Didn't exercise this morning.....motivation gone??



  • PinkHurricane88
    PinkHurricane88 Posts: 156 Member
    I know how you feel. I hate when I don't wake up early for my workouts because my days are usually quite crazy and it's hard to fit in a solid workout later in the day, especially in the evening when my husband and I are spending our quality time together. I luckily have a long lunch break to fit in workouts right now because I work 10 hours a day, so that is usually when I get my sweat on lol. But I would eventually like to be the type of person to get up early in the morning and knock it out before work so I can actually use my break as an extra workout slot or time to get other things done for the day.

    Either way just remember this is a lifestyle choice, nothing will change overnight. You can do this, you just have to keep making yourself do it and eventually it will become a habit!
  • merylritchie
    I find I am way tooo tired to exercise after work, and once I sit around on a day off I dont want to do it either. I am just starting but I am going to get out of bed and start immediately. I did this before and it worked and I was otivated througout the day without feeling guilty.
  • Starality
    I also get up at 3;30 or 4am every morning now to excercise. My motivation is a shirt that I have hanging on a hook in my bathroom.
    I am determined get into that shirt! I try it on once a week. When I see no bulges I will wear that shirt.:happy
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i love exercising in the morning, but doing it within two minutes of waking up is impossible for me. i wake up, have coffee and eat something small, brush my teeth get dressed, and within an hour, i'm out the door headed to the gym or running/cycling.
  • kpnive
    kpnive Posts: 64 Member
    good article People often throw around terms like "endorphin rush" or "runner's high" to expl...
    ain the mood lift that can occur during or after a sweat session. But rather than a sudden burst of euphoria, research has found that a mere 20-minute workout can produce more subtle mood benefits that last as long as 12 hours. And when it comes to shorter bouts of activity, endorphins may actually have little to do with the mental perk-up. So go on, start your day with this 20 minute workout! http://on.self.com/tBwME4 http://ow.ly/i/ZFLx
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    I know the feeling. When you have kids, life changes and you are no longer #1. And that is a wonderful thing, pre kids I was always looking out for me and now I have kids and they are my #1. Some times I split up my workout and after they go to bed I do abs and light cardio. But now a days, I have to find time to wake up before them and get it in. Not going so well, but each day gets better. The first day I only did 10 min and then 12min and now I can do almost an hour.

    You can do it!

    I am not at my best if I'm not taking care of myself. So, my first priority is still myself. It's tough. I work full time, and I fly solo during the week (husband travels a lot). Still, hell or high water, I work out 5 times a week, whether that means getting up at 5am, working out at lunch, etc. When my daughter is sick, as soon as she fallls asleep, I exercise. Or, I take her for a run in the jogging stroller. It is okay for your kids to not be "#1" - I am #1, my marriage, kids, and job all benefit from that.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I bring my workout clothes to work and go straight from there to the fitness center. Otherwise, I'd never do it. If morning workouts make you miserable, I suggest trying this. Plus, once I'm changed and am there, my mindset changes.
  • kpnive
    kpnive Posts: 64 Member
    if this deal of getting fit and looking good naked was easy then everyone would do it.

    maybe it isn't for you. maybe you can't handle the hard work.

    maybe you are destined to be frumpy.

    well? are you?

    you have to focus on what you want.

    prove you can do it. one step at a time.

    drop the "I can't do it" attitude and get focused.

    I really needed this too! - thanks!