Im 299 and I need HELP!



  • mdbs2004
    mdbs2004 Posts: 220
    The problem is dieting. You need to slowly change your diet to something you can do. A fad diet is only temporary and useless. Start by cutting out 1 or 2 bad items in your diet and add 1 or 2 healthy items. My diet has been a work in progress for the last 1.5 years and its starting to look ok. I've found the harder people jump into a strict diet the harder they fall. You have the rest of your life to improve your diet and health. You didn’t go from 135 to 299 over night. You shouldn’t expect to drop it over night. Baby steps work the best. My first steps were to stop buying pop, potato chips and turned off my cable TV.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    Friend me if you like, I started just over 300lbs & have for the last few years lost 80lb of that, sadly in the last 6 months I have put 25lbs back on but am slowly getting back on track. I too am inherently lazy so know how you feel. Having kids, working fulltime, it is easy to take the easy route. I have slowly learned better habits & am more than happy to share some with you.
  • BeeRobin
    BeeRobin Posts: 160 Member
    Sent you a message--add me if you wish. Log in each day for support and to track your food. It truly does help.
  • Hotanuri
    you can add me as well :D

    I started at 290, although I was pushing 300 just after having my son (2nd child). I started off just doing a lap around my block once a day. Was only 5 minutes, and I hurt after, but I did it. Soon I was doing 2 laps, then 3, and now I can almost walk 2 miles a day. I just push my son in the stroller, and pick my kindergartner up from school and walk home.
    I don't "diet."
    I portion control. I introduced more healthier foods into my meals. And after eating those for a while, I've found that fast food and those "sweet" stuff are bland and unsatisfying now when I do eat them.
    I started working on losing weight in February/March, and I'm down 32 lbs and went from a size 26 to a 20, and I got into an 18 dress :D
    Just from walking with my kids and portion control.
    You can do it!
  • mcn79
    mcn79 Posts: 112 Member
    I started at 292 and I've lost 22 lbs in about 110 days. I will be the first to tell you that after many failed attempts, this has been the easiest... You can eat whatever you want as long as you are under your calories... however, you will find that you get SO MUCH MORE if you choose wisely. However, I still eat chocolate on a regular basis. I still have an ice cream bar at night. I still drink regular pop now and then... I struggle with exercise too.. I'm either on or off but if you are a nurse are you already pretty active? Especially running after three boys? Don't focus on exercise for now. Focus on making small changes.

    Also, check out this great tool: If you calculate your TDEE you'll find you get plenty of calories and still lose weight!

    You can do it!

    I'd love to support you in your journey. Please feel free to friend me!
  • kathleenmattox
    kathleenmattox Posts: 6 Member
    I started over 300 about 7 months ago! It is possible. Feel free to add me if you want I am happy to be a support!
  • SlimSlow15
    SlimSlow15 Posts: 30 Member
    I'd also like to add, that you need to log everything. Losing weight without logging is incredibly difficult for most people. You need to be able to see exactly how much you're eating. It also helps others give support and guidance when they can see if you're slipping. Don't be afraid to log it all, good and bad. I've also heard that there are some apps that you can use so that you can do it on the go, but I almost never eat anywhere except at home, so I don't have to worry about that.
  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    Feel free to add me for support. Congratulations on your decision to get healthier. This is a wonderful site to help with your weight loss goals.
  • soymilkcoffee
    Just remember what you're doing this for. You don't just want to lose weight, you want to become healthier... not only for yourself, but for your kids, right? Every time you think of an excuse to not exercise, think of them.

    I think the biggest hurdle you'll face is time. It's easy to excuse yourself from a workout or eating healthy foods if you feel like you're strapped for time. So:
    1) Have a workout schedule laid for the whole week. Maybe even for the whole month. Then stick to it, giving yourself 1-2 days of rest each week.
    2) Have a meal schedule for the week. This will make things SO much easier on yourself when you don't have to think about what to cook. Cook in bulk (try googling "Once A Month Mom"- she has great recipes and guidance for this).
    3) Be realistic with your goals. You want a sustainable diet.

