Feel like crap!, went over calories by 1000+

I feel so upset and guilty, I know I went over my calorie limit by over 1000 calories today
I went out for my brothers birthday and had a chicken souvlaki which was covered in oil, and I had a piece of chocolate mousse cake which was heaps:( I feel so depressed, Plus tomorrow I have another birthday party to go to and I know I have to go over my calories because my friend and has cooked greek food especially for me and I can't refuse to eat food someone made just for me:(

I don't know what to do with myself, I feel like i'm going to gain so much weight and my healthy diet has been ruined:(


  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    You've hit a bump in the road. Welcome to the club!! . One of our biggest problems is we beat ourselves up too much for one slip. How else to we learn but from these slips?? Tomorrow, plan to eat light during the day, drink lots of water, and take smaller portions of what your friend is serving. Explain to her just how much you LOVE her cooking, but you know, your stomach has really shrunk and you can only eat so much!!

    I found a sign on the fitbie site that says" you didn't put it all on in one day, it will take more than one day to lose it" It sits on my frig and helps me think about what I'm doing. It's a one day at a time program, and tomorrow is always a new day. I don't beat myself up any more. I just plan on how to get back on track as soon as possible. I' finally figured out that I'm human, and I'm gonna make some mistakes!!
  • mdorsey2010
    Don't beat yourself up about it -- it's part of life. You will have days that are better than others for sure. What matters the most is what you do about that "bad" day -- pick yourself up and aim to do better tomorrow - it's a new day! :wink:
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    You really need to stop being so hard on yourself. You should be allow to indulge once and a while.

    Two things I do when I have an event will be serving great food: I workout a little longer and harder that day or the next day. I also only eat half of what's on my plate, except for veggies.

    You can do this!!
  • Noni2863
    Noni2863 Posts: 36 Member
    Try using/refering to weekly graph rather than the daily one.
    I regularly go wayyyy over - I want a life that doesnt make me feel deprived otherwise I know I wont be able to keep it up and maintain.
    I have been using MFP for 95+ days now and I dont have a single week graph that doesnt have some impressive red at some point or other!!
    However as long as I finish my week on the right side of the net calories - then it seems to be working.
    You find yourself looking for exercise calories to make up any excess....taking the stairs; cleaning the house like a maniac; digging the garden - all of these count!!
    So stop beating yourself up and get out there and walk - you will soon be back in control, I promise!
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    You really need to stop being so hard on yourself. You should be allow to indulge once and a while.

    Two things I do when I have an event will be serving great food: I workout a little longer and harder that day or the next day. I also only eat half of what's on my plate, except for veggies.

    You can do this!!

    ONE more thing: I'm sure your friend is willing to support you and your healthy eating, just ask her. :smile:
  • ggof
    ggof Posts: 41
    1'000 that is nooooooooooooothing !!! agree u must stop beating urself up .. be nice to and patient with urself .. that is the first step to getting to where u want to be in any area of ur life ! ..

    i eat (or nibble carrots) before i go to parties & co. and have 2 glasses of water before i even touch any food ..

    come on .. it's no big deal .. only if u do it every day :) xxx
  • skyhealth
    skyhealth Posts: 38 Member
    Thank's guys for making me feel a little better!
    I just feel so guilty and like such a failure because I know i'm going to do it tomorrow aswell, I guess I just have to deal with it and get back on track after tomorrow.
    I went over my weekly calories aswell and I just can't seem to get over it:(
  • vickiandrews
    vickiandrews Posts: 254 Member
    Seriously stop beating yourself up over this we all go over and at least you know why it happened. You are only human!

    One of these days I'm going to start listening to things I post on here and learn to practice what I preach.

    Together we will all get to where we want to be. xxx
  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    First, take a deep breath. No one is going to die because you ate too much. Life happens, we all overeat. I went over by 600 calories yesterday for no good reason. Today's plan? Back on track, even though we're going to a harvest festival tonight where I will be tempted by all kinds of delicious fair food.

