Anybody else struggling?

I joined in May. I stuck to the 1200 calorie diet and did cardio work outs 5x's a week, by the end of July I only lost 5 little pounds. I used to be able to lose 5 pounds in a couple of weeks. I know I am not 20 anymore but jeez!!! I got disgusted and quit, but I am back because I cannot stand being 30lbs over weight.

Is anybody else struggling like me?


  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    constantly - and the 1200 rule has thoroughly P£$$ed me off - confusion and I haven't lost any muscle despite people telling me that I am going to surely die on 600 to 700 calories
  • lisa483
    lisa483 Posts: 105 Member
    Did you eat any of your calories back after exercise?? If 1200 is all you are having and doing lots of working out I think you may not be eating enough
  • Sheilavanden1
    Sheilavanden1 Posts: 2 Member
    I think you are not eating enough calories too. Bump it up 100 calories per day for one week and see if that makes it a difference. Remember everyone is different so adjust it and see what happens. Good luck to you as losing weight is up and down. :smooched:
  • I am and have been struggling since January. I have yo yo'd quite a bit. The only thing I found helpful was to eat all the time which meant I had to eat really low calorie foods which was and is mostly fruits and veggies. I am finding this weight loss journey to be unforgivable. I love to snack at night. I was saving almost half my calorie intake till after 7 pm so I could snack infront of the tv .
    My sister (who is a dietitian) has reminded me not to eat past 8pm and to only eat a extra 100 calories past dinner time. It works I've done it before it is just really hard.
    The only other suggestion is to weight lift three times a week. Really push yourself to get stronger. Dont plan to see the scale drop for a bit because you will be gaining muscle but eventualy your metabolism will speed up and you'll start to notice your clothes hang off of your body. Hang in there the road to weight has been rocky for me but I am hopeful.
    I have dropped 80 pounds after my first two kids so I know I can do it, because I have done it before I went from a size 20 to a size 6. I am now a size 12 after I had my third kid.

    I remeber the first time I lost the weight it took a few years three to be exact so hang in there stay consistent the weight will come off just give your body time to catch up with your brain
  • sweetpeas2000
    sweetpeas2000 Posts: 42 Member
    I struggle every day. I hate having to think about food all day long...what i'm going to eat, how much of it am I going to eat, etc. I am also a slow weight loser and I find it difficult to stay on plan. I also have a thyroid problem, which may be hindering my loss.
  • Yes I did eat the calories from my work outs. I guess now that I am 41 it is going to take alot longer to lose the weight. These 30lbs have creeped up in the past 3 years. I guess it will take longer than 3 months to lose it. Ughhhhhh. I want my old metabolism
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I struggled at first until I found the right number of calories for me. And it's higher than the 1200 that MFP set for me originally.

    I would urge you to do a little research and find out what your appropriate number of calories is.
  • inuta
    inuta Posts: 12 Member
    i struggle everyday, when i started i was on 1200 calories 3-5 days cardio a week and i lost 15 pounds......but then i got tired and gained 20 hoping to get motivated again!! All the best to u!!
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Before I say anything, please remember that I don't know anything about you, so I am not accusing you of anything. These behaviors have been true of me in the past, and that is why I bring them up.

    You have to be as exact as possible about your intake and output. I used to do things like measure out all my meals and snacks, but then I'd taste things as I cooked or lick the spoon or have a bite of whatever husband was eating that didn't fit into my diet plan. I thought that stuff was negligible, but it isn't. All those little bites and nibbles and licks add up. If you are doing any of that, there's your problem.

    And of course, we're all individuals. You can put in all your information and this site will give you an average of what you should be eating to lose weight, but it's really just a guesstimate. Within the range of normal are very high metabolisms that will lose weight quicker than the average and very low metabolisms that won't. Good luck finding your place in this mystery!

    I was struggling until I got very strict with myself. Now I only eat at mealtimes (4 per day), and I carefully measure everything. Nothing between meals but water and no licks, swallows, or nibbles. My weight loss is going very well - 9 pounds in the first 3 weeks. I only weigh once per month; next will be Oct 27. Oh, and my baseline is 1350, and I usually do not eat my exercise calories. I also don't log everything here, but I do at home. You're welcome to look at my diary, but there will be a few gaps.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    An above poster mentioned nibbles..... it is very true, Or rounding down when you fill your cereal bowl. Or the cream in your coffee.
    You only have 30 pounds to lose so the little things are going to make a difference. Go ahead and eat most of those exercise calories back, but leave yourself a buffer, becuase everything is an estimate. MFP is guessing the calories of what we eat and what we burn, so leave some room for error.
  • JenniferHamner
    JenniferHamner Posts: 8 Member
    YES I am 44 and struggling. I love food too much!! On 1200 I am always hungry. I would like to lose 35 pounds.
    I am starting the Vi shakes now. Thought it woudl give me a boost. My poor coworkers have to suffer with me being grouchy cause I'm hungry.... haha
    I am going to try just one day at a time and saying my prayers every day..
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    If you're working out 5 times a week, then goodness you have to increase how much you're eating. The goal is a NET of 1200 (and thats if your BMR really is low enough for that to be okay). I'll assume your cardio workouts burn 400 to 500 calories each time? That means your net as actually something around 700 or 800, which is VERY LOW! I think I'd attribute the tiny amount of weight loss to metabolism slow down, especially since you did it that way for an entire month.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    okay - hands up whoever has actually lost more by eating more, please?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I only lost 4 pounds by eating 1200 calories. I didn't start losing again until I upped my calories.