Is obesity a CHOICE?



  • YogaNikki
    YogaNikki Posts: 284 Member
    I think it is and it isn't. There are plenty of disorders, psychological or endocrine, that can contribute to obesity. While the psychological ones may seem like choices, they're obviously viewed negatively and attached with many negative stigmas, when in reality, eating is a coping mechanism for some people.

    So is it a choice? It kind of is if you take away the endocrine disorders and psychological coping. Then again, think about how easy it is for us to gain access to certain foods or to eat the foods we "like to eat". Eating feels good, but we have to teach ourselves how to eat and when to stop our cravings. It's very much a choice to adopt a healthy life style as it is to stay with an unhealthy one.

    I <3 this. Well said.
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    Everyone is a victim now.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Put junk in your body, what's the result? Not nice. Make healthy choices and you will be rewarded with a healthy body.

    So what about the skinny people who drink like a fish, and scarf down burgers? Healthy choices does not always equal a healthy body. Portion control is a must also being active works too.
  • laprovocateur
    laprovocateur Posts: 128 Member
    yes. yes. yes. and more yes.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    Everyone is a victim now.
    So when someone publicly insults you, you should just suck it up? That may be the way you roll, but don't expect me to lie down and take it. It's not "being a victim", it's standing up for what you believe is right.
  • lovinmyselfagain
    lovinmyselfagain Posts: 307 Member
    Someone may have already stated this, but the man who sent the email does not know her or her situation. He just assumed the news anchor was living an unhealthy lifestyle. She's a triathlete AND she has thyroid issues. People need to stop assuming what did or didn't make someone obese...and stop assuming someone is just "lazy". Sending an email to someone you don't know, labeling them, and making judgments IS bullying and shouldn't be tolerated. I'm glad she spoke up and defended, not only herself, but others who have been bullied for various reasons.
  • Lola7791
    Lola7791 Posts: 85 Member
    I dont want to b obese! But I chose the foods that went in my mouth to make me this way! Now I am paying for it and trying to undo it! I do believe there are some rare cases though!
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    If you are not doing anything about it, I think it is a choice except in rare instances. However, after watching her response, I don't feel she is saying obesity is a choice. She was saying that the person who wrote her the letter is being a bully. I don't think the person meant to be a bully, but I think that the person was being rude and obnoxious. The person says that she should lose weight because she is in the public eye and I think that is a very obnoxious thing to say.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    So should there be jobs that can only be done by "thin" people? And if the newscaster was thin and beautiful, but smoked and drank off camera where this guy couldn't see or know about it that would be all right? Since it wasn't interferring in her job as role model? He decided to take one part of her life and give his opinion about it. That's just not acceptable! Does he randomly stop all overweight people and tell them what he thinks? Is everything in his life perfect? And does he truly think (as she said in her speech) THAT SHE DOESN'T KNOW???? Did he think pointing it out would help?

    All hidden medical issues aside, yes, it is most likely something she could change if she worked at it like most of us on MFP are doing. But it is not this random jack@ss' job to tell other people how to live their lives.
  • SheilaN1976
    SheilaN1976 Posts: 266 Member
    yes and no...for some theres a medical condition that causes them to be this case its beyond their control so not their choice, but for others like me...yes....because i chose to be lazy and eat whatever whenever and not pay attention to how much i was eating...which lead to me being obese.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    its not a choice its the result of an addiction or being irresponsible
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    There are many people for whom diet and exercies do not resolve weight issues - mind you, I still think that's the best place to start, but that's a road that doesn't work for everyone. Plus, the whole health/obesity thing while being a strong corelation, it's not a difinitive causation. Many overweight/obese people are quite healthy with strong cardiovascular systems and good indicators of a long healthy life. Just as many skinny or normal weight people have healthy issues. Averages and statistics are not accurate when applied to individuals. I think she's beautiful and a great role model!
  • Sarge516
    Sarge516 Posts: 256 Member
    I think in all but the rarest of cases, obesity IS a choice.

