School Lunches

I don't know about anyone else but I am way annoyed by the new school lunch guidelines. I don't eat school lunches but my kids do and I have several friends who work at the school and eat school lunches. Apparently the first lady's attempt at making school lunches "healthier" is causing some issues. I have two girls who are both healthy and active and neither of them are overweight or eat a considerable large amount of food. They come home hungry every day. They are not picky and they say they eat pretty much everything on their plates....they're still left hungry.
At first I thought "kids will be kids" and they always have something to complain about, but then I have talked to adults who are teachers and school staff who say the same thing. They say the portion sizes aren't enough for a bird and the kids are not allowed second helpings. Most of these adults are not overweight either.
My opinion is that it is not up to the government to try to get kids to "skinny up". I do realize that the US has an obesity problem, but I honestly think it has a lot more to do with parents allowing kids to eat too much fast food, drink too much soda and not get adequate excercise....not because they eat school lunch.


  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    *crickets chirping* anyone?
  • mom2sons02
    mom2sons02 Posts: 111 Member
    For this reason and the fact they my kids say they now taste awful I pack thier lunch every single day.
  • leojsivad
    leojsivad Posts: 124 Member
    Pack them an extra bag of carrots to take to lunch with them. Eat a bigger breakfast? Not sure.
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    I don't know about anyone else but I am way annoyed by the new school lunch guidelines. I don't eat school lunches but my kids do and I have several friends who work at the school and eat school lunches. Apparently the first lady's attempt at making school lunches "healthier" is causing some issues. I have two girls who are both healthy and active and neither of them are overweight or eat a considerable large amount of food. They come home hungry every day. They are not picky and they say they eat pretty much everything on their plates....they're still left hungry.
    At first I thought "kids will be kids" and they always have something to complain about, but then I have talked to adults who are teachers and school staff who say the same thing. They say the portion sizes aren't enough for a bird and the kids are not allowed second helpings. Most of these adults are not overweight either.
    My opinion is that it is not up to the government to try to get kids to "skinny up". I do realize that the US has an obesity problem, but I honestly think it has a lot more to do with parents allowing kids to eat too much fast food, drink too much soda and not get adequate excercise....not because they eat school lunch.

    I think its great. I really do. I'm Canadian though, and this doesn't affect me at all lol. But our schools did this years ago. They have limits on how much fat, calories, sugar and salt can be in the food they serve. No candy, pop, chips etc. Nothing is premade or processed at my daugther school, the older kids each take turns helping cook the food every day. That can only happen in our shcool because we have a canteen, not a cafeteria. Most kids bring their lunch. But either way, they serve real food.

    I guess the way I see it is that even though they are at school, they should have the chance to eat as healthily as possible, especially for the kids that won't get to eat anyway. I do understand the problem though, whats the point of feeding kids healthy foods if they won't eat them? Defeats the purpose. There really is no way to make everyone happy though.

    If your kids are still hungry, can they take a snack with them to school? Or can you pack their lunch for them so they don't have to eat a school lunch?
  • nbeth901
    nbeth901 Posts: 35 Member
    Not everyone can afford to pack school lunches.

    Secondly, every school district is different. The school my children go to actually have great lunches.

    I think your best bet is to complain to the school board and try to get other mothers who feel the same way to petition it. Nothing is ever won without a fight.
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    I think some of you guys are missing the point. I know i can pack them snacks, etc. I just wonder what other peoples opinions are on the changes.
  • mastone99
    mastone99 Posts: 20 Member
    Is this new? I'm pretty sure this is not a "first lady" idea. They were doing portion control when I was in school (I'm 35). I think portion distortion is the issue. We think 3oz of meat is just a little bit when that is a normal portion size. A lot of the things we eat are over-sized. We want a quarter pounder, not 3 oz.

    At the school where I work, the biggest difference I see is the type of food they offer (more salads, fruits and veggies vs. pizza) and they don't sell sodas and chips in the snack machine anymore (in fact they took out the snack machines last year). This is a lot better than the limited choices they used to offer.

