Good Grief!

I do not know what happened to my will power and resolve of late! I think it has something to do with the purchase of a bag of tootsie roll midgies...someone please say something that will help me get back on track...I am ridculously messed up today and there are still tootsies left! YIKES! I was doing so well!


  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    When you consume a carbohydrate rich snack, you blood sugar will spike quickly. Then your pancreas will release insulin in order to lower your blood sugar. Then, when your blood sugar is low, your body will send you signals to EAT, EAT, EAT again.

    Lather, rinse, repeat.

    Next time you reach for the midgies, add a good quality protein to your snack. (An ounce of leftover chicken? A string cheese? Some Greek yogurt? Some almonds?)

    Consuming protein at the same time as carbohydrate will moderate the insulin response and you will feel fuller longer, instead of getting a snack craving again an hour after eating a carbohydrate-only snack.

    Eating a decent amount of protein at breakfast (eggs, Greek yogurt, leftover chicken again, etc.) will have the same effect - you will be more able to make it all the way to lunch time without snacking.
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    I am laughing about the fact that you have become powerless to Tootsie Rolls...that just cracks me up!!! I know what you mean though, I am a sugar junkie and just a little bit of a sweet that I love can be a downward spiral. :ohwell:
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Take whatever you have left, and put them in the bin! It will be hard if you are like me you hate wasting food, but remember that this is not food, and it will do more harm in your body than in the trash.

    I am not a person who will preach clean eating, if you can have sweet things in moderation and control yourself, then keep them. It sounds more like a binging behaviour though, and it's better to get them out of your line of sight and remove the temptation.

    Don't worry, as far away as it might seem now, there will come a time when you will want one, and just say to yourself 'nah, doesn't fit in to my diary today' and just walk away. Until then though, you have to figure out what works for you and avoidance can be a valid solution.
  • You Are doing So well! You have accomplished so much and are SO very close! You haven't fallen off track as long as you keep your goals in mind. :flowerforyou: Its good to schedule in some treats now and then =) I find i have to do that with chocolate a few times a week. BTW Super awesome job on your progress so far :smile:
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Put them in the garbage NOW and pour dish soap all over them or flush them down the toilet. Get rid of all the evidence.
  • Take whatever you have left, and put them in the bin! It will be hard if you are like me you hate wasting food, but remember that this is not food, and it will do more harm in your body than in the trash.

    I am not a person who will preach clean eating, if you can have sweet things in moderation and control yourself, then keep them. It sounds more like a binging behaviour though, and it's better to get them out of your line of sight and remove the temptation.

    Don't worry, as far away as it might seem now, there will come a time when you will want one, and just say to yourself 'nah, doesn't fit in to my diary today' and just walk away. Until then though, you have to figure out what works for you and avoidance can be a valid solution.

    I agree 100%. Such a great response Rayman79!!! It makes me feel good to see someone offer genuine, thoughtful and considerate advice to someone who needs a little help on their journey! MFP people like you Rayman79 is what keeps me on this site. And MFP has been a great resource that helped me to lose 20lbs so far!
  • Take whatever you have left, and put them in the bin! It will be hard if you are like me you hate wasting food, but remember that this is not food, and it will do more harm in your body than in the trash.

    I am not a person who will preach clean eating, if you can have sweet things in moderation and control yourself, then keep them. It sounds more like a binging behaviour though, and it's better to get them out of your line of sight and remove the temptation.

    Don't worry, as far away as it might seem now, there will come a time when you will want one, and just say to yourself 'nah, doesn't fit in to my diary today' and just walk away. Until then though, you have to figure out what works for you and avoidance can be a valid solution.

    I agree to an extent. Instead of throwing them away, why not freeze them in individual portions? Tootsie Rolls would be very difficult to eat frozen, so she'd really have to plan them into her day. I agree though that if this is binging behavior that she needs to figure out the cause and the best way to cope.

    As for something to kick ya into gear: "Put down the Tootsie Rolls...every one is going straight to your *kitten*!"