    I also think it's an outward sign of some inward issue. It's not always a major issue, but there's always a "cause" if you dig deep enough.
  • nbhobbes
    nbhobbes Posts: 284
    Yes obesidty is a choice..

    Obesity is a result of a lifestyle same as being in shape is a result of a life style.

    With the exception of a few legit and fairly uncommon medical conditions it's a choice.

    Anyone who says/thinks otherwise is an idiot. I've heard plenty of excuses and lame attempts at dismissing obesity as a epidemic or a disease..

    Seriously.. Who is the dolt that thought up the idea of it being a disease? It's not a disease, nobody ever got obese from unprotected sex. Heroin junkies aren't worried about becoming obese from sharing needles. Your mother never said put your coat on if your going to play out in the rain or you'll get obese..

    It's a result of a lifestyle choice.. Pure and simple..
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    I haven't read any responses so if this has already been said, forgive me.

    Is alcoholism a choice? Are eating disorders a choice? Certainly we know no one would consciously choose any of these afflictions for themselves or their family. Of course, we can choose how we deal with these things, but they are undoubtedly a struggle.

    The causes for obesity are complex and nuanced and different for every person. There are some general trends - we have more time to be lazy and more things to entertain us while we sit or lay about, our food supply is loaded with sugar and fat and preservatives, we build our cities in the US around driving, not walking, biking or using public transportation and of course, the favorite of personal responsibility.

    My main point is whether it's a choice or not, it's going to take more than crying "PERSONAL RESONSIBILITY" to cure it. Shame is a horrible motivator. If that's all it took we wouldn't be in this mess. We need serious cultural changes. I'd start with food production.
  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    Her point was definitely not that she wasn't responsible for her weight, or even arguing that it might not be the healthiest...her point was that it was not appropriate to send that e-mail. It was childish, unkind and served absolutely no purpose, although clearly its intent was to hurt. Someone who wishes to hurt another person, for absolutely no valid reason, In my opinion, has FAR more issues than anyone carrying extra weight.
  • miyam188
    Yes and no. We make our own priorities. For years my priorities were raising 4 boys as a single mother at poverty (no below) level. My husband left after 18 years of marriage and I was thrown into a scenario I never imagined. Survival was key and perhaps by body chose to eat and store everything it could for those days food was scarce. I don't know all of the reasons, but now that my life has settled down I have time to focus on me and my health. Let's not judge others people. You don't know what they are going through right now. We all have faults. When did it become OK to run around insulting people. "You're ugly. You're fat. Your hair is gross. You're lazy. You're selfish." We can't run around with this communication. What happened to being nice? Sure we have free speech, but we should not let that be an excuse to be rude, cruel and ugly.
  • LaylaJo
    LaylaJo Posts: 44 Member
    My son showed me this clip and I thought it was fabulous. When you see someone, you do not know where they are on their journey, what struggles they face, and what they are doing about it. The fact that obesity is such a target for bullying is real, and for some reason people think it is OK to be mean to someone just because of their weight. This anchor addressed the society attitude head on and she was clear, concise and very brave to do it.

    Every one should be a healthy weight. No one should smoke. Motorcyclists should always wear helmets. Kids shouldn't run around barefoot in rocky ground. People should get colonoscopies regularly. There are all kinds of 'shoulds' about how we should be safer, healthier, smarter. But bottom line, making that choice or avoiding it, does not affect a persons worth or right to be treated with respect.

    ^^^ This
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    We honestly don't know this woman...Are you her friend? Do you know what she eats or drink everyday? Maybe she consciously eats right and has a thyroid issue. Just because she is fat does not mean that she chooses to be that way. Until we can see her "food diary" there is no reason for you to judge her.
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    On rare occasions, it's not a choice. On MOST occasions, it is a choice.

    Just like being skinny is a choice. (most of the time)