    This isn't a race, a few days off plan isn't the end of the world. Make a plan for how and what you're going to eat today and stick to it as best as you can. Then track it and move on!
  • lizlo76
    lizlo76 Posts: 7 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day. Always remember that.
  • Hotanuri
    like someone said before, just eat small portions of the food provided. And you can always ask if you can take some home for later/leftovers. That would avoid hurting her feelings (I mean, if someone asked if they could take what I cooked home for more, I'd feel like they loved it).
    Everybody has a bumpy ride along the road. One day of going over isn't going to throw you off. Unless you just throw in the towel and continue the rest of the week like that.
  • JLgettinghealthy
    JLgettinghealthy Posts: 39 Member
    take a deep breath. this is not a race. it's a life-long commitment you are making to yourself to create healthier habits. you fell off the wagon for a night - so what? be a little more forgiving of yourself. i doubt you gain any weight at all, except for maybe water weight from all the sodium. get back on track today. it's a new day. you are still headed in the direction of your goals.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Try drinking lots of water and eating lighter before your party. You will probably still go over but maybe not as bad. But after this just get right back on track. We all have these kind of things pop up on us and instead of trying to eat different then everyone else we just enjoy ourselves for the day. The biggest thing is making sure you get right back on track. There will be more more of these days coming up so just try to be good on the days you can. Look at this as a life style change and not a diet and take it slow instead of trying to lose so fast and you will do just fine.
  • skinnyjean4me
    skinnyjean4me Posts: 43 Member
    please add me then go look at my diary for this past sunday! seriously i ate over 3000 calories cause i went to outback. not because it was a birthday just because we as a family went out to dinner and i said the hell with it! but since then i have been kicking my own butt doing extra exercise and eating healthier this week. So u go off the wagon for 2 days, ok fine, the next 5 your back on with a vengence! dont beat urself up and dont worry about 2 days. 2 days is not all it took to put the weight on or get unhealthy. Keep ur chin up and enjoy the parties!
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    You've hit a bump in the road. Welcome to the club!! . One of our biggest problems is we beat ourselves up too much for one slip. How else to we learn but from these slips?? Tomorrow, plan to eat light during the day, drink lots of water, and take smaller portions of what your friend is serving. Explain to her just how much you LOVE her cooking, but you know, your stomach has really shrunk and you can only eat so much!!

    I found a sign on the fitbie site that says" you didn't put it all on in one day, it will take more than one day to lose it" It sits on my frig and helps me think about what I'm doing. It's a one day at a time program, and tomorrow is always a new day. I don't beat myself up any more. I just plan on how to get back on track as soon as possible. I' finally figured out that I'm human, and I'm gonna make some mistakes!!
    Well said. If you are going to get really technical 1000cal. isn't even a third of a pound. You can't undo it. But as was said," Tomorrow is a new day".
  • robin820
    robin820 Posts: 150 Member
    It definitely doesn't mean you fell out of the wagon, get back up and have a fabulous next wek and the week after. It takes mroe then one or two days to gain that much weight back. Good luck! Life challenges us, take on that challenge and succeed!
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I just noticed your maintaining, I am too so just enjoy and look at it this way at least you know how to get it off now :}.
  • pegrama
    pegrama Posts: 6 Member
    You know, if you 'plan' to go over your calorie allowance on special days the guilt doesn't seem to be so bad. Accept that there are days when you cannot stick to the plan and, that being the case, enjoy the day. As soon as the special occasion or day or holiday time is over pick up where you left off. You are not starting again, you are just rejoining the road after a little pit stop.:smile:
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    Okay. So you MAY have gone over your calorie count **TODAY**. But how is your weekly count looking? One day doesn't so much matter in the bigger scheme of things. A bad day is a bad day - but if you are dilligent on a consistant basis, then ONE DAY isn't going to make or break you. Take a deep breath, remember this is an everyday, lifelong journey, and you'll do better today.:flowerforyou:
  • mary659497
    mary659497 Posts: 483 Member