
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I am so thrilled to find are exactly my starting weight with similar shape! I'm gaining on my ultimate goal and hoping to be there before Christmas so I can rock a sparkly red new years eve dress!

    You are an inspiration. I'll return to your photos when I get a little out of sorts and lacking motivation!

    Now..get that rockin' body in a physique competition!

  • optionalsourcewins
    optionalsourcewins Posts: 457 Member
    You look FABULOUS!!! Congratulations on your awesome success. Our health is so very important and so many of us don't realize it until it is too late. You have opened my eyes with your story and sharing with us the loss of your sister. Thank you for sharing your story.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Congratulations on the weight loss and improved fitness.
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    WOW!!!! YOu look amazing!!!!
  • TheNEWMonicaB
    TheNEWMonicaB Posts: 129 Member
    Congratulations to you! You look incredible! I am so sorry for the loss of your sister and admire your strength and perserverence to keep going in the wake of her passing. You are STRONG! I am 5'6" also, but started about 50 lbs heavier than you. When I look at your pics, everything looks so tight and toned. Do you have any problems with loose skin anywhere?
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
  • kaseymei
    kaseymei Posts: 164
    you look amazing!! congrats!!
  • KerryPozzi
    KerryPozzi Posts: 30 Member
    You are gorgeous and you have a beautiful smile that shows Jesus shining right through you! Congratulations on your accomplishment. Keep up the good work. You can do this!
  • Yummamamma
    Yummamamma Posts: 79 Member
    wow! huge difference even since august! You look fit and healthy! good job girl on all your hard work
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    OMG! Look at you!!!! Great job; congratulations!!
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    Ok, so 76.8#, but WOO HOO! I started this journey at 218# ( a size 18W jeans and a 1X top) in March of this year. I was borderline diabetic, high blood pressure, high cholesterol (the bad kind), and generally unhappy with what I saw when I looked at me. DON'T GET ME WRONG.... I KNOW THAT GOD MADE ME AND HE DOESNT MAKE JUNK! lol But you can have a gorgeous house and fill it with clutter until it is unfit for human occupancy (ever watch HOARDERS?)! HELLO!!!!! ANywho... My Dad is a diabetic, my sister, diabetic. She was on dialysis 3 times a week until she passed away about 10 weeks after I began this journey (June 4th, 2012). She had renal failure due to her diabetes being so overwhelming on her kidneys. The day she died, a friend of mine actually tried to offer me dairy queen as comfort food and advised that I could "take a break" from my weight loss goals that night. HA! I kicked in to FULL THROTTLE and haven't looked back!

    I run 10 miles on the weekends now and burn through about 1000 cals a day in physical activity (not BMR). I pretty much have been following The Biggest Loser diet... eating LOTS of fresh fruits and veggies. I avoid processed foods 90% of the time. I carry a little cooler bag with me when I am out running errands, so I am never without water or a healthy snack! This keeps me from wanting to eat at a fast food chain. :glasses:
    And I PRAY... A LOT! Seriously, folks... I love Jesus. He loves me. Yeah... I'm a Jesus Freak. I can do ALL things through Him who gives me strength... some may think that is a silly phrase.. but lemme tell ya, you try turning away from the popcorn and nachos or soft pretzels at the movie theater when your hubby and teenager are loaded down with goodies.. and you tell me that isn't DIVINELY INSPIRED self control! Amen! :flowerforyou:

    Anywho... I plan to keep on running and I also am meeting with a nutritionist to teach me how to maintain this new weight that I hope to be at VERY SOON. I am only 6# away from my goal as I write this. WHEW! As of now, I am 141.2#, and for the first time in my adult life I am wearing a size 6 jeans! WOO HOO! not just in ONE pair, either! lol I wear a M top now, too! I love that I don't have to worry about what will fit when I take it out of the closet! I have never felt better, healthier, and stronger. :heart:

    God Be with all of you on your journeys! Be strong, be courageous! Do not lose heart! It can happen! It WILL happen! You make healthy choices, use self control, and apply determination... you will be AMAZED at the results you will see. Oh, and have grace with yourself. If you stumble... get right back up and keep on truckin! :happy:

    BEFORE (March 2012)
    BEFORE (JAN or MARCH, I think) and DURING (AUG 4 2012)
    DURING (AUG 2012)


    yes I totally agree!!! if you look at my profile page that is my verse! 'saying' "i can do all things through CHrist who strenthens me"!!!!! PHilippeans 4:13.. my life verse! .. and helps me daily to exercise and make better choices!!! wow you look AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    my hw )just b 4 mfp 234 sw 231 cw 209 (after 11wks) gw is 155
    this is soo encouraging.. thank you for the post and thank you for the Jesus talk he keeps me going!!!!! Jesus Freaks are the only good Freaks to be !lol.... peeps might not think 'food' is a sin or wrong or an addiciton.. but oh yes it is.. or why would we even 'be' over wt??!?!?! ya know.. yeah I might not do drugs/smoke or other illegal things that are addicitons.. but boy oh boy is food and overeating a strong -hold and addiction!!
    amazing job and you are rockin!!!!!!!!!!
  • jrs1008
    jrs1008 Posts: 18 Member
    First off ~ Congratulations on SUCH an INCREDIBLE JOURNEY! You look absolutely STUNNING! Inspiration? YES! I read your story as if you were standing in front of me, telling it. I'm so very sorry for the loss of your sister, but I have this feeling that maybe losing her was your will and determination to stay strong through your weight loss journey. You mentioned you have child(ren) therefore, you didn't want to 'leave' them, should something happen to you because of your weight. That is where I'm at. It's hard, yes. I know I can do it. But, after I read your story, and viewed your pictures, I'm that much more determined as I want to show pictures of my transformation as well someday! Thank you so much for sharing ~ you are one of God's most precious gifts to all of us on our weight loss journey! God Bless!
  • Tiffikat
    Tiffikat Posts: 47 Member
    You look fantastic! WTG!
  • LvLite
    LvLite Posts: 102 Member
    Way to go! Thank you!! I need to pray more about it and your post really reminded me about that!
  • catneon
    catneon Posts: 911 Member
    Fantastic!!!! Congrats and thank you so much for sharing your success story! it's great inspiration.
  • Congratulations! You have done amazing. I have to ask. Is all you have used is the Biggest Loser jump start? Does that have the exercise regime you started and continued? I was Morbid Obese HW of 389lbs. I am currently 214-216 I keep flucuating up and down. But I have never done more than walking and haven't done much of that in 4 months. I need to get started and still would hate to waste money on a gym, for me anyway and my schedule and family ect. So any tips on where to start or how you got to where you are exercising. I couldn;t handle it back at teh higher weight but think I can start implementing things now. My goal is 180, I am not sure if I want to be less than that or not. I cannot even remeber what I looked like at that weight lol. Please feel free to add me and maybe inbox me some ideas if you would!
  • bigblue92710
    bigblue92710 Posts: 12 Member
    Nice work! I have to remember that God is a source of strength to draw upon as well.
  • Congrats! You look fabulous! You are inspirational and Funny!!! You are almost there!! I read that you are running. Are you lifting weights or doing resistance training? Thanks for helping to motivate us all :D
  • You did an amazing job.
  • KeepGoingRhonda
    KeepGoingRhonda Posts: 527 Member
    Love it! Congratulations! Sending a friend request!
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