Probably Insane but Starting Insanity!

I've decided to kick my own butt and finally start Insanity since the DVDs have been collecting dust in my room.

Anyone else planning to start it soon?

I could use someone besides myself to hold me accountable, i always cheat XD
I'll definitely return the favor!!


  • fallonrhea
    fallonrhea Posts: 388 Member
    I just started it on Monday!!! I'm doing P90X and Insanity simultaneously.

    I usually don't cheat - so I should be a good role model :)
  • PierdoPeso
    I'm in the second week of it now, but we could all use any support we can get!
  • Perixi
    Perixi Posts: 116 Member
    Good luck! Im on week four.
  • serenagermany
    i just started today
  • VickiW90
    I've also just started Insanity, day 4 today and every part of me is aching but I can't wait to do it again this evening!!
  • smooches220
    Ive done month one a few months ago and started month 2 and decided it was not time for me to move gets tough on that second i decided to start month one over again..i workout in the evenings after work at the gym so I have to do Insanity in the morning which I hate getting up in the morning so I have not been successful in repeating month 1 (I did get up Monday morning and do 20min) its Thursday now and have not done it since... Good Luck on your attempt I really like it lots of cardio and jumping up and down!
  • Elle_Jones
    Today is day four for me, its insane.