ARE you or HAVE YOU ever been on Topomax?

Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
Please answer ONLY if you are or ever have been on Topomax.

Also, if you are RUDE to anyone answering this question, I will not hesitate to report you. There is ABSOLUTLY NO reason for it. This is for my own curosity.

#1. are you currently on topomax and how long have you taken it? (if you have taken it in the past, please skip to #2)

#2. have you previously taken topomax, and how long did you take it?

#3. If you experienced any side effects, please note them here, and note at which doseage did you FIRST start noticing the side effects happpening.

#4. Which side effect (you do not have to choose one) made you (if any) decide to stop taking the medication.

#5. What was YOUR prescribed reason for taking Topomax?

Anything you would like to add? Please do so here:

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions! :heart:


  • ohmykai
    ohmykai Posts: 210 Member
    #1. are you currently on topomax and how long have you taken it? (if you have taken it in the past, please skip to #2) Yes, for over a year now.

    #2. have you previously taken topomax, and how long did you take it?

    #3. If you experienced any side effects, please note them here, and note at which doseage did you FIRST start noticing the side effects happpening. Decreased appetite and weight loss.

    #4. Which side effect (you do not have to choose one) made you (if any) decide to stop taking the medication. N/A

    #5. What was YOUR prescribed reason for taking Topomax? Migraine Prevention.

    Anything you would like to add? Please do so here: It has been a help to me.

    Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions! heart
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    #1. are you currently on topomax and how long have you taken it? (if you have taken it in the past, please skip to #2) Yes, for over a year now.

    #2. have you previously taken topomax, and how long did you take it?

    #3. If you experienced any side effects, please note them here, and note at which doseage did you FIRST start noticing the side effects happpening. Decreased appetite and weight loss.

    #4. Which side effect (you do not have to choose one) made you (if any) decide to stop taking the medication. N/A

    #5. What was YOUR prescribed reason for taking Topomax? Migraine Prevention.

    Anything you would like to add? Please do so here: It has been a help to me.

    Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions! heart

    What dose are you on ohmykai? and thank you!
  • legs_n_bacon
    legs_n_bacon Posts: 478 Member
    Report me. See if I care.
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    #1. are you currently on topomax and how long have you taken it? (if you have taken it in the past, please skip to #2) Yes and I've been on it for the majority of the past 7 years.

    #2. have you previously taken topomax, and how long did you take it?

    #3. If you experienced any side effects, please note them here, and note at which doseage did you FIRST start noticing the side effects happpening. I noticed side effects in the first few months. I have short-term memory loss and some issues with my speech.

    #4. Which side effect (you do not have to choose one) made you (if any) decide to stop taking the medication.

    #5. What was YOUR prescribed reason for taking Topomax? Migraine and seizure prevention (I have migraines and seizures)
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    Report me. See if I care.

    I came in here to see what Topomax even was but I stayed for the bacon!
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Report me. See if I care.

    I came in here to see what Topomax even was but I stayed for the bacon!

    What the hell is topomax?
  • legs_n_bacon
    legs_n_bacon Posts: 478 Member
    Report me. See if I care.

    I came in here to see what Topomax even was but I stayed for the bacon!

    What the hell is topomax?

    That was rude. Reported!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I came in to find out what Topomax is. I guess I will be reported instead of finding out what it is though.
  • breasonable
    breasonable Posts: 115 Member
    Please answer ONLY if you are or ever have been on Topomax.

    Also, if you are RUDE to anyone answering this question, I will not hesitate to report you. There is ABSOLUTLY NO reason for it. This is for my own curosity.

    #1. are you currently on topomax and how long have you taken it? I have been on it for 1 week as of today!

    #2. have you previously taken topomax, and how long did you take it?

    #3. If you experienced any side effects, I am on 25mg 2 times a day and I do not notice any side effects at all..

    #4. Which side effect (you do not have to choose one) made you (if any) decide to stop taking the medication.

    #5. What was YOUR prescribed reason for taking Topomax? added to my adipex for weight loss!

    Anything you would like to add? Please do so here:

    Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions! :heart:
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Taken it for migraines.
    Didn't do a damn thing for any of it.
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    Took it for migraines about 5 1/2 yrs ago. Don't remember the dosage but I experienced stabbing pains in 1 eye and had to stop immediately.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    *sigh* i dont mind if people ask questions & want to know about the medication.. but in other forums, i have seen people be down right attacked for taking it for weight loss, and for headaches because it is an anti seizure medication, and people are so close minded they cant see that it can be used for other reasons.

    And i wont tolerate people being bullied.

    Its a medication, as mentioned above, that was first used as an anti seizure medication. Upon drug trials, it was found it alo relieved migrains, and also curbed appetite and caused patients to lose weight. It is widely used now as a migrain treatment medication. and less often, but still used as a weight loss medication.

    However, it has quite a bit of side effects, and i was just wondering at what dosing the side effects started and what the particular side effects were, compared to what each person was using the medication for.
  • breasonable
    breasonable Posts: 115 Member
    Agreed , I started a post a couple of days ago ! Just wondering if anyone else was taking it ! Looking for a buddy system and all I got was lectured and told how I should not be on it and how drs shouldn't be giving it for weight loss!!! So far so good! But I believe I am on the lowest dose being 25 mg 2 times a day!
  • chriscreq
    chriscreq Posts: 4 Member
    1. are you currently on topomax and how long have you taken it? (if you have taken it in the past, please skip to #2) Yes, I have been on it for 2 weeks

    #2. have you previously taken topomax, and how long did you take it?

    #3. If you experienced any side effects, please note them here, and note at which dosage did you FIRST start noticing the side effects happening. I started with half a pill (50mgs morning and night) my side affects affected me quickly, i had that doped up feeling of being high accompanied with brain farts, lack of concentration, mild decreased appetite, and so fair no weight loss or gain. Currently I am taking 100mg at night, i am suppose to take 100mg at night and 100mg in the morning but i cannot i repeat cannot be so "doped" up and maintain my level of composure.

    #4. Which side effect (you do not have to choose one) made you (if any) decide to stop taking the medication? still on it

    #5. What was YOUR prescribed reason for taking Topomax? menstrual chronic migraines 11-14 migraines month

    Anything you would like to add? Please do so here: IT WORKS! and i am still functional =) I have had maybe 1 migraine but the pain is BARELY noticeable, I ALMOST feel normal again!
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    I take 100 mg in the morning and 100 mg at night, also. It doesn't have a weight loss effect on me, but I don't gain on it, either, so that's good. I have gained weight from other medications. I've had migraines since I was 15 and my seizures started being noticeable 12 years ago. I also take compazine, as well as, topomax for the migraine aspect of things. If they get too severe, I take tramadol.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Agreed , I started a post a couple of days ago ! Just wondering if anyone else was taking it ! Looking for a buddy system and all I got was lectured and told how I should not be on it and how drs shouldn't be giving it for weight loss!!! So far so good! But I believe I am on the lowest dose being 25 mg 2 times a day!

    It's really a shame people have nothing better to do.
  • breasonable
    breasonable Posts: 115 Member
    The other thing I was going to tell you is that my doctor said the combination of adipex and topamax is where they really see the weight loss. It is apparently what that new weight loss drug is made out of!
  • KxCoyote
    KxCoyote Posts: 122 Member
    #2. have you previously taken topomax, and how long did you take it? Two days.

    #3. If you experienced any side effects, please note them here, and note at which doseage did you FIRST start noticing the side effects happpening. I don't remember the dosage, but it was pretty severe, gave me a minor stroke, I couldn't talk, walk or comprehend anything people were telling me. It screwed up my memory for quite a long time afterwards too.

    #4. Which side effect (you do not have to choose one) made you (if any) decide to stop taking the medication. The stroke. XD

    #5. What was YOUR prescribed reason for taking Topomax? Severe Chronic Migraines.
  • butterflyfairy2
    butterflyfairy2 Posts: 96 Member
    #1. are you currently on topomax and how long have you taken it? (if you have taken it in the past, please skip to #2)

    #2. have you previously taken topomax, and how long did you take it? I took it for about 5 months I guess, maybe a little less.

    #3. If you experienced any side effects, please note them here, and note at which doseage did you FIRST start noticing the side effects happpening. I don't remember at what dosage I noticed but my hands and feet were constantly tingling.

    #4. Which side effect (you do not have to choose one) made you (if any) decide to stop taking the medication. The side effects had nothing to do with my reason for stopping. I stopped because I had surgery to complete my hysterectomy (ovary removal) and I wanted to see if my migraines would stop or slow down after surgery.

    #5. What was YOUR prescribed reason for taking Topomax? Migraines. I had no idea it was used for weight loss. Hmmmm ;)
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    The other thing I was going to tell you is that my doctor said the combination of adipex and topamax is where they really see the weight loss. It is apparently what that new weight loss drug is made out of!

    I have no idea what apidex is.. i was on it (the topomax) years ago for migrains that caused me to pass out, and seize. (ironic one caused the other?) So was just getting some ideas as to if the medication has changed over the years?? I never had any side effects from it, but hearing now about everyone having them, im (obviously) a little more than concerned, ya know?