CLOSED GROUP: 11 People. 5 Pounds. 1 Month. [Oct. Challenge]

Hi Ladies! Our challenge begins on 10/1 and continues throught the month of October. Each week we will talk a bit about our week and provide our starting weight, current weight, and goal weight FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER.

STARTING WEIGHT (October): 136

CURRENT WEIGHT (October): 136

GOAL WEIGHT (October): 131

Weigh in Dates:
9/30 (or 10/1) - 136

The crew!

1. Jamaica
2. Charlie
3. Kathy
4. Khalilah
5. Sahar
6. Laura
7. Tabby
8. Katie
9. Cherie
10. Alison
11. Melissa


  • tabbykat6802
    tabbykat6802 Posts: 233 Member
    STARTING WEIGHT (October): 141.8
    CURRENT WEIGHT (October): 141.8
    GOAL WEIGHT (October): 136

    Weigh in Dates:
    10/1 - 141.8

    my week so far is gloomy chaotic. It's drizzly, grey here in Raleigh, NC today. My oldest 2 boys caught a case of the Monday angries. I had to come back downstairs three times, from looking for missing socks, to stop the shouting, hitting/scratching matches. Then, an unsuccesful hunt for missing water bottle. To top it off, traffic was bumper to bumper, w/ about 3 narrowly missed collisions to my bumper. b/c of the traffic, I was not able to stop to get my morning shake. barely made it into work on time. I am hoping for a better rest of the day and rest of week.

    *thanks for letting me vent*
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    Good Morning Ladies.

    What an amazing group Jamaica. We all can do this.Its monday so far my day is treating me well. Hope everyone is having Mojo Monday

    Starting weight : 142
    Current Weight : 142
    Goal Weight : 136/135
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Tabby, I KNOW those days. In fact, I think I have a special relationship with those days! Hope the rain clears... both literally and figuratively!
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Starting weight 185 I think. I am going to try and weigh in tomorrow morning if I can make it to the gym.

    I did my first Crossfit WOD today and I am sore beyond belief. I went for a long bike ride after too which didn't help. My quads are on fire and I can barely move. I knwo tomorrow I have to get something in to help with the soreness. Hopefully by Wednesday or Thursday I can move normally again. Now, I am laying in bed and moaning everytime I go down the stairs to get food or water. Gonna go for a walk a little later and hope that helps.

    Tabby hope the day has gotten a little better since this morning.
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    Hi Guys! I am so glad to be in this group. I need it!

    STARTING WEIGHT (October): 133.5

    CURRENT WEIGHT (October): 133.5

    GOAL WEIGHT (October): 129.5

    Weigh in Dates:
    9/30 - 133.5

    I've caught a rotten cold and I'm doing the sensible thing and not exercising. Hopefully i can still lose weight this week without having exercise calories to eat back. Its gonna be tough.
  • 2dayirun4me
    2dayirun4me Posts: 336 Member
    Hi all I am glad I made it into this group :smile: looks like a great group of ladies and I'm sure that we can support and encourage each other to reach our 5 lb goal.

    STARTING WEIGHT (October): 156

    CURRENT WEIGHT (October): 156

    GOAL WEIGHT (October): 151

    Weigh in Dates:
    9/30 - 156
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Hope you're feeling better Charlie, but good for you for letting your body rest. I hate when I get sick or injured along the journey because you feel so helpless!
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    STARTING WEIGHT (October): 167

    CURRENT WEIGHT (October): 167

    GOAL WEIGHT (October): 160

    Weigh in Dates:
    10/1 - 167

    So far so good this week, I need to get back into logging, I haven't done it in some time, so I have not been prepping foods as exactly as I used to. SO while I munch on left over sweet potatoes for lunch, I'm thinking of things to prep dinner and pay attention to calories tonight!
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    Hello Ladies my encouragement buddies.
    Hope everyone is having Terrific Tuesday.
    STARTING WEIGHT: 142, CURRENT WEIGHT : 142, GOAL WEIGHT (October): 136/135

    Its been crazy at work so just got chance to login :). So far so good this week. Went to swimming yesterday OMG felt the pain in good way :) as i am learning how to swim it looks like its more workout for me haaaaaaaa

    lwdllc: Sweet potatoes sounds good and yummy you can do it buddy even i am trying to login we can do this
    Charlie:hope u feel better. Plz take rest
    bbballgrl34:i know how good it feels after workout. Keep it up buddy we can do this
    2dayirun: wonderful the team is an amazing team and jamaica is amazing
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    Ok sorry to butt in.. but you do know they have actual "Groups" (closed ones) for this right?
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    We do. Thank you.
    Ok sorry to butt in.. but you do know they have actual "Groups" (closed ones) for this right?
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Happy Hump Day Team!
  • ab958
    ab958 Posts: 14 Member
    Hope the week is treating you all ok so far! I'm kinda struggling atm, catered dorms are so bad! So today for lunch they had the most amazing looking pizza. Stayed strong though, went for a nice healthy plain turkey sandwich.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    It's the little victories that count!!! Great job!
    Hope the week is treating you all ok so far! I'm kinda struggling atm, catered dorms are so bad! So today for lunch they had the most amazing looking pizza. Stayed strong though, went for a nice healthy plain turkey sandwich.
  • ab958
    ab958 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks Jamaica.
    So my weight before was an estimate. Went out and got myself a new set of scales today. So officially:
    START WEIGHT: 225lb
    GOAL WEIGHT: 215lb
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Hi Everyone! Happy Thursday! I will be traveling through the weekend so I'm not sure how much i will get to login, I'm taking my computer but not sure if there will be internet where we are staying.

    I'm taking 2 students to the regional championships horse show (dressage) Since I've only got 2 I will have some down time - taking my running shoes!!!

    I have to remember - nothing tastes as good as skinny feels when i'm out to dinner!!!

  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    Hi Guys. My cold has finally gone so I'll be back on the exercise this evening. I have managed NOT to eat my own body weight in toast as I normally would when ill, so I'm hoping for a good weigh-in this week.

    Good luck with the healthy eating whilst you're away Laura!
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    Hello Ladies

    Happy thursday one more day its Friday !!!! yaya. S ofar my week is gng ok still few days been over my cal i am not eating junk today just 1 dougnut which i will work it out today gng to circuti training n hip hop.

    Hope everyone is having great day so far.
    Charlie- Wonderful you can do this i know we fee lso tired with these allergies n cold n otehr stuff we can do this
    lwdllc - Horse Show wow that sounds amazing. I m with u skinny feels amazing enjoy ur weekend

  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    So guys... I had a great week until yesterday. Ugh, it was terrible. Still, I am remembering that one day is just that. Today I am staying the course!
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    Good Morning Ladies

    Its Friday n then 2 more days of enjoyment. Hope your'e having great day so far. 3 more days n then our weigh-in day wow its already here

    hope to loose atleas 1 pound or .5 pound will be happy.

    Jamaica- Be strong you can do this buddy Don't worry we all r here to support u
