eating will lower the amount of food eating. Personally, I find I have no problem getting more than enough water during the day by drinking water in between meals. I sometimes drink a small glass of milk (4-6 ounces) with my meals, but its been a long while since I drank a full glass of liquid with a meal. I've had little to no digestive problems since making the switch, but there were a lot of other changes made as well so its hard to say that that is the reason for it.

    Like I said, I think it comes down to your own digestive track. If you can drink water during a meal and have no problems with indigestion or other GI issues, I'd say its fine.
  • skinnydee
    thanks for the replies :happy:
    It's always nice to know that the questions that niggle in my head aren't always a stupid as I think they are !!