NEW GROUP- 30 Day Shred-Starting Monday!!

karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
A few of us MFPers are going to begin the 30 Day Shred on Monday. Please post if you would like to follow along for results, motivation, before/after pics (for those that are comfortable), and advice!

Each Monday, let's post our CWs and something that we liked/disliked from the previous week to make sure we work on for the current week!

I'm excited! Hope you are too!


  • kc7671
    kc7671 Posts: 28 Member
    I'd love to join you. I've actually been doing the 30-day shred for about 4 weeks now. I can definitely see a difference in my figure and how I feel. I still have a ways to go before I get to where I want to be but I really do feel like this dvd is truly working!
  • kateyb
    kateyb Posts: 138 Member
    Ooooh if I can get hold of a copy in time I'll def do this with you Karma x
  • I'll join!

    I'm probably going to start tomorrow though since I just weighed in for my biggest loser at work and I need to keep the momentum going. I've lost almost 17 lbs since 1/13/10 and that was without working out. I definitely need to add some cardio and circuit training to the mix now.

    I'll see you on Monday!!:drinker:
  • I just bought a copy so I will joing to! It is a great work out. hopefully I can do it that many days in a
  • I will start this with you guys on Monday! I was doing the Tony Horton10 minute trainer... started this past Monday and I like it. But I was in a car accident last night and need a few days off, Dr said no working out either :( So by Monday I'll be all ready to start 30 day shred! 10 days on each level?
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    I am on day 3 right now and would love to be involved when you guys start! I am sore today- partly due to my other exercise regimens and partly to the shred! It definitely feels great and am trying to work past my sore muscles today! lol gotta keep the motivation up! talk to you all monday!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I am moving along and will begin level 3 tomorrow, eeek. I'm not just starting but i'm happy to chime in and share motivation and encouragement!!1
  • cardozojoann
    cardozojoann Posts: 85 Member
    I would love to join the group. I have the dvd but havent started it yet. i was going to start it tomorrow but monday is fine with me:bigsmile:
  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member
    I'm already doing the shred and loving it - am on about day 5 or so I reckon and moved up to level 2 which is much harder! Must be doing some good I reckon - I'll join you if I may!
  • noodl20
    noodl20 Posts: 12 Member
    I would love to join. I will go out and find the DVD. I am sure by Monday I can at least get that accomplished!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    This is going to be great!

    Can't wait to start! I will post a thread Sunday night that includes my CW and one goal that I have for the week.

    Please respond with the same.

    Feel free to post a before pic if you like.

    It seems our weight loss range, for the most part, is in sync.

    We can do this!
  • If i can get the dvd this weekend i would love to join!
  • Awesome! I ordered the DVD online yesterday. Hopefully It can get to me before Monday. I'm in!
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I ordered yesterday and it should be here tomorrow...either way, I would love to join!
  • Glysz
    Glysz Posts: 6
    I would love to join this. I may start eartier as I will be leaving on vacation March 1st and want to get in as much as I can in a week and a half. I will try my best to get it in everyday while I'm on vaca. I really like the idea of having a support system.
    Has anyone done this already?? I am not convinced that only 20 minutes a day is enough to see results. Will most likely continue with my other works out too (Spinning, Zumba, Weights)
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    I'm going to start tonight or tomorrow but I'll join!! =o)
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    I would love to join this. Will be starting a little late as it is already Wed. I also will be leaving on vacation March 1st but will try my best to get it in everyday. I really like the idea of having a support system.
    Has anyone done this already?? I am not convinced that only 20 minutes a day is enough to see results.

    Not late...its starting the Monday coming! Your timing is perfect! Try to do the routine on vacation...I'm sure its worth it!

    I've heard great things about it and have seen great before/after pics.
  • Glysz
    Glysz Posts: 6
    That was me I realized after I posted that you meant this Monday :) I edited my post:)
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    I would love to join! I have done the first five days but fell off the wagon last week. I think i'll start over completely with all of you. :) Whoopi!
  • Shelby2003
    Shelby2003 Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to do this. I've started this twice already but haven't made it past day 12. I think I just need some encouragement from others, I can stick with it this time. I am starting today instead of Monday. It really is a great workout.
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