    Good luck. :heart:
  • tonyamariepierce
    tonyamariepierce Posts: 42 Member
    i have lost over 100 pounds in the last 4 years. i have now become a personal trainer and nutritional specialist and help others. there are alot of things you can do to get started but it would be easier to just chat one on one if you ever have the time. my email is and if you write i can give you my phone number. i run a fitness bootcamp that incorporates healthy eating and fitness . i would love to chat
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    You are an inspirational person for me! You are a Nurse and a Mom with a sick child, and doing evrything on your own, what a beautiful soul you have!

    Now here is a small thing you need to do.... be selfish! Focus on you and your health, so your boys have the happiest and healthiest mama they can. They need you and you need to do this for yourself and for your quality of life.

    And welcome to MFP, it's a fantastic site with great tools and great people, I'm a working mom too, my girls are 2 and 4. Feel free to add me if you like!
  • dash108
    dash108 Posts: 21 Member
    I was 327 at the beginning of the year and am now 88 lbs lighter. It has taken a bit of will power and eating smaller portions and more often. I eat every 2 hours or so. I still eat what I want though and keep track of my calories religiously. Add me if you would like.
    Good luck! :)
  • NyxariaMoon
    NyxariaMoon Posts: 121 Member
    I'm sending you a friend request. :) I don't think you are lazy at all. I think sometimes being a nurse (I'm one as well) we tend to give all we have to everyone else that we forget to give to ourselves and it just becomes habit. This is going to be part of the lifestyle change you make; making sure you include time to eat healthy and exercise to be healthy. Don't dwell on the past with guild and look at today as the beginning of a new journey.

    You are already taking the right steps. Realizing that you need to make a change is the first step, coming here and reaching out for support is the next. I'll be happy to help provide the support and motivation with all the other steps!

    Jenn :)
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    I've lost 36 pounds so far since june and I don't feel like i'm really on a diet. I still eat what I want, I just make sure it fits into my calories/sodium/sugars. I try not to eat out too much because I know how much sodium fast food has. I try not to keep the junk foods I like in the house because then I will just eat them. I still have junk food in the house just not things I crave. I have just been walking at nighttime. if you are 299 right now, Look at it this way... a year from now do you want to be 100 pounds up or down. 200 lbs vs 400 lbs :indifferent:
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    I too have not done well on dieting but once I started MFP, it was like a light switch clicked on. Until logging it, I was not aware of how much crap that I was putting into my body. I now try to log before I eat so I know if I can fit it in and not starve the rest of the day! It's not easy with the kids. My husband works 2nd shift so he is not home in the evening and gets home too late to get up with the kids to get them ready so that makes exercise difficult. I go on the weekends before anyone is awake (hubby's home but sleeping). During the week I try to do active stuff with the kids like bike riding or a game of kickball. Most importantly though, log your food accurately and stick with it. If you have a smart phone, get the MFP app. I also do not take the time most nights to cook myself something different than the kids, just portion control. has tons of easy recipes. The kids seem to like most of them that I have made. Another thing thats helped me is buying a couple of those cups with straws. I have one on me at all times filled with water. Drink boatloads of water! I started out at 263 and am down to 223 now. With us being bigger, we can lose by just changing our food. If I can do this, so can you!
    Also if you have a smart phone, check out the couch to 5K running app. I sometimes can squeeze this in right after work. 1/2 hr and you're done.
  • Melolicious
    Melolicious Posts: 71 Member
    My heaviest was 329+ (but I wouldn't step on the scale to check). And I totally agree that you have to stop calling it a 'diet'! It's not a thing you do for a bit. You need to focus on 'living a healthy life' and being a positive role model for your children so they don't grow to have the same issues as you. You do need to see a nutritionist and you do need to incorporate more exercise into your daily routine but with your job and children, it may be easier for you to take stairs at work, a walking lunch or coffee break and then at home, do something with the kids rather than trying to carve out gym time. I would also suggest that you seek counselling to address your feelings of self-worth. You've already negatively described yourself and your comments lead me to think that while in your head, you know you need to do something, your heart doesn't believe your head and until the two agree, you will struggle with figuring out where to start. (Been there, done that.) I'm down 55 pounds and I still struggle with nutrition and eating but I got a 40 minute 5k, I can go on 10k hikes not give it a second thought and I'm am fitter and healthier than I have been my whole adult life. I still got pounds to lose and I've just began training to do a sprint triathalon and am working on my running, I want that hour 10k. You have to believe you can do it first :) Training is easy after that. The more I do, the better I feel and the more energy I have - it's a viscious circle, lol!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Well with a stressful job and kids your plate is definitely full (no pun intended) BUT this is not impossible and many many other people with challenges do this. Today is the day you need to stop the excuses and start with your new life! You have a lot to lose so I would keep it very basic at first. Find your calorie goal and stick to it. Try to make healthy choices but don't beat yourself up over a grabbing a 'meal out'. Just make sure that meal stays within your calorie goal. As you lose (and you will if you stay in your calorie goal) you can then fine tune your eating habits more. Exercise is wonderful way to help you stay within your calorie deficit. Try to work it in your schedule. If you can't afford the gym or haven't the time invest in some workout DVD's for at home. Leslie Sansone's walk at home DVD's are excellent if you are just getting into a fitness regime.

    Top priority for the first month - STAY WITHIN YOUR CALORIE GOAL

    And lastly, my tough love statement - as a mother I know how important your children are to you. How many old obese people do you see?? Obese people in their 50's, 60's 70's.....not many. Because obese people don't have longevity on their side. You know this your a nurse. Even if they make it to 70 their quality of life is diminished due to health issues related to obesity. For you kids DO THIS!
  • NurseandMom1981
    NurseandMom1981 Posts: 101 Member
    Im truly overwhelmed with all the postive feedback! Thank you each and everyone for the words of encouragement and the tips. I take each one to heart and will incorporate as much as possible into my "lifestyle change"
  • feather314
    1. I don't think you are lazy. I think you are a single mom who works and just has nothing left to give herself. Women have a tendency to place all others before themselves. You are not alone in this.

    2. You already made the first step by admitting your faults and knowing that you want/need to change.

    3. I have done this whole weight loss thing more times than I care to admit. I have found the MFP community more supportive than anything else I have tried. The "program" itself is straightforward. You eat, you track, you exercise, you track, etc. The database is vast and you can add your own foods and recipes. I liken it to Weight Watchers but better and FREE!!!

    4. I started my most recent journey at 280 lbs - the heaviest I have ever been (even with two pregnancies). I'm only 5'2" (I like to say I'm 5'3" on a good day) so you can imagine what my size is/was. I started slowly. For the first couple of weeks I focused on changes in my food only. I slowly added in exercise and nearing a 30lb loss. I still have very far to go but I'm not in a rush. I will get there in a safe and healthy way.

    5. Exercise - I think you need to find something that you'll like, that you'll continue, and that can fit into your life/schedule. I HIGHLY recommend the Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds DVD's. They start at 1 mile (approx 15-18 mins). I think they are PERFECT for beginners and even those more advanced. You can do them in the comfort of your own home and at your convience. As you progress you can add hand weights, more miles, higher intensity, etc. I do all of my exercise in my home or around my neighborhood. A gym membership isn't really in the budget for me and frankly I don't see the need at this point in my journey. I have hand weights and resistance bands that I add to my walking DVD's.

    Like I said, I find the MFP community very supportive. Stick with us and you'll get to where you need to be!! :-)
  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    Feel free to add me......I will help any way i can. You are worth this and you CAN do it!