Arm Fat!!! Tone-able or Cut-able?????



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    Lift HEAVY weights, drink lots of water, finish losing all your weight and moisturize. Keep that up for a year and after that you still have significant amounts see a doctor about getting it cut. it takes time for your skin to heal itself after such dramatic stretching but there will be improvements.

    I won't look like Arnold Schwarzenegger or anything will I? LOL

    Not unless you are taking steroids or other crazy supplements. Also make sure to get the proper amount of protein in. I know that can be difficult with WLS but it'll help with muscle development. It takes a LOT of insane work to get super buff, even if you are taking steroids. If you do 30-60 minutes of weight training a day you'll be fine. Since it also doesn't happen overnight you'll be able to lay off a bit if you feel like you're getting "too buff" (you won't)

    Because one day he just woke up like that. Years of diet and training had nothing to do with it.

    Not to mention women only possess 1/16th the testosterone of men.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    Do not worry about your "wings"
    Stick to your program,
    when you reach your goal
    the wings will be better
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Lift HEAVY weights, drink lots of water, finish losing all your weight and moisturize. Keep that up for a year and after that you still have significant amounts see a doctor about getting it cut. it takes time for your skin to heal itself after such dramatic stretching but there will be improvements.

    I won't look like Arnold Schwarzenegger or anything will I? LOL

    Absolutely not. I lift heavy arsed weights and I do not think I look like him.

    Lifting weights will help as will additional fat loss and time. It really depends on the individual as to how much your skin will shrink back and how long it will take.
  • 1 - You look awesome, congratulations. Very inspiring for people like me.
    2 - As others have responded, to get really buff ("like Arnie") you'd have to be taking steroids. Focus your weight training efforts on ability goals like strength (lift heavy weights in low reps) and endurance (lift lighter weights (not too light) for more reps). That's the best way to track your progress even if you feel like extra skin is keeping you from seeing the results you want.
    3 - Maybe since it's getting cold and we'll all be wearing long sleeves anyway, you could set yourself a weight loss and strength goal for next spring (March or April). If you meet that goal and still aren't satisfied with your appearance, then consider surgical measures.

    Also ask your doctor. S/he may be discouraging of going under the knife, but could at least tell you realistically if you can banish the extra skin on your own.
  • MizzTweezy
    MizzTweezy Posts: 250 Member
    thanks for all the advise.... I will work on it the best I can! Because out of everything that is sagging, this is the part most that bothers me...
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    <--- Wings. haha, sorry. Stick to your guns and you'll be fine. Don't give up.
    Do not worry about your "wings"
    Stick to your program,
    when you reach your goal
    the wings will be better
  • luvmydog2
    luvmydog2 Posts: 243 Member
    :wink: I too have this problem ...and wear sleeves also ...but come from a family that ll have large arms and pear shape figure .All my life ...have given me grief with choosing clothing ... But now just don't let it bother me :smile:
    I feel good inside ...and thats what matters .... Congratulations... you have done well ...
  • jnchorn
    jnchorn Posts: 250 Member
    I feel your pain on this topic. My doctor has told me there is now more weight in extra skin below my arm then my actual arm. I've lost 200 lbs and I dont think all the exercises in the world can help me. I think yours in time will start to improve possible, though its hard to be patient. I agree that you should use surgery as a last resort. As far as wearing long sleeves... I was the same way my whole like. I started hiding my arms in the 7th grade. In the past year I have just decided.. forget it! It's their problem not yours! If you are comfortable with short sleeves or tank tops wear them. If people look, let em! They are now your badge of honor for all your hard work, or a battle scar to see how far you've come. Hold your head high, you've done an amazing job! HUGS
  • dawson55510
    dawson55510 Posts: 197 Member
    1st very brave of you to do that. I think you should concentrate on your weight loss and continue to go towards your goal weight. When you have done so , you then could look into skin removal surgery if you still think you need it , you may not, Best of luck to you

    I agree with this i lost 110lbs and thought i would need surgery but i bulk up and everything is sitting ok now
  • murdie
    murdie Posts: 85 Member
    I have the same problem. Thanks to everyone for the good advice!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    There is some great advice in this thread. A heavy Weight routine and time will improve things significantly and should be a precursor to any real thoughts of surgery - if you go to surgery, that will make thing so much more successful. Take a year and see where you are with the next picture then.

    An important point - that isn't just skin but also some remaining fat and tissue. Exercise will strengthen the area and create best way of converting from just weight loss to a better body fat percent.

    Best of luck in part 2 of the new you.
  • kitkat4141
    kitkat4141 Posts: 379 Member
    Lift weights and lift heavy. Took me over a year to tone my arms and tighten my skin. I lost 55 pounds at age 53. My skin doesn't exactly have much elasticity left but strength training transformed my body.
  • moneil61
    moneil61 Posts: 6 Member
    I just want to say, WAY to GO! What a faboulous result. Stay focused on your goals, and worry about the cosmetics once you reach them.
  • I want to thank you for putting this out there. I see now I'm not the only one. I have lost weight in the past and put it back on because of the sagging. I have come to the conclision that I waould rather have saggy skin and be healthy. At least now I know to give it time keep hydrated and do weight training.!!!

    Thank you everyone for the advice!! Wish I would have gotten it along time ago!:blushing:
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    I want to thank you for putting this out there. I see now I'm not the only one. I have lost weight in the past and put it back on because of the sagging. I have come to the conclision that I waould rather have saggy skin and be healthy. At least now I know to give it time keep hydrated and do weight training.!!!

    Thank you everyone for the advice!! Wish I would have gotten it along time ago!:blushing:

    In due time. Just keep picking up the weights and building back elasticity. Lots of water!
  • Fun fact; Skin is the largest organ for the body =D that being said I believe a lot of people are right, you need to tone and strengthen your muscles to even out your arms. And Super Kudos for losing SO much weight! Great inspiration!