need an intense workout DVD without lunges

Hi! I have tried the 30 Day Shred in the past and it does give really good results. However, it is hell on my knees! Does anyone know of any similar DVD's with less knee impact? I don't know if I just do them wrong or if its the fact that my house is built on a concrete slab and I am essentially pounding on concrete.

Thanks in advance!


  • Hi,

    I have rubbish knees too and have had to stop running for the moment until I strengthen them. I'm doing the 30 day shred just now, use an elliptical trainer and do various circuit training workouts (generally just made up from watching youtube clips for ideas or looking online).

    Anyway, not recommending a DVD here for you really am I?!

    My point in posting is try doing some specific knee strengthening exercises. I've been going to a physio and they've given me some to do and I've found they really help. There's lots online if you google it. I've always struggled with lunges but between doing the specific exercises and really making sure I have the correct form (90 degree angles and not leaning too far forward or back in the lunge) I've found them much easier.

    Also, I try and do things such as jumping jacks on a mat for some extra cushioning. Then there's the obvious stuff like wearing good trainers and making sure you have the right form, etc, etc.

    Hope this helps x
  • slackerwoman
    slackerwoman Posts: 261 Member
    Thanks! I will check out the knee strengthening exercises.
  • Tae Bo isnt bad
  • JBuck1914
    JBuck1914 Posts: 81 Member
    Tae bo is nice option but, you can always sub the Lunges for other movements like body weight squats or another movement to still get the burn just omit what cause you pain. Just a thought. Bob Harper has a few nice DVD's some require hand weights other's don't so, you have to look at the video to see but, I started using one his DVD's back in January for a few months and it was a nice workout. It's a 20 mins and 60 minute version of the same workout. Good luck.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    I had looked into this awhile back when I was doing EA active on my wii. Another piece of advice was to do rear lunges instead of forward ones b/c your knee doesn't tend to go as far-bending past the 90 degree angle is often what hurts them from what I've read
  • mattsgrl98
    mattsgrl98 Posts: 46 Member
    For me thats any dvd but the shred or biggest loser dvd's. I never had knee problems in my life til doing the Shred. In fact all the biggest loser dvd's kill my knees. I agree with previous suggest Taebo. Not to bad for knees. Zumba would be good too it is very low impact. I love the womens health dvds. Those are my absolute favorite! Good luck...knee pain sucks!!
  • slackerwoman
    slackerwoman Posts: 261 Member
    I will check out the Tae Bo workouts. Thanks so much!!!!
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    Good Luck---I just don't do the lunges.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    You can also use a step instead of doing the lunges. This may help take a little of the impact off of you knees. You should try to focus on using your butt muscles when you do this.
  • sarahbw22
    sarahbw22 Posts: 130 Member
    I picked up JM's Yoga Meltdown. I get a better workout from that than I did with the 30DS. There are a few lunges in level 1, but they give modified versions of them, so you can do them to the level it's comfortable. This dvd really focuses on upper body (and abs. I love it!!!!

    This dvd isn't the typical slow yoga you would expect. It's a cardio yoga dvd. I sweat more and am more sore after this one than the 30DS. And my tummy is getting super flat!!! (Well, less rolls anyway, lol.)
  • kclynn7
    kclynn7 Posts: 71
    P90X has modified moves for low impact. My sister had to do them because her knees are bad.
  • slackerwoman
    slackerwoman Posts: 261 Member
    You can also use a step instead of doing the lunges. This may help take a little of the impact off of you knees. You should try to focus on using your butt muscles when you do this.

    Oh! I love that idea!
  • slackerwoman
    slackerwoman Posts: 261 Member
    May check this out too! Thanks for all the super ideas. I'm getting excited!

    haha...was so excited I forgot to quote... the JM Yoga video
  • I am doing ChaLEAN Extreme ( it's a 3 months program ) its super great you have a mix of cardio and strength exercise.
    I have a bad back ( herniated disk ) and she has a low impact alternative to everything she does.

    Lots of leg strenghtening (spelling ?) / lunges / squats but no impact on the knees !

    Check it out its awesome :)
  • nikic50
    nikic50 Posts: 209
    I've done the 30DS DVD & it hurt my knees as well. I stopped doing the alternating lunges (never did the jumping lunges) & just did the lunges on one side first & then when Jillian went back to jumping lunges I did the other leg continuously. I also don't to jump squats or rockstars - that's when I do weighted squats & standing barbell raises (I think that's what they're called).

    That's all the info I have for you?!?
  • lol yeah working out on a concrete slab with somewhat padded carpet on top... is tough on the knees if you don't land softly enough... I started taking osteo bi flex 2 times a day and also drinking joint juice for 2 months then I will see how my knees feel.. after 2 months then I am stopping the joint juice..
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Great question! Bump for later...
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Jillian Michaels Cardio Kickboxing, Tae Bo Cardio, other kickboxing related DVDs. I found one at my local library called "Thrive" and I love it!

    Edit: another option is to do reverse lunges instead of forward lunges. Less strain on the knees.