Getting rid of "water weight"

How did everyone get rid of water weight. I know cut out ALOT of sodium, which I do. I don't even touch half of the sodium it says I should on here. And I drink about 12-16 cups of water a day, sometimes more when I really have a good workout.

What are your suggestions?


  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Sounds like you should be retaining less already. You might want to ask your doctor just to be sure.

    A couple th8ings I have heard that might not hurt: Drink green tea, drink lemon water, try a calcium supplement. Also if it's retention in muscles that are sore and trying to repair themselves I like a good epsum salt bath.
  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    Water weight is a B****! You're drinking plenty of water, is this how much you drink on an average basis, or just to eliminate water weight? If that's how much you drink regularly, try to up it even more if you can...That's a lot of water, but if your body is used to being hydrated then I'd imagine upping the water intake even more couldn't hurt. Water eliminates water, although it's obvious you already know that :) Also, like kellicci said, green tea is GREAT for that. Try eating a lot of potassium rich foods (that's why green tea works so well, because it has potassium). Potassium counter balances sodium. Also what helps me a lot is to take a Midol. Even when I'm not on my TOM, it acts as an over the counter water pill (for me, at least). Hope that helps :)
  • pinkgumdrop123
    pinkgumdrop123 Posts: 262 Member
    Options wondering this myself
  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    Why do you assume you have water weight to lose?
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    ditching carbs helps. (carbo HYDRATES) the glucose in the muscles is no bueno.

    so yea, ketogenic lifestyle, but i'm sure paleo would work too
  • DanielleB1016
    I'm definitely no pro and I know that every person is different in how they lose in general. For me, I found that drinking around 10-12 cups worked for me. Also, I found that I was losing more when I would sweat it out daily. Even doing 20 minutes of exercise helped me to lose more. I agree with kellicci, green tea is amazing! It definitely helps clean you out. Try drinking a cup with honey and lemon in the AM with breakfast. It gears you up for the rest of the day. I know you already love your lemon water, so maybe even just adding the green tea will help with that water weight. :)
  • anie8989
    anie8989 Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks everyone. Yes I do love my lemon water. I am now on my 2nd bottle (or as I convert it into cups, my 3-6 cups of water). I will have to try to Green Tea, which I like tea, just not a big green tea drinker, which I am open to try. I can try to drink more water than my daily which is the 12-16 cups a day, I can try to drink another bottle (which is 3 cups) per day.

    As for why I think I need to lose water weight? I know I do, because, the doctor says that if you push on your skin and it doesn't bounce back right away, well around your ankles/ calves, it's because there is too much sodium. My ankles, really are not that bad, but I just want to get rid of it.

    And I never thought about the midol thing... That time of the month, it helps so much with bloating, so maybe I will try that. In the past I have thought about asking my doctor for water pills, but I just never have. Maybe now would be the time.
  • megnak
    megnak Posts: 6 Member
    Have the same problem. I think I'll try drinking green tea as well. I've heard it helps boost metabolism too so might as well try it.
  • madblondebint
    madblondebint Posts: 17 Member
    I like white tea, it has the same benefits as green, but does not taste as bitter. I've just started upping my water intake this week, and it does seem to make a difference on the scales, I'm just missing my caffeine boost
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    Since you're already drinking lots of water and limiting sodium, try drinking something with caffeine in it. Caffeine is a mild diuretic.
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    Increase intake of potassium rich foods which will off-set the effects of the sodium. Also include more natural diuretic foods suh as fresh parsley, asparagus, etc. and cut back on processed carbohydrates and increase lean protein. Carbs store water, protein releases it. (in over-simplistic terms).
  • RellaBelle
    RellaBelle Posts: 70 Member
    Increase intake of potassium rich foods which will off-set the effects of the sodium. Also include more natural diuretic foods suh as fresh parsley, asparagus, etc. and cut back on processed carbohydrates and increase lean protein. Carbs store water, protein releases it. (in over-simplistic terms).

    Odd sidenote: Asparagus makes your pee super funky.. just FYI. I learned that the hard way but dangit it was good lol
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    What are your suggestions?

    My suggestion is to not worry about water weight. If you have the top 4 pieces of your abs showing and want to see the bottom 2 then it might be worth your time to cut sodium and carbs. If not then this is a wild goose chase and a side-trail that has little to do with how much you weigh. It's a total waste of time to fret about this if you're trying to lose more than 10 pounds. Just focus on calories.

    I lose about 2 pounds sweating during morning runs but It's not like I'm going to log that or be afraid to drink more water.
  • anie8989
    anie8989 Posts: 50 Member
    Increase intake of potassium rich foods which will off-set the effects of the sodium. Also include more natural diuretic foods suh as fresh parsley, asparagus, etc. and cut back on processed carbohydrates and increase lean protein. Carbs store water, protein releases it. (in over-simplistic terms).

    Odd sidenote: Asparagus makes your pee super funky.. just FYI. I learned that the hard way but dangit it was good lol

    LOL. It does, I know. I really do like asparagus, just havent gotten it in a while. Maybe this weekend I will go to our local fresh produce store and stock up on veggies. I got like a 5lb bag of broccoli month's ago, and it's still not even half way empty! (but I did freeze it, so it's still good.)