I need support after falling off the wagon! (pics)

Okay, I'm doing this here because then it's finally out there and I need all the help/support I can get. And putting it here hopefully will work as a reminder of what I have done so far and to keep going...

So... this first pic is me before losing weight (and no, I don't know how much I weighed that day, and admittedly, it's only 1 day after I gave birth to baby number 4 but pics of me are far and few between so that's the only pic of me I have!)


Then, from end of January 2012, I went and did something about my weight. 27 January, I was 182lbs. I joined a local 'Biggest Loser' competition and WON! Happy Days! I kept going there after the competition had ended, just so a stranger would weigh me and I did NOT want to stand on the scales with lbs gained in front of her!!!

So, by the end of June, I had lost 30lbs. Down to 152lbs!!!

All good and fine... until I went away on holidays for 6 weeks. No logging, no weighing... and even though I tried to be good - I fell off the wagon somewhere.

Here's me in the middle of August 2012:


So... over July/August/September I gained back 7 lbs and I'm so unhappy because I now own that horrible 'muffin top' look again and I hate myself for gaining that back.

I've got it in my head to lose those 7 lbs and another 10lbs on top of that - so 17 lbs from now til Christmas. So, 142lbs by Christmas (my ultimate goal weight is somewhere between 125 -135 lbs, I'm 5'4)

If anyone has got this far with reading, thank you and please feel free to add me and support me, cheer me on - I will do my best to do the same for you!

Now, I'm gonna close my eyes while pushing the 'post topic' button as I cringe at the thought of my pictures being out there :cry:
I don't even know if there's a difference noticeable or not!

Anyway, thank you for reading.



  • Iron_Maiden
    Iron_Maiden Posts: 326 Member
    NO cringing!!! You're beautiful! I'm here to support you! Feel free to friend me if you like & never give up on yourself!:flowerforyou:
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    Thank you :embarassed: I will and please kick me in the derriere to keep me going...
  • Evette7
    Evette7 Posts: 156 Member
    For starters, congrats on the weight that you have lost and on winning the competition! Great work! We all fall off and it really is just part of the journey. What matters most is what you do about it all now. I'm glad your here and working on it! I will send you a friend request now.
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    Thank you!! :flowerforyou:

    This support is sooo good! Don't know what I'd do without MFPers!!
  • Zyphun
    Zyphun Posts: 102 Member
    I can understand being uncomfortable posting your pictures publicly, but my gosh, you have nothing to worry about. You are a very pretty lady and it's about time for you to start owning that fact! :) It is easy to beat yourself up for a set back, but they can and do happen. The huge point though is that even though you were set back you still want to move forward. That's huge! No amount of measure beats perseverance and confidence. And you obviously have that! So you can do it! You have before and you will again!
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    Thank you :)

    Feeling a lot better today after getting in a good hour's walk already!