When it finally "Clicked" for you



  • PurpElle85
    PurpElle85 Posts: 10 Member
    Noooooo ! This is a wide umbrella of "Clicked"....... I meant when you finally realized that YOU COULD DO IT.... and also when you realized you could stick to the plan and not fall off the wagon this time...... as welll as that turning point in your life when you realized you needed to........
  • Jewelsfla
    Jewelsfla Posts: 41 Member
    I'm still struggling with having more "good" calorie days than "bad". However, this is the most sucessful I've ever been in efforts to lose weight. This is why. Last December I was praying for help in regards to my health. I would go to bed at night wake up because I could barely breathe. The next morning I went to church, and there was an announcement about a women's Bible study group called "Made to Crave" which focused on weight loss. I thought "well, this is clearly God's answer...I can't say no!".

    I joined the group, read the Lisa Teurkurst book that went with it, and have lost 57 lbs since then...it's been a slow weight loss (in large part due to weeks at a time of not counting calories) but I know the changes I have made are going to stick because of how slowly the weight has come off, and because I really want this...AND of course, I have to keep up my end of the bargain with God =D
  • dougt333
    dougt333 Posts: 697
    When the work buddies put a bet on who could lose the most weight in a month and $50 bucks was on the line. A month is enough to create a habit.
  • ReinventingLisa
    ReinventingLisa Posts: 104 Member
    I am still struggling to really start, but if anything, I just hate thinking "I'll start tomorrow." I've been wanting to lose this weight that I've gained since last summer. I could be at goal by now if I only started 6 months ago. I guess it was realizing that I could have been at goal by now.
  • AnnilyiahMarie
    AnnilyiahMarie Posts: 31 Member
    It finally clicked for me when I saw the guy I've liked with another girl after he had told me I was beautiful.... I want to show him how beautiful i really am underneath all of the extra "character" i say character when i mean fat cuz fat just sounds so mean...
  • TLEIGH33777
    TLEIGH33777 Posts: 93 Member
    The day I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes 2-07-12.
  • RellaBelle
    RellaBelle Posts: 70 Member
    My clicking moment had to be yesterday.. I was hungry and I wanted something sweet sooooo friggin bad it was ridiculous. I debated with myself, sat there with a growling tummy, debated/argued with myself some more, walked in and out of the kitchen. I finally grabbed a handful of almonds and munched on those.. it was weird because I could seriously feel the urge for something sweet slip away. And then again last night while working out.. it was my first full week working out. I've been feeling better, my mood is better, I can climb/run up my stairs without huffing and puffing. I can climb/run up my stairs with a full load of laundry without grunting. It's only been a week but yesterday was my clicking point because in that little time frame.. I have improved a lot!
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    I've been trying to work out most days after work, and just have a snack before so I can eat dinner after—it's so much easier for me to make a better dinner choice if I've just done a crazy, sweaty workout!

    Anyway, I usually have a Larabar as an energy snack, plus some veggies, before going to work out, because I'm usually hungry after work and need some energy for working out. But one day, I totally ate a bunch of chips that were in the pantry instead—no willpower! I went to work out after, and I felt SO sick.... I could barely muster enough energy to move, and I just felt awful! That's when it clicked for me—if I put the RIGHT stuff in my body, I will feel better!

    Even though the chips were yummy at the time, and instant gratification for my craving, I paid for it later—with a bloated tummy, sluggish feelings, and a half-wasted workout I couldn't kick it. Made a resolve then to think about what the consequences will be and what the energy is for—not just my cravings!

    I couldn't agree more about eating crap!
  • Kaydoggie
    Kaydoggie Posts: 98 Member
    It clicked when I got my picture taken with Big Easy from the Harlem Globetrotters and looked huge next to him. I refuse to be that heavy ever again. I could keep whining about being fat, or I could do something about it!
  • Beethoven1827
    Beethoven1827 Posts: 102 Member
    Every day in the lunch queue, as I see what the hot option is, then get my bowl of soup and plate of salad. Today I looked at the hot puddings, too - apple fritters, yum! - and picked up a plain ol' apple. I know that if I'd had the fritters, I'd have loved the first mouthful or two, then started thinking about the fat and sugar. I'm not working hard on watching what I eat and exercising just so I can eat *that*!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I'm not sure I ever had a "clickable" moment, but I did come to realize that my health (and thus my future) are largely in my hands. Being overweight/obese and sedentary statistically shortens lives and degrades the quality of our lives. We are deluding ourselves if we think otherwise. I cherish the time with my family and friends, doing the things I love. I want every last minute.
  • Slack2ShortGo
    Slack2ShortGo Posts: 74 Member
    It "clicked" for me when I started to look at pictures from the last few years. I realized that I was the fat friend in the group now. I used to poke fun at my "chubby friends". I was 200lbs. when I graduated and I was in great shape. 10 years later and I was tipping the scales at 284lbs. I am down to 261 and my goal is to get back to 200lbs. Self control and exercise are my biggest tools. Good luck in your journey!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Yesterday after leaving the gym, I had to make a stop at the grocery store. While walking the isles, I had a sudden overwhelming craving for sweets. My first thought was to grab a can of cinnamon rolls to bake after dinner. Thankfully, I batted that down, but only with the thoughts of the half used tube of cookie dough that I had in the refrigerator! Well, I went on to ponder just grabbing a candybar and eating it before I made it home!!!---Surely, this would conquer my sudden desire for a sweet....and it would be my secret too!!! However, as I stood in the check out line, i remembered the illuminated red "405" under the calories burned display on the elliptical I'd just sweated for 40 minutes on! So as I strolled through the parking lot, feeling accomplished, yet still wanting something sweet, it dawned on me.... This small decision proved to me that i am INDEED changing my outlook.... making better choices, feeling better, as I continue to work toward looking better!!!!! Soooooooo as I jumped into the car, I did grab me something sweet..... It was one of the "Golden Delicious" apples that I'd had in my shopping cart all along!!!! Thank God for the will-power that he is constantly supplying in my life.... :)

    When did you realize it finally clicked for you??? What was your moment of realizing that you are really going to 'stick this health thing out???"

    It clicked for me when I saw that a calorie deficit REALLY WORKS and that it is the ONLY thing that works and if I wanted to achieve my goal I had to make decisions every day just like you. Stick with it and never give up, it worked for me and I'm almost 52 now, the fittest, strongest, and leanest I've ever been in my entire life. I'm glad I never gave up --> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/740340-i-lost-60-lbs-at-age-51-anyone-can-any-workout
  • KiraBg
    KiraBg Posts: 24
    Having chicken tenders and curly fries at the local AMC movie theater and thinking the taste of it was so not worth the 600+ kcals it added to my day - the fries were soggy and it all tasted kinda bitter due to the nasty fat it was fried in... I thought I was being "good" and sharing it with my boyfriend - what a dilusion!
  • grinner30
    grinner30 Posts: 122 Member
    MFP made it click. Open up the app on my phone and put in the calories before I ate...I found my self putting things back immediately. The double burger was going to cost me 30 minutes at 6 mph....and i would only break even....no way.

    Pay for the calories out of your eating budget first...it will make you think twice.