How do I get back on board?

I did great from March - August. School started back/life started back and I have crashed and burned. I have started purging again (have not done in over 5 years) just to help with the stress and guilt I feel from this. My exercise went from 5/6 days a week to maybe 2 if possible.

I keep telling myself I can get back on board but I just don't feel like I can. I do fine with food for breakfast/lunch but when I come home, I emotionally eat and it starts back over.

How do I get back? I am so scared of gaining the weight back or going even more. I am so close to my goal (only 12 pounds away).



  • kcoburn327
    kcoburn327 Posts: 111 Member
    Shameless bump
  • Bunski
    Bunski Posts: 27 Member
    You can do this!!
    Think of how much better you will feel when you are back on track. Maybe try planning out your dinner so the temptation to emotionally eat isn't there? (IDK if you cook much or at all, but this would be a perfect opportunity for something quick and easy made in a crockpot. If dinner is already ready and waiting for you, it's a lot harder to go off plan)

    Focus on one thing at a time. You've already accomplished one step-owning up that you aren't doing as well as you would like. Despite all the craziness that might be happening in school and your life, this is one thing that YOU control! You deserve to be healthy and happy in your own body.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Just put it down! Look at your food for a few seconds before you eat it, think if you really want it. If you want it look at it more (of course do this for the food you dont need to eat lol) If that works, or doesnt, then just walk away and go workout. Lose yourself in music, walk for a while, do something where you are not in the vicinity of anything caloric!
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    The only way to do it is to JUST DO IT! Do any kind of exercise whether you want to or not, and chances are you're not going to want to waste your efforts by eating a doughnut, etc. Start that snowball effect going in the right direction.
  • natalie2355
    natalie2355 Posts: 93 Member
    one day at a time... im in the same boat.

    Just started a challenge with a buddy- now i have to answer to her (and do burpees if i mess up!)
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    I wish I could help, but I fell off the wagon in June, and now I'm so far away I can't even find it again...

    I wish you luck with your goal though! You're so close!
  • momjeannes
    I almost posted the exact same post a few minutes ago. I've been doing great for almost two months, and yesterday and today I just want to eat and not exercise and not even think about what's going in my mouth. So I understand your difficulty and am so glad this website is here to help us push through. Maybe we can add each other and help each other along. Good luck! You did it before, you can do it again!
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    To get my motivation back, I have noticed that the following helps
    1 - go shopping for healthy food, refill your fridge with your favourite healthy foods, and try to keep it stocked. When the food is there, it is easy to go for it.
    2 - search new recipes and meal ideas.
    3 - go shopping for brand new clothes. Buy them in a few sizes smaller than what you are now. This gets me back on track every time. Even if I just by one amazing blazer or t-shirt, i get my motivation back fairly quickly to fit into the item.

    Good luck.
  • auctionmaestra
    Can sympathize with your bumps in the road. I find if I want to comfort myself eating that drinking a pot of hot tea is very filling and soothing, so is a hot bath. Sort of short circuits that empty/cold feeling. I also find that keeping my home environment warmer, temperature-wise helps me stay on a more even keel and sleep better. I also pass along this Buddhist meal prayer, The Five Thoughts, to say before you eat, to help achieve a more mindful state in regards to food, which, I tell you, is my primary source of gratification.

    1. We must think deeply about the ways and means by which this food has come.
    2. We must consider our merit in accepting this food.
    3. We must protect our minds from error by excluding greed from our thoughts.
    4. We will eat this food lest we become lean and die.
    5. We accept this food so that we may become enlightened.

    If you take about a minute on each thought, saying it and thinking about each one, it slows the psychological hunger down and brings it up more for us to take a look at.

    Good luck. Thank you for sharing your life with us.
  • deedah1216
    deedah1216 Posts: 16 Member
    You can do it!! Just take it one day at a time and remember each day starts a new. I totally understand about getting back on track. I recently took a fall and fractured my ankle. I was laid up in a cast for a month. As much as I tried to eat right I felt down and out about not being able to compete in a 10K that I had been training for, having to ask people for help and on and on. Food became my comfort. Needless to say, once the cast came off and I got on the scale......YIKES! I'm now back to tracking my food and weighing and measuring as well. I've even started back started back at the gym. No running yet, but I'll get there.

    Please don't give up on yourself. You've worked so hard to get to where you're at. Keep you eyes on the prize.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Stop feeling guilty. You're still here, still trying. That's good.

    "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." ~Henry Ford

    So sit down and think about what worked in March. Is there any reason you can't do it again? If there is, what can you do about that reason? What didn't work for you or feel right?

    Without knowing you or more detail, it sounds to me like you may have stretched yourself too much. Did you do things thinking they were temporary or that you were making a permanent lifestyle change?

    Take a short break. Don't try to get to your goal. Try to plateau. I know that seems odd, but give yourself a chance to consolidate what you've already learned and won. Take your breath. I don't mean stop exercising or trying to eat right, but don't try to do more. Act as if you were at your goal. Yes, you may gain back a pound or two, especially if it's the wrong time of month. But I hope you have learned enough that you don't expect to stay at exactly the same weight every day for the rest of your life.

    Imagine you are in the middle of a goal range with 3 pounds of safe wiggle room on either side? Now take a deep breath. What will you do to stay here -- how healthy are you eating? how much exercise do you need to remain here? You can do this. It's easier than what you did to get here, right? You did that for months. Can you do this for two weeks? Of course you can.

    Breathe, relax. And then decide are you ready to plunge in again? To Increase the exercise and maybe adjust the food limits again, but maybe not by as much... go slowly. Be kind to yourself. If someone you cared for did that well for months and then hit a hard spot and messed up a bit, would you be as hard on them as you have been on yourself?

    You have done this, and you can do this.

    And oh yes, CONGRATULATIONS on the progress you already made!
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    1. We must think deeply about the ways and means by which this food has come.
    2. We must consider our merit in accepting this food.
    3. We must protect our minds from error by excluding greed from our thoughts.
    4. We will eat this food lest we become lean and die.
    5. We accept this food so that we may become enlightened.

    This is great! Thank you for sharing it, auctionmaestra.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    If you're tired of starting over, stop quitting!