Tired of being this way

Hello everyone,

My name is Erika and I'm 18 years old. I struggle from severe break downs concerning my weight. I hate my mid section, and although you might think I'm too young to have these issues, I do.

My weight issued started when I was in 8th grade. I started dating this guy who would always put me down. He'd compare me to my twig friends and would call me fat every chance he got. After him, I would starve myself, spend most of my time after eating over a toilet, and line my arms with scars.

When we broke up, I got better, no more starving, no more throwing up, no more cutting... but that thought of being fat, and not being skinny stuck with me. When I got to ninth grade, a met a guy who seemed to like me for who I was, body and all, but when I ate certain things, he'd frown and stare, when I huffed up stairs, he's groan and curse, not taking in consideration that I had major ashma. It wasn't until he would hit me and leave marks on me when I didn't lose weight or when I broke me 'eating rules' did I kick him to the curb.

Now I'm a senior, graduating in a couple months, and although I'm not as bad as I once was, with a boyfriend that supports me in everything I do, and truly doesn't care that I'm 5'3 and weight 132 pounds with a slight stomach, I do. I have looking in the mirror and not liking what I see, and I hate hate hate not being comfortable when I sit down because of my pouch, or pulling up my shirt and seeing a red line from where my fat rolls rest, or discovering that the skin under my bra is started to pudge.

I need help. I want to be happy.

Sorry for the depressing post, just needed to get that off my chest.


  • nkfxo
    nkfxo Posts: 20
    Dont let anybody tell you anything different - you are GORGEOUS! Do this for you & no one else... Screw that guy who ever told you that because it's not true.

    Im here for you if you ever wanna talk & add me if you like!!
  • fasi7861
    fasi7861 Posts: 1 Member
    I feel for you, too bad you had to go those painful experiences. It's great that you kow have a boyfriend who supports you and not some jerk who hits you and puts you down. A positive support system is always a big plus. I am happy that you are using this app. to make "you" happy, don't do it for anyone else, true results come from inner motivation. I know you can do it, use the negative energy which was thrown your way as fuel to motivate, people are missing out on the true you, not what they perceived to be you. Several years ago my engagement broke off because the girls mother, I was heart broken and used my anger as motivation to get into shape, I did and married someone who stood up for me. So I understand your pain, now use it to your benefit. Good Luck to you.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    Therapy now will save you a world of hurt later. I'm not being sarcastic or an *kitten*. I am a therapist, and I believe this is something you need help with.
  • ravengirl1611
    ravengirl1611 Posts: 285 Member
    Like the others have said - you made a great choice in first - kicking those asshats to the curb - I am truly sorry you had to go through what you did but you have come out the other side and are now making good choices for you. Feel free to add me if you like - there's a huge amount of support here and we're all here to help you reach your goals!!!
  • northernnative33
    northernnative33 Posts: 14 Member
    wow i wish i can have a waist like yours...try having 56inches on the waist or walk around with a pillow under your clothes and go in the public for a week and notice the nasty comments from ppl...then go walk around without the pillow and see if your still having breakdowns for being so called fat when your not.
  • northernnative33
    northernnative33 Posts: 14 Member
    btw im 5'3 and weigh 255lb
  • ErikuhhNicole
    uhm, isnt this supposed to be a motivation site?
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    It's a good thing you're here. Vent all your frustrations on the boards, and I hope it makes you feel better - I know it helps me when I need it. MFP is full of people who share their stories. I'm glad you dumped those losers - karma will get them!! Just stay on course, it's a long road but MFP really works and will help you in the long run! :flowerforyou:
  • northernnative33
    northernnative33 Posts: 14 Member
    Im obese and happy but i have to loose wieght for my health. Im still pretty and have a nice butt and chest. thats why im happy cause at least im formed. but there are other ppl who has a big roll hanging over thier pubic line ...how big is your roll? sounds like your got self esteem issues compared of fitness issues my dear. Its a darn shame that you cared what ppl thinks about your body...the boyfriend who called you fat ....sheesh i bet he didnt have a nice body full of muscles and have a 12 pack abs, so what makes him think he can put you down? but if your concern of the tiny rolls....save the 10 lb fat on your body and lift wieghts at the gym....muscle needs fat.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I would highly suggest seeking help from a professional.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    uhm, isnt this supposed to be a motivation site?

    I struggled with disliking parts of my body too. When I was 18, I was graduating high school, going on to play soccer at a Div. I school. I was fit and healthy and beautiful according to others... and I absolutely hated my body.

    Two things helped me fix that: getting into weight training and getting some counseling over my body hate.

    Best of luck to you, sweetheart. :flowerforyou:
  • been285
    been285 Posts: 99 Member
    motivation site?
    Lot of different ages here... your gonna get viewpoints you don't encounter in your day to day.
    they may not be what you wanted to hear.
    bye ........... later
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    This has very little to do with your weight and more to do with self-worth issues. This is best dealt with through a therapist.

    You may not be physically self-harming any more, but it sounds like you still don't respect yourself or your body. You can work through these issues, but you probably need assistance.

    Also, never, ever, ever allow someone to treat you the way your past boyfriends have treated you. You deserve more than that.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I'm glad you have a boyfriend who supports you. I have no doubt you are beautiful.
    I'm 5'3 and weight 132 pounds

    ^^ This is right in the healthy range for your height. All you need to do is add some weight training 3 times a week. Check out what weight lifting did for me. Now, I'm 5'1" and I had to eat less because I was obese, you are NOT obese and in fact you are not even over weight, but I wanted you to be inspired by the weight lifting part of my story. You just keep on eating at maintenance. I think all you need is 3 days a week of weight training and a little cardio on the other days and you would start to feel a lot better about your shape. --> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/740340-i-lost-60-lbs-at-age-51-anyone-can-any-workout


    Best of luck to you sweetheart. -Bobbie

    I seriously cannot believe you use every possible post to promote your crap. Did you not read a word of the OP? This is about far more than lifting a few weights. It disgusts me that you only saw this as an opportunity to snipe your products and workout scheme. I seriously hope the moderators catch on to your game and ban your account. This self-promotion is sickening.
  • longingforcontrol
    You did not deserve all of this. This did not happen to you because of what you eat, who you are or how you look like. the blame is not yours. I am glad that you broke free of those relationships. I am so proud of you that you saved yourself from them. (even so you loved them). Its time for a new start now. =) let it go, see it how it is. they are horrible people that did horrible things to you but in no kind of way have they been right.

    You are beautiful, inside and out. you are loved and appreciated. please never forget this.
    You do not need to hurt yourself, starve or purge to be someone that can be loved.

    I don´t think that you need to seriously work on your body (lose much weight). I think what you need is to see your own body different, to feel better in it. to see it for what it is, something gorgeous. what helps me to feel better about my body is sport. just moving. no matter what kind of sport. try to be more active, maybe it will help you. I really hope so.

    Wishing you only the best for the rest of your life (you have had already enough of the horrible things).
  • LovelyLifter
    LovelyLifter Posts: 560 Member
    I'm glad you have a boyfriend who supports you. I have no doubt you are beautiful.
    I'm 5'3 and weight 132 pounds

    ^^ This is right in the healthy range for your height. All you need to do is add some weight training 3 times a week. Check out what weight lifting did for me. Now, I'm 5'1" and I had to eat less because I was obese, you are NOT obese and in fact you are not even over weight, but I wanted you to be inspired by the weight lifting part of my story. You just keep on eating at maintenance. I think all you need is 3 days a week of weight training and a little cardio on the other days and you would start to feel a lot better about your shape. --> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/740340-i-lost-60-lbs-at-age-51-anyone-can-any-workout


    Best of luck to you sweetheart. -Bobbie

    Perhaps you should try actually reading more than what her weight and height are before you press your bullcrap on her. Its sad you use this as a chance to advertise yourself it really is very sad
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
    I'm glad you have a boyfriend who supports you. I have no doubt you are beautiful.
    I'm 5'3 and weight 132 pounds

    ^^ This is right in the healthy range for your height. All you need to do is add some weight training 3 times a week. Check out what weight lifting did for me. Now, I'm 5'1" and I had to eat less because I was obese, you are NOT obese and in fact you are not even over weight, but I wanted you to be inspired by the weight lifting part of my story. You just keep on eating at maintenance. I think all you need is 3 days a week of weight training and a little cardio on the other days and you would start to feel a lot better about your shape. --> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/740340-i-lost-60-lbs-at-age-51-anyone-can-any-workout


    Best of luck to you sweetheart. -Bobbie

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I agree with the people who said you need some professional help. Good luck to you. Your weight and height are perfectly healthy and I'm sure you don't have the physical imperfections you think you do.
  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    I'm glad you have a boyfriend who supports you. I have no doubt you are beautiful.
    I'm 5'3 and weight 132 pounds

    ^^ This is right in the healthy range for your height. All you need to do is add some weight training 3 times a week. Check out what weight lifting did for me. Now, I'm 5'1" and I had to eat less because I was obese, you are NOT obese and in fact you are not even over weight, but I wanted you to be inspired by the weight lifting part of my story. You just keep on eating at maintenance. I think all you need is 3 days a week of weight training and a little cardio on the other days and you would start to feel a lot better about your shape. --> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/740340-i-lost-60-lbs-at-age-51-anyone-can-any-workout


    Best of luck to you sweetheart. -Bobbie

    548 friends Bobbi? How can you motivate each of your friends?
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Like a couple of other posters have said - therapy would do you a world of good. Learn to accept and love yourself and screw what everyone else thinks! Also - you are in a health weight range. LIke someone else suggested focus on strength training and body recomposition to achieve the changes in your body that you want!! You should switch to maintenance calories, eat between 85 - 100 grams of protein a day, and lift weights like you mean it. You will build muscle and confidence!! :flowerforyou: