CC's Biggest Loser Challenge Week 7



  • clheide
    clheide Posts: 112 Member
    163.8 this week

    6/7 water
    6/7 exercise
    7/7 food
  • dchief30
    dchief30 Posts: 129 Member
  • luv2learn2day
    luv2learn2day Posts: 9 Member
    Weigh in 162 lbs this week. Whoo-hoo, finally a loss!
  • saraketner
    Ok, so it wasn't just water!! Arrgh! still at 144lbs.
    I really need to get back on track. Anyone wanna volunteer to come give me a swift kick in the booty!?
  • dchief30
    dchief30 Posts: 129 Member
    193.8 I didn't type it in right
  • bzcjak
    bzcjak Posts: 12
    Another rough week for me..... However still a loss..... Weight this week was 242.1 A loss of 0.2 lbs. Better than nothing.....
    I will try better this week..... Go away snow, I want to walk outside.....

    CC hoping you feel better soon!!!
  • bzcjak
    bzcjak Posts: 12
    Wait a minute....... Im sorry CC made a mistake.... my last weigh in was 241.8 I was mistaken. So i actually gained 0.3 lbs.
    Weigh in was 242.1 this week and 241.8 last week. Sorry for the error.....

    Boy I guess i have more work than I thought ahead of me.... :)
  • neenaof4
    neenaof4 Posts: 41 Member
    cw - 182
  • pamh5555
    pamh5555 Posts: 191 Member
    Yeah me, I finally broke the 200 lbs mark.

    Starting Weight - Dec 1 - 215
    Current Weight - 199.5

    Trying to lose 9.5 lbs by the end of the month.

    Also, just had to let everyone know. I found sugar free tropical pops in the freezer the other day. OMG. I hate sugar free stuff because of the aftertaste. but this had none. Tasted like it was made with juice and only 15 calories. Perfect end to the evening.

    Did Cardio Monday - friday.
    Water was 4 out of the 7 days
    Was about 1/2 on under calories.
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    Yeah me, I finally broke the 200 lbs mark.
    I found sugar free tropical pops in the freezer the other day.

    CONGRATULATIONS! And what is the brand name for the tropical pops? That sounds yummy! Something I can eat with my kids.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I have been not eating weight was actually up this week (even though i think it is just water weight), so that is a big "0" for me.
  • pamh5555
    pamh5555 Posts: 191 Member
    I just have to tell you how much i actually love the EA Active fitness game for the Wii. I even use my wii fit balance board. I work monday - friday on the low intensity. I will do all 20 work outs on that and then i will delete my profit and re enter so I can really start all over again on Medium. I will do that and do all over again on high. I can really feel this making a difference and it so many different exercises every day. I love that it tells you how many calories burned as well. That varies every day based upon the different work outs it assigns you. Only takes about 1/2 hour. But you are sweating at the end. I can feel the toning as well.

    I am very much back on track for my weight loss.

    My starting weight on Dec 1 was 215
    Current Weight is 199.5

    Loss - 15.5 lbs. Yeah me.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Last WEEK: 182
    Current weight: 183

    I am UP a pound this week. I had a very off week with my food diet and i cheated alot. I thought i was going to gain more honestly. My weight went threw spirals this week. Thursday i was at 182, sunday i was at 185, and today i was at 183. Very weird. The good news is that i am fully confident that i can get back on my plan and back to working out. I am not going to stress it.

  • cc_campbell81
    thanks for all of the nice messages. it cheered me up everytime my iphone beeped and I saw a new message from one of you. Although I am still sick I am improving. i am going back to work tomorrow. I was 4/7 for exercise and only tracked water and food a couple days so I was 3/7 for those. I didn't weigh in this week so i am gonna just post as 0%. A lot of us have been struggling but hopefully we can all get back on track. i actually miss working out, so i hope to be well enough to workout next week. I will try to post the percentages early this weekend. keep up the hard work everyone. It will pay off.

    Dree- hope you feel better
  • constancemwj
    I know I missed weighin this week,,,, went on a trip with my hubby,,, and after a week of on the go and staying in hotels and eating out,,,, I didn't do well,, but I didn't do bad eather . In fact when I got home last night and weigh-ed in this morning,, I exspected the scale to go up,, but no,,, It was the same as I was before the trip....... so I don't feel to bad,,, for going a week and not logging calories or exercise,,and keeping track of everything......but for my challange I didn't do so well..... so....
    CW 148.6
    water 4/7
    Calories ?/7
    Cardio 3/7

    sorry to hear you sick CC,,,, hope your feeling better soon...
  • cc_campbell81
    Here's our totals, congrats to luv2learn!

    Name week 7 loss
    luv2learn2day 2.41%
    pamh5555 1.97%
    karlaw 1.79%
    clheide 1.21%
    neenaof4 1.09%
    constancemwj 1.07%
    dreedub 0.89%
    augustbells 0.80%
    fbref9 0.73%
    taz721 0.55%
    doreenpao 0.46%
    Leenybug 0.36%
    dchief30 0.31%
    bammie 0.21%
    cc_campbell81 0.00%
    elysant 0.00%
    lildebbie 0.00%
    saraketner 0.00%
    bzcjak -0.12%
    sarina87 -0.55%
    thiscansxy -0.69%
    mothergoose2 -1.82%

    I know some of us have been discouraged so I wanted to post our top losers since we started this so everyone can see how far you can come if you keep pushing.

    name Total % lost
    karlaw 8.17%
    clheide 7.14%
    augustbells 6.77%
    fbref9 5.59%
    thiscansxy 5.32%
  • pamh5555
    pamh5555 Posts: 191 Member
    Well, did my weigh in today.

    SW - 215 lbs
    CW - 198.5 lbs
    Lost - 16.5 Lbs

    Cardio - 4 out of the last 7
    Water - 4 out of the last 7
    Calories 4 out of the last 7
  • shannon717717
    Hello,my name is Shannon and i would love to join CC"s B loser Challenge if its ok.I just started yesterday and weighed 283lbs,,i didnt really do well on my goal calorie intake but i just wanted to get an idea of the damage i been doing and get the calorie intake numbers.Wow i been eating for 3!!! oh,im 5'3 in case thats calculated in the BMI

    I know now that today i will manage my calorie intake and i plan to ck back in with you all next wed.
  • shannon717717
    Hello,my name is Shannon and i would love to join CC"s B loser Challenge if its ok.I just started yesterday and weighed 283lbs,,i didnt really do well on my goal calorie intake but i just wanted to get an idea of the damage i been doing and get the calorie intake numbers.Wow i been eating for 3!!! oh,im 5'3 in case thats calculated in the BMI

    I know now that today i will manage my calorie intake and i plan to ck back in with you all next wed.
    Im not sure what all info i need to give to figure my BMI,,please let me know how you do the numbers.