Can't do it!! Help - getting married in 26 days!

OMG, I have just added up the calories of a normal day for me and i JUST CAN'T BELIEVE IT!

This is gonna be so tough! I don't know how I'm gonna do it :sad:

I'm getting married in 26 days - anyone got any quick tips?

Plz add me for support also, thanks x


  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    Can't do what? Start with setting a realistic goal. Do you not fit in your dress anymore?

    Adding up the calories of a normal day is a good start. From there you can make small and big steps towards improvement. It's something _everyone_ can do, so why not you?
  • Have you got yourself into a routine yet and are you doing any form of training?
  • fedupwithit
    fedupwithit Posts: 27 Member
    One of the things that I have found that helped me when looking at calories of a normal day was to adjust. I would look at the foods that I was eating on a normal day, foods that I LOVE, and just started trying to find healthier, lower calorie replacements that I would actually eat. Doing this helped me eliminate a lot of the junk and replace it with stuff that "filled the void" of the junk without making me miss it as bad
  • You will be fine...I don't worry if I'm under calories i only worry if i eat to much...:) You will be fine.I try not to go over anything like my fat,carbs,sugar etc....
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    I now have 3 dresses in different sizes, it's a nightmare. If
    I put on another pound I'm going to look like I was squashed
    into my dress :sad:
  • 30Purple
    30Purple Posts: 252 Member
    26 days... that's almost a month. shoot for a goal of about 5-8 lbs. stop eating junk! drink lots of water, and have fiber. i'm sure you won't look squashed ;)
    I now have 3 dresses in different sizes, it's a nightmare. If
    I put on another pound I'm going to look like I was squashed
    into my dress :sad:
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    No routine, I try to motivate myself to do classes in the gym but always find a reason not to. the only one I
    seem to stick to is a Khai Bo class once a week for 30 mins which is a disgrace really.
  • mickeybrenn
    mickeybrenn Posts: 2 Member
    I swapped a lot of things to bring my calorie goals down e.g if I'm going to snack I'm allowed up to 100 calories which meant I then restricted myself to Fruit and Veg, Dinners were the hardest thing to change especially as my family decided they didn't want to eat as healthy as me but I swapped a lot of things e.g if I'm having pasta I stick to just 30g (uncooked weight) of pasta and bulk it out with other things like Veg.

    Good luck and don't get to thin for your wedding dress ha
  • Well, there's your problem! You said "Can't"!!!

    There is no quick fix, just get to work lady!! And you CAN do it!! :bigsmile:

    A bit overwhelming at first though, I know.

    Change your diet. Lower your calories a bit and eat lots of fruits and veggies - avoid processed foods

    Start moving! Go for a daily walk. Up that to a jog after a week. Cardio drops the weight fast, but you must be consistent.

    Feel free to add if you want motivations!! :flowerforyou:
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    Sounds like a plan, I think I'm gonna make a list of things I just have to
    have and take a trip to the shops later on and see what alternatives
    I can find.

    I guess step one is to throw out all my beloved junk food.
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    Just wish i wasn't adicted to crisps and jellies :cry:
  • One bit of advice when i am dieting is that I keep my carbs under 150grams per day to start and lower this as I get use to it.

    Also try not to eat more then 50grams of carbs at one meal and no sugary carbs after 6pm
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    That is the one thing I have such a problem with, I
    drink hardly any or no water.

    Does drinking water help with weight loss or is it
    more for keeping the energy up?

    I actually feel like I'm drowining if i have a big glass
    of water, it's ridiculous!
  • I had the same issue!! Im getting married in 37 days!!! About a month ago I tried my dress on & it would not zip or button or anything! Now, a few weeks later, it zips & buttons & everything. :) I had to force myself to watch what I ate & I do zumba every night for 45mins. I refused to have to buy another dress & plus I didnt want to pay my parents back for the dress they bought expecting me to wear on my day. Once i started seeing the weight coming off...I was motivated to lose more. You just have to do it!

    Good Luck & Congratulations!
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    haha - getting too thin, I seriously doubt it!

    I love veg so that's great idea with the pasta. Do you
    think if Igave up meat it would help?
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    One day at a time!

    You've got 26 days, which is a good amount of time IF you start TODAY.

    Figure out how many calories you should be eating. There are lots of good caloric needs calculators online. This site has one.

    Find a workout routine you can stick with. I'm sure you've got a full plate with your wedding later this month, so I'd recommend something short. My picks would be Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred or Ripped in 30. Both are about 30 minutes, and you can do them at home so you don't have to try to drag yourself to the gym. You just need a small space to work out in (maybe 8' square should do it) and some 3-5 pound weights if you have them. If you want motivation and proof that these videos do a search through the forums or Google images for "30-Day Shred results" or "Ripped in 30 results".

    You CAN do it. I promise, it's doable!!!

    And congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
  • friloux88
    friloux88 Posts: 25 Member
    1. Relax- freaking out isn't going to help you be healthy- I know how stressful weight loss for weddings is- I got married last year.
    2. Ask for help- get a friend family member, or your fiancee to help. Its easier to have people to talk to, complain to, bounce ideas off, and most importantly share success with. If you live with your fiancee, it'll be easier to make healthy dinners together. Etc.
    3. Make change- if things aren't working for you, change them up! Go for walks in the evening, take the stairs at work, try newfoods and recipes! I understand being frustrated by the situation but just make some change, relax and keep trying :)
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    Thanks so much, definitely need motivation!

    Definitely gonna do something this evening, I think my dogs would
    love a nice long walk so I could start there.
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    26 days... that's almost a month. shoot for a goal of about 5-8 lbs. stop eating junk! drink lots of water, and have fiber. i'm sure you won't look squashed ;)

    ^^I agree with this. Try hard to eat as clean as possible and watch your salt since it makes us retain water. You will look gorgeous :)
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    Do you think if Igave up meat it would help?

    Nope, on the contrary. Meat is mostly fat & protein which help you feel full, while most empty calories come from carbs (chips, pasta, sugar, etc). Skipping meat will only make you more likely to binge, undoing all the good work.