
Hello i have type 2 diabetes and i'm looking for friends who struggle with this illness also!


  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    For the last five years I was told I am at or above the line for type two diabetes. Doctors tried to make me take medication. I refused. I lost 80 poinds. NO MORE TYPE 2. All my numbers are normal. YEAH FOR ME.
  • mandyabraio
    mandyabraio Posts: 112 Member
    I have type 2 diabetes. Had it for a year now. I take Metformin for it. Doctor's have been telling me for over a year now to lose weight or die...I have other illnesses too....I lost about 10 pounds not really trying but now I am making the changes that I need to to get my health back on track...I'm getting off all my medications!!!!! I have in the last month lost another ten pounds.
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    I am hypoglycemic and had insulin dependent, gestational diabetes with both pregnancies. My mom is a type 2 diabetic and controls hers with diet and oral meds. She is in her normal weight for her height/age.

    You can friend me if you like, we can share notes!

    The biggest reason I'm here on MFP is to get healthier so that my diagnosis comes as late in life as possible - but I know it's coming.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    For the last five years I was told I am at or above the line for type two diabetes. Doctors tried to make me take medication. I refused. I lost 80 poinds. NO MORE TYPE 2. All my numbers are normal. YEAH FOR ME.

    Pretty much ditto. I was diagnosed March of this year with Type 2. As of my last two A1Cs (last one was just this past week) I'm fine now and no longer require metformin. Was just a matter of cutting back the carbs and exercising. The weight loss is just a fantastic side effect.
  • Hello I was diagnosed in 1996 with Type 2. I have had high blood pressure since mid 80's. And Friday I was diagnosed with Borderline Cardiomegaly (enlarged Heart). I still struggle daily with my diabetes. I take 100 units of Lantus before bed and 50 units of Humalog before each meals.

    Please feel free to add me!!

  • anghigdon
    anghigdon Posts: 24 Member
    I also have type 2 diabetes and would love to share support with others! I was diagnosed about a year and a half ago after flirting with it for years. Dr. immediately put me on glipized which I was able to get off within about 2 months because I got my blood sugar under control by diet and exercise...l also lost 57 lbs! Fell of the wagon and gained back 40 and recently found out my blood sugar had skyrocketed to over 300!!!! Dr. has me on 5 mg of Glipizide and 1000 mg Metformin and I'm happy to say that I"m back on track! I have managed to get all but my fasting sugars to a good level with the help of diet, exercise and medication. Fasting sugars are still hovering around 130-150 but it's steadily going down.

    This was a serious wake up call to me that diabetes never really goes away....we can certainly control through lifestyle changes but it's something we'll always have to pay attention to.

    I'd love to be your friend and share my food diary with you. If you're interested, send me a friend request. Diabetes is a managable disease and we CAN do it!!!!

  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    Diagnosed PWDII 02/2012 A1C and Glucose were short of ICU admission. I was placed on oral medication and advised to make the changes or make the arrangements.
    I kicked my own @ss form there on out and within 3 months had stabilized my A1C and daily glucoses.
    I still fluctuate in weight and am trying to knock it down, but all through life have been a “big boy”. I am currently no longer requiring medication.
    No secrets just sweat and nutrition.
  • rwatts2165
    rwatts2165 Posts: 18 Member
    For the last five years I was told I am at or above the line for type two diabetes. Doctors tried to make me take medication. I refused. I lost 80 poinds. NO MORE TYPE 2. All my numbers are normal. YEAH FOR ME.

    Fantastic! Thats what I like to hear. I found once they said I had it, everyone wanted me to be the "best diabetic" I could be. Very few in the medcial profession wanted to help me get healthy, they just wanted to "manage my diabetes. At first I was in denial. Then I tried to comply. I went to the support classes. OMG. A bunch of fat people sitting around complaining about how bad their lives were and all they wanted to do was eat a cookie but they new they would feel guilty. Then they passedout samples and coupons of this awful tatsing shake substitute Not for me.

    I did nothing at firts and that was not a good soultion. Just got more unhealthy. But then I took the meds but made myslef a promise that I would only take them for a year so I had beetter get a alternate plan. I changed my eating, joined MFP and found a trainer who believed you could exercise your way to better health. I have a ways to go but I noticed after I lost 50 pounds that I was geting a lot more readings in the normal range and my A1C is down form 9.3 to 6.1.

    I am just starting to take control and every day is not perfect but it sure does beat sitting in those classes at the hospital watching people just give up and start working on trying to be the best diabetic possible instead of the best person possible. As much as I really like my doctor, he is trianed to throw meds at everything and that is not always the answer. Rob (friend requests welcome)
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    Hey taste have you heard of agave nectar? It's low gylcemic, but it tastes GREAT. I can't live without it.
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    I found that early Type 2 is very controllable with diet and exercise. If you test often, several times a day, you can quickly learn what foods and behaviors send your sugar skyrocketing, and which do not. Most people assume sweets are the culprit, but that was never a real issue for me. Bread was the real killer. Be very careful with what you eat, and your sugars will start to decrease markedly in about a month. After three months, they can be great. Keep eating too many carbs, and you'll be on insulin before you know it.

