**LOVE SURVEY**how you knew he/she was "THE ONE"



  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    Long story short.. i got divorced. We were best friends. I couldnt afford a house alone with my 2 kids. He moved in to help me with bills... 11 months later we were drunk & partying while my kids were at their dads, the next morning we woke up married. Been married almost 8 years now & its been the best 8 years of my life. :heart:

    That's a helluva story! Love it :flowerforyou:

    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? I think my heart knew right away, but it took my head a while to catch up.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? It's been so long now I cannot even remember

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? First, I let him take me out again after he stood me up on our first date. And I realized I had slowly dropped all my other "boyfriends" and was dating him exclusively.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? 2 months

    5. How long after were you married? 1 year and 9 days after we met

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? My mother did NOT want me to get married. It wasn't him, she just thought I was too young. But I was adamant, so she eventually went along with it.

    We celebrated our 25th anniversary in July. My heart still does a little flip when I see him across a crowded room. :love:
  • jflint86
    jflint86 Posts: 74 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? - Immediately. We were 15, sitting at the same lunch table at school, talking, and kept finishing each others' sentences (awwww!).

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? - Not really sure, we both kind of knew immediately, don't remember talking about it so much. Maybe a few months?

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? - I could be myself and he loved me regardless. We just clicked. It felt right. Everyone could see it.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? - Dated for 3 years, got engaged at age 18.

    5. How long after were you married? - 8 month engagement

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? - My parents did at first, we were only 19 when we married, they thought we were crazy. But we knew we were supposed to be together, no point putting off the inevitable. :) They came around, though. Everyone else KNEW we were going to get married after we'd only been dating 2-3 weeks. It was glaringly obvious.

    Been married 6 crazy, incredible, hard, wonderful, rewarding years now! (together 10 years total)
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? Immediately lