Creating the Workout habit

Hi, I'm 23 and I really want to workout regularly. I feel so amazing after a really hard workout but my schedule is so demanding with friends, boyfriend, and lots of overtime I find it hard to fit in a good workout every day. I really hate running especially this time of year and I have a hard time consistently making yoga or zumba classes because I like being socially active which doesn't lead regular availability around 6 or 7 at night.

I am guessing the key is to get used to early morning workouts when none of my friends are up. Is there anyone who has had luck waking up super early for workouts? What would you recommend to get in the habit of getting up at 4 or 5 am? Or are there any other busy people who make time for a good workout every day?


  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    I understand where you are coming from. I am older than you, but very busy none-the-less with working full time and having 2 school aged kids with their myriad of after school activities, plus making time for my husband and friends. I have tried doing the early morning thing, but unless I have like a workout class that I have signed up for or something, I'm not too good at staying motivated to do that. Like this past summer, I did a boot camp at 6am and went every time, but it was because I had signed up and paid for it ahead of time. For me, I had to just make it a priority like you would brushing your teeth or taking a shower. I now usually work out after work on most days for an hour. Of course there are other things going on at that time that I would like to do, but I have adapted. For example, I pre cook dinner for each day of the week on Sunday to free up that time.

    Anyway, I think you just have to make it a priority that is up there with getting dressed, showering and other basic things that you HAVE to do. I also don't think it's necessary to work out every single day though. I usually take 2 days off and try to incorporate doing something active with my family on those days.
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    I agree. Working out should become part of your schedule, and not something you are working your schedule around. If it's important to you, you'll make time for it! Personally, I can't work out in the a.m., but for some people, it's the perfect time. Try out different times, different workouts, you'll find the right one for you!
    Good luck!
  • It's good to hear already some good support and advice. I think it will be easier to stay motivated and really make working out a part of my daily routine watching so many successful people here! I think with a little creativity and not requiring myself to only workout at the gym might be helpful. I have already gotten some great ideas searching through other topics!

    @ BCS Mama, I totally agree with pre cooking dinner too, coming home to an empty house makes it hard to motivate myself to cook something healthy, but by trying some new crock pot recipes I have had way more sucess eating healthy for lunch and dinner because I can bring the leftovers to work too! Plus, it means my dinner is ready right when I get home and I save that cooking time making me more motivated to workout right after work too.
  • Hey I'm 25 and I had the same problem with missing workouts after work etc. I finally realized how crappy I felt when I would make excuses as to why I didn't go to the gym that day. I decided to start working out first thing in the morning because working out after work failed so many times. I was lucky in the way that I was able to change my work schedule from 10 to 6 instead of 9-5 so getting up 'early' wasn't so bad. I am a terrible morning person and I don't like drinking coffee because I hate the taste but for the first week I did an experiment were I would wake up at 6:10 and take a 200 mg caffeine pill, then I would set my alarm for 6:30. I think it's probably mostly in my head but after taking the pill at 6:30 I had no problem getting up. If you like coffee you can always do that.

    For the next two weeks I consistently woke up every morning and went to the gym. After 3 weeks straight of doing this I stopped taking the caffeine and my routine was now a habit. The best part about working out in the morning is that after you workout, you can have time to shower, make your lunch, have a real breakfast and feel great throughout the day with your accomplishments. The ultimate best part of a morning workout though, is after you finish work you don't have to think twice about the gym and can enjoy your evening with friends, etc....'

    Best thing I ever did was start working out in the morning. Everyday I feel like I've accomplished much more and just overall feel good all day long. You can do it!

    - Lor