    Now with all that being said, I still pack my lunch every day because I refuse to pay for a school lunch when I have food at home that I can throw in a bag and bring with me (#cheap). Plus, I like my cooking better. :-)
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    The school lunch program only applies to lunches paid for by the federal government. If it ain't good enough for you, send your kids with lunch or money to buy something else.
  • mom2sons02
    mom2sons02 Posts: 111 Member
    And have you looked at the menu? Here it is crap like, wheat breaded chicken nuggets, whole wheat pizza, turkey frank on whole wheat bun. Mouth watering yet?? How about trying real healthy food instead of taking what kids eat and altering it so they don't like it? They may try something they have never had, you take kids who are used to the "regular" food and try to make it heathy, but serve the same things? Not going to work.
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    Is this new? I'm pretty sure this is not a "first lady" idea. They were doing portion control when I was in school (I'm 35). I think portion distortion is the issue. We think 3oz of meat is just a little bit when that is a normal portion size. A lot of the things we eat are over-sized. We want a quarter pounder, not 3 oz.

    At the school where I work, the biggest difference I see is the type of food they offer (more salads, fruits and veggies vs. pizza) and they don't sell sodas and chips in the snack machine anymore (in fact they took out the snack machines last year). This is a lot better than the limited choices they used to offer.

    Now with all that being said, I still pack my lunch every day because I refuse to pay for a school lunch when I have food at home that I can throw in a bag and bring with me (#cheap). Plus, I like my cooking better. :-)

    I understand portion control. They had it when I was in school too. (I am 30). The changes I am referring to are new this year. I giess they haven't hit all schools yet.
  • mom2sons02
    mom2sons02 Posts: 111 Member
    The school lunch program only applies to lunches paid for by the federal government. If it ain't good enough for you, send your kids with lunch or money to buy something else.
    Wrong, they are all served the same lunch whether they pay or govt pays.
  • savanahspring
    I don't understand why it's the government's job to feed our children at all.
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    The school lunch program only applies to lunches paid for by the federal government. If it ain't good enough for you, send your kids with lunch or money to buy something else.

    That's not actually true. I do pay for my kids' lunches. They are absolutely not provided by the government.
  • shiransom
    shiransom Posts: 83 Member
    I actually appreciate it and have no problems. I have 2 middle schoolers.
  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    Options much truth! My company sells to public school systems and the new menu's are horrendous. I recently was with the director of the Los Angelas Unified School District and she took me to dumpster after dumpster full of school lunches. It's almost criminal...............
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    I don't understand why it's the government's job to feed our children at all.

    Again, the government isnt paying for the food. I am. Wow no one responding must have kids in school! :)
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    Been hearing a lot of the same complaints in our town too... especially with the high school kids. My kids (1st and kindergarten) it's hard to tell how much of lunch they really eat anyway, but I know it's not as much as they would eat at home. I would love to pack my kids a lunch everyday, but sheesh! It would take some rearranging the budget. I feel bad for the kids that are in sports after school!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I have a day care and also use the USDA food program....I can't feed the kids the junk the school serves. They have pizza sticks for breakfast...and pizza & burger everyday....they also serve a healthy choice, but not many kids pick it when you can have pizza & burgers. The also serve terrible breakfast, cereal bars (all sugar) cinnamon rolls, pizza, muffin, and lots of sugary cereal over 10 grams. I have to serve cereal with less then 10 grams a cup. We have alot of kids that are poor...and this is the most meals they are getting at school...and they are all junk!
  • tephey
    tephey Posts: 44 Member
    From what I understand they have hit all schools and yes it is the first lady's baby.

    Looks like you are not the only one complaining. :)
  • TonkaDanteFriend
    TonkaDanteFriend Posts: 70 Member
    So if you're paying for their lunches out of your pocket and they aren't getting enough at school, why not take that money and make their lunches yourself?

    Also, newsflash here, but kids in general are *ALWAYS* hungry.