Wow, this guy.



  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I just don't understand how people can fall for this cr*p.

    The crazy thing is, my mom does--some days I cannot believe I share half of her DNA!
  • KiraBg
    KiraBg Posts: 24
    I don't doubt Dr. Oz can lose 24lbs a week...when you're that full sh** a single bathroom trip can really make a difference.

    LMAO, good one!
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    and this is what is wrong with this country.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If someone tries this diet and fails to lose "up to 24 pounds in a week" the magazine and Dr. Oz have opened themselves up to a lawsuit.

    I am sure that somewhere in fine print, it states "your results may vary. And before begininng any weight loss program, please consult your physician..."

    Plus, it says "up to." That means anywhere from "you'll gain weight" to "you'll lose 24 pounds."
  • lmcww8
    lmcww8 Posts: 10 Member
    I don't doubt Dr. Oz can lose 24lbs a week...when you're that full sh** a single bathroom trip can really make a difference.

    ^^^^^ Awesome!
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    My "tool detector" has an off-the-charts reading right now. Gack. the sad thing is, PEOPLE WILL BUY IT AND DO WHAT HE SAYS. People are amazingly stupid.

    So very true!
  • tbruegg
    tbruegg Posts: 283 Member
    Wow! I can't believe a Dr would put his "seal" of approval on any kind of crash diet! It screams out "let me lead you to an eating disorder"!!! smh

    I am no Dr. Oz fan, but he didn't. This is a tabloid magazine with questionable ethics. They regularly post pictures of celebrities with claims they never made. I am always stunned by the huge sales of publications like this one.

    I thoroughly agree don't always believe what is published in these tabloid magazines nor do I waste my money buying them.....
  • I_wanna_live
    I_wanna_live Posts: 227 Member
    I have a way that you would loose 12 pounds in a single day.... remove the skin off your body. Too painful?
  • Think about the simple math involved in this: 24 pounds is 84,000 calories. That would require a deficit of 12,000 calories EACH DAY that week through diet and exercise combined.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    He's like an Apothecary, in scrubs
  • TriClaudia
    TriClaudia Posts: 51 Member

    Exactly my thoughts. Since you provided the link, I checked it out. I'll stick with what's working for me.
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 781 Member
    If someone tries this diet and fails to lose "up to 24 pounds in a week" the magazine and Dr. Oz have opened themselves up to a lawsuit.

    NO, "UP to" means just that up to not exactly 24 so if you lose only one you have lost "up to" 24 pounds
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    So..In one week Ill be at goal? Well let me just rush right out my house and buy that mag! You can keep your "diet advice" DR. Oz I know exactly what MY body needs to look good and have energy : wholesome FOOD, not a crash diet he approves of..He is not my go -to guy for advice..too many people treat him like a God!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member


    There are no shortcuts in evolution.
    Louis D. Brandeis
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Went into a health food store yesterday and saw a 'Check out or Doctor Oz display' sign. Walked back out.
  • Is that even a real magazine cover?
    If you Google it, absolutely nothing comes up about this diet. He has a ton of other ideas for 'crash' diets, but not one where 24lbs can be lost in one week.
    I think there may be some photoshop action going on here..... :)
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Is that even a real magazine cover?
    If you Google it, absolutely nothing comes up about this diet. He has a ton of other ideas for 'crash' diets, but not one where 24lbs can be lost in one week.
    I think there may be some photoshop action going on here..... :)

    I'm 99.9% sure it's real. :) I work in a grocery store part time and it's my duty to put out magazines. I see titles like this one all the time. It's stupid and my coworkers and I have good laughs over it.

    In fact, I'm fairly sure I saw this cover myself... although I see so many ridiculous Oz covers that it's hard to remember for sure.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Is that even a real magazine cover?
    If you Google it, absolutely nothing comes up about this diet. He has a ton of other ideas for 'crash' diets, but not one where 24lbs can be lost in one week.
    I think there may be some photoshop action going on here..... :)

    lol what? I took this when I was standing in line waiting my turn to check out my groceries. I can't even work my smart phone, why in the world would I photoshop Dr Stupid Oz?
  • Ajasper83
    Ajasper83 Posts: 107 Member
    It has the oz seal of approval. So Who do I throw my money at? Or can I just flush the money down the toilet?

  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    Thanks for cutting his face out of the picture. :heart:
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    If I accidentally ran over Dr. Oz with my car, I'd back up and do it again. He should have his medical license revoked for all of the bad advice he dishes out and for just overall being a sellout to the medical profession.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Thanks for cutting his face out of the picture. :heart:

    You are so very welcome.
  • Only 24lbs a week? why not 25?

    No, not 25! That's just impossible! 24 is the key number here.... just like 7 minute abs...
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    I don't doubt Dr. Oz can lose 24lbs a week...when you're that full sh** a single bathroom trip can really make a difference.


    s******! :laugh:
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Sometimes, I would like to be the type of person that would flood their facebook wall with "I cannot believe you would promote this" messages.
  • senami632
    senami632 Posts: 134 Member
    LOL this man is such a bloody joke
  • Is that even a real magazine cover?
    If you Google it, absolutely nothing comes up about this diet. He has a ton of other ideas for 'crash' diets, but not one where 24lbs can be lost in one week.
    I think there may be some photoshop action going on here..... :)

    lol what? I took this when I was standing in line waiting my turn to check out my groceries. I can't even work my smart phone, why in the world would I photoshop Dr Stupid Oz?

    Not suggesting you did :). I didn't realize you had actually snapped the shot. I often see people posting pics they "find" in the net that aren't real.

    Never cared for Oz (or any other Oprah spin-off) but that assertion is irresponsible. What a tool.
  • Songbird1104
    Songbird1104 Posts: 210 Member
    Does it involve amputation??

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • Songbird1104
    Songbird1104 Posts: 210 Member
    Does it involve amputation??


    Ooops, posted twice...sorry
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member

    F**k ya
This discussion has been closed.