How did everyone choose their calorie goal



  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Once I got a Fitbit and had something giving me a number for TDEE, I just took off 20% and eat that every day.

    Online calculators and even the heralded In Place of a Road Map confused me. I fall between lightly and moderately active. I certainly didn't want to be driven to binging because I was undereating and I didn't want to eat too much. I don't follow the MFP plan; I just use the site to track sodium and calories.
  • BH_Holl
    BH_Holl Posts: 55 Member
    ^^^ THIS! I started doing this a few weeks ago and it has been working out really well for me... My favorite thing about this approach is that I no longer get upset if the scale bounces up from water retention or whatever.... I just watch my trend line and know that my weight isn't really up. I think this method will be key for me during maintenance... Very freeing to not be scared of the scale anymore after a night out with friends or a holiday celebration! :smile:

    The scale becomes a tool, not the enemy. When the number is consistently higher than you expect for a little bit, either you are retaining water and a whoosh is just around the corner, your metabolism has shifted, or you have bumped into the maximum sustainable fat loss rate wall (which will cause a massive drop in your measurable metabolism that is easily fixed by increasing calorie intake, decreasing your deficit).

    EXACTLY!!! It's great to be able to make minor adjustments and get positive results vs letting things get out of control and needing to do major work to correct the current path.
  • mandy031383
    mandy031383 Posts: 94 Member
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    I used the calories set by MFP when i started. I was eating around 1200-1300 calories for a year and lost about 47lbs. Then I plateaued for months and the weight crept back on. 20lbs. I cannot stress enough, that MFP's sets you up very low and I believe that to be the cause of many people's plateaus and failure to maintain.

    Its only very low and the cause of failure and plateaus when people buy into this don't eat your exercise calories back nonsense or they continuously make systemmic "safe" errors that causes their estimating to be garbage.

    MFP is designed to include exercise calories as negative calories, and designed to use right numbers as opposed to safe numbers. Miss on both of these items and your 1000 cal/day deficit can easily become 1500+ cal/day, in which case you're going to plateau sooner rather than later and in general struggle constantly.

    Likewise thereis no disclaimer that unless you've got 30-40+ pounds to lose, chances are a 2 lb/wk goal is too high to be reasonably sustainable and that you will have lots of frustrating plateau problems. Most set it up far too aggressively.

    The EM2WL group/methodology provides a solution for these common MFP problems which is why it works so well. But these problems are user error, not an inherent flaw in MFP. To use MFP as is people have to realize that safe estimating is terrible estimating and that exercise calories must be accounted for, and being overaggressive leads to plateaus and stalls.
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    my TDEE is 2400 calories.

    1900 = 1lb a week
    1400 = 2 lbs a week

    i usually burn about 500-1300 calories a day depending on exercise.

    i usually eat anywhere from 1400 to 2500 calories a day depending on exercise.

    just find your TDEE and cut back from that whatever you want to loose, and the more you exercise, the more calories that are added to your TDEE

    good thing about lots of exercise (above 1000), is that you can safely cut more than 1000 calories out of your diet, so you can loose more than 2 lbs a week (healthily)
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I used the calories set by MFP when i started. I was eating around 1200-1300 calories for a year and lost about 47lbs. Then I plateaued for months and the weight crept back on. 20lbs. I cannot stress enough, that MFP's sets you up very low and I believe that to be the cause of many people's plateaus and failure to maintain.

    Its only very low and the cause of failure and plateaus when people buy into this don't eat your exercise calories back nonsense or they continuously make systemmic "safe" errors that causes their estimating to be garbage.

    MFP is designed to include exercise calories as negative calories, and designed to use right numbers as opposed to safe numbers. Miss on both of these items and your 1000 cal/day deficit can easily become 1500+ cal/day, in which case you're going to plateau sooner rather than later and in general struggle constantly.

    Likewise thereis no disclaimer that unless you've got 30-40+ pounds to lose, chances are a 2 lb/wk goal is too high to be reasonably sustainable and that you will have lots of frustrating plateau problems. Most set it up far too aggressively.

    The EM2WL group/methodology provides a solution for these common MFP problems which is why it works so well. But these problems are user error, not an inherent flaw in MFP. To use MFP as is people have to realize that safe estimating is terrible estimating and that exercise calories must be accounted for, and being overaggressive leads to plateaus and stalls.

    The exercise calories are much different. With MFP original set up I always ate back. Now I don't and usually don't even log exercise, just make it a point to do something to move my body and get my HR up daily.