    I had lost my first eighty pounds without trying to lose weight at all-- I was just trying to control the diabetes. Even though I was doing well with controlling my sugars, in August I finally reconciled myself to losing the bigger weight battle and had RNY gastric bypass. One of the immediate effects was the diabetes disappeared. I went from fasting blood sugars in the 110 to 115 range, to the low 80s every day.
  • Thatsdatdiva601
    Thatsdatdiva601 Posts: 209 Member
    You can add me...Type 2 for 2years...in the process of reversing it!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,182 Member
    I was diagnosed May 2011. I started on MFP in May of this year. In only 4 months I am off my insulin pills and I only take Metformin because it helps with my weight loss...I don't really need it. My fasting sugar readings run between 80 and 90mg. You can't cure it but you can control it. No more thirst or running to the bathroom every half hour. No more recurring yeast infections. My skin and nails are clear and healthy. You can do it too!!
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Add me as a friend if you like! I was diagnosed about 3.5 years ago with an A1C of 14%. I know, I know. I was on Metformin from that time but didn't get off my *kitten* and didn't really try to change my diet. This past August (30 days ago) I was hospitalized with a BG of 584 (A1C back up to 13.9%) and a 10cm x 15cm skin abscess caused by Strep and an ingrown hair which required surgery. I nearly went septic. I spent 5 days in the hospital! Worst week ever. I was placed on Humalog (15 units, 4 times a day) AND Lantus (45 units, 1 time daily) along with Metformin. I also have to check my glucose 4 times a day, 5 if I exercise. So I was up to 10 needle sticks a day! I had had enough after 3 weeks. I got approval from my Doc to start a high-protein diet. low-carbs, medium good fats. I'm on a 15%-30%-55% macronutrient regimin. I've been doing it since 9/15/2012. Even with this diet and 30 minutes of 3mph walking I was still reading in the 130's on average which requires an insulin injection. I also wasn't seeing results in weight loss. So I started playing around with my carbs...

    With a caloric limit of 1760 calories (without exercise) my diet allows me a max of 79g of carbs per day. So as an experiment I dropped my carb limit to 50g per day (I've read that going below 50g/day for an extended time can trigger starvation mode and make you gain weight). I saved the last 29g for diabetic needs if my glucose got too low. I also have made sure I walk at least 30 minutes/day. I've also begun strength training 5 days a week. I've been no higher than 119 on my glucose readings and have even dipped down into the high 80's. If I'm below 120 I don't have to inject my Humalog. So now I've been FIVE DAYS with no Humalog injections. Now this may not work for other folks, but it works for my body which is what is important.

    I will say it did take me about 1.5 weeks to start to feel more energy after going so low-carb. Now that I'm loading good fats and clean proteins and complex carbs I have more than enough energy. I also consume my carbs before lunch and ZERO after that, so the carbs burn off all day and provide energy.

    I'm not saying stop taking your meds or go radical with your diet in any way. I still have all my insulins handy for the random spikes. What I AM saying is Type 2 is NOT a death sentence or irreversible. However, it does take a lot of dedication and hard work to reverse it. You also have to make the mental change in your lifestyle and realize that you will forever need to be watching your diet and exercising regularly to keep the demon away. LOG EVERYTHING! Without MFP and my glucose tracker I would never have figured out what was triggering my spikes. I've been completely amazed at how my body is responding to my new diet and exercises, and I'm no spring chicken. My next A1C is due in December and I'm hoping for a 7% or less result. At the very least I will probably be taken off my insulins.

    Everybody's body is different. Get to know yours very well and you can manage Diabetes and even beat it. You have to go with what works for your body. Just my 2¢.

    Sorry for the long post. LOL
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    Wow some wonderful success stories and strategies here.
  • deeschange
    deeschange Posts: 186 Member
    That's awesome.......congraulations. My hope is to be free from Metformin within 3 to 6 months as well....
  • I.. HATE...DIABETES!!!!!!! Yes, let's be friends.
  • HI. I was diagnosed in May, lost 30 lbs and now A1C is normal, down from 10.7 to 6.5. Feel free to add me!
  • Hello everyone , Im new here I am diabetic and thryoid problems and looking to get this weight off to not be on meds my whole life, and take care of my life, It makes me depress to not be able to fix in my clothes starting slow but makeing sure it works out in teh long run God bless all and seek God without him nothing is possible.
  • branson101
    branson101 Posts: 173 Member
    you can add me. I've been diabetic for several years.