

  • MommaKit79
    I am in the same boat! I have noticed inches going away everywhere but THERE!! That is the LAST place to go, that is why it always takes so long to drop in Bra size for me because of the upper back fat. It SUCKS!!!

    But, we must be patient!! I am doing Turbo Jam & Zumba and it seems to be working that area so, hopefully it will help! Everytime I can, I work that part of my body in a workout.
  • MommaKit79
    I have the same problem. Part of it I think is that i have a short torso. But i also have fat around my armpit area and fat that spills over my bra in the back. I weigh 126 and it doesn't seem to be getting any better.

    I could have written this.^^^^ So frustrating.

    yip. i hear you ladies!

    ^^^^SAME HERE (except the weight part)!!!
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    You cant control where you lose fat on your body. It comes off in equal portions.

    You do however have the ability to tone and build muscle in order to reshape your body.

    I got a lot of crap on here when I told people I was a size 12 at 206lbs and 5'7. Some girls responded I was a size 16 at 170!!! The thing is, I work out a lot and sculpted my body and I'm assuming they didn't. Its not all about fat loss or even dieting. I would try targeting that area at the gym.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    It'll eventually go. Your body is going to dispose of the fat in the order it wants to. It took forever for my huge legs to show any progress!

    At 319 I had full back boobs, but they're completely gone now. Hang in there!
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member

    I have so much of it too. :S

    The worst thing is when you're wearing a dress and all of your back fat is overflowing and bulging out of the sides.

    No, unfortunately, there's no way to target a specific area for fat reduction, you just have to get rid of fat everywhere!

    Wear a more flattering cut of dress? This does not sound appealing.
  • avasano
    avasano Posts: 487 Member
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member

    Bump to look at this site later - thanks :smile:
  • HalloweenGirl7
    HalloweenGirl7 Posts: 123 Member
    You cant spot reduce as already mentioned but heavy weight training is more effective at cutting fat.

    I agree. I lift and love the results that I am achieving. Here are some great back exercises:
    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
    Seated Cable Row
    One Arm Dumb-bell(DB) Row
    Back Extension
    Bent Over Barbell Row

    OH ! Thanks so much!
    I am going to start going to the gym and this is very helpful.
    I am just so smushy in the back area (well everywhere really- lol) and this is very helpful. :-)
  • HalloweenGirl7
    HalloweenGirl7 Posts: 123 Member

    Bump to look at this site later - thanks :smile:

    Yes! BUMP!
    I love that website too!
    Thanks girls for the great advice on this post.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Same as losing fat everywhere. Time, patience, an appropriate calorie deficit (eating too little is a recipe for losing muscle, not fat), and regular exercise including strength training.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member

    I have so much of it too. :S

    The worst thing is when you're wearing a dress and all of your back fat is overflowing and bulging out of the sides.

    Maybe the dress is too small?
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Not sure if this was mentioned yet.

    When I was at my heaviest, a perfectly fitted bra solved a lot of the problems of overspilling back fat. Make sure it's not too tight. A good bra should feel secure, not like it's doubling as an extra pair of spanx. Also, a good fitter will make sure you're not going to have that problem anyway. EVERYONE complains about backfat.
  • Bex2Bslim
    Bex2Bslim Posts: 1,092
    Body Pump classes are good too
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator

    These are great and all but means nothing if you aren't in a calorie deficit. In reality, fat loss is about diet. Stuff like resistance training (whether its from weight training or from body resistance) can improve fat loss and more importantly, maintain lean body mass.
  • valolerie
    valolerie Posts: 41 Member
    From my personal experience, I tend to lose first in my non problem areas. I carry most of my weight in my thighs and they have always been my issue, but when I lost 25 lbs earlier this year, my thighs barely changed but I lost weight in my tummy area, which is where I gained the least (and the last place that I gained). Sucks, but that's how it is for me :(
  • cara4fit
    cara4fit Posts: 111 Member
    The combo of overall fat loss and muscle-building will fix this in due time. Since most of us agree that there is no such thing as "spot reduction"(no matter how much we might want it) one has to be patient and consistent with one's workouts and tighten up the diet. One's appearance in the fat department is 80% diet, as any fitness or body building competitor will tell you.
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    when i started doing spin classes (stationary bike) my love handles melted right off my body in 5 weeks! not long after i started seeing all the muscle id been working so hard on comming thru in my back. my fave weigh training exercises are basicallly all working shoulders, chest and back tho. so that probly helped me out a little bit. but i do so reccommend cycling for cardio, it really worked for me :D
  • mdhummel
    mdhummel Posts: 201 Member
    You can't spot reduce, but working out can improve your problem areas to a certain degree. I took spin class for a year and my legs are practically cellulite free, but my arms jiggle like jell-o because I neglected the upper half of my body.

    Now I am doing lots of overhead presses with my dumbells and I am noticing a change in the upper half of my body... if I could only stop reducing in my chest area life would be great!!!
  • CADreaming09
    CADreaming09 Posts: 311 Member
    Well besides the obvious, 'it will come off as you lose more weight' answer, I like to do Back Crunches, they are super fun!

    Also, I did 15 days of 30 Day Shred and the main places that I noticed a difference was my back and stomach. I'm doing it again now and planning on sticking to the 30 days this time.
  • ThatMrs99
    I've got the opposite problem to you. My back fat was one of the first things to go. From the back, i look really slim and toned, but when i turn around, my belly fat gives me away. I know it'll go in its own time- at least i hope it will! lol

    this is me exactly!! It took 4-6 months of weight training the muscles in my back, but I have virtually NO back fat anymore. When I first started weight training, I looked like I had a set of boobs on my back

    this is me 4 months before I started exercising

    IMG00184-20111007-0934 by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    this is me 4 months after starting to exercise

    IMG00566-20120621-1238 by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    sorry about the crappy pic--my 6 year old took it

    ETA please notice that I am wearing the EXACT same outfit. I had only lost about 15lbs at that point...

    LOL @ your six year old taking the pic! That's too cute!
    I was thinking the same thing. Try some weight training and really work those muscles back there and simply keep at what you're doing. It'll burn off in time. Pilates is good too. Like all the other ladies said, it just depends on your body how and where you lose and when. My problem area is my damn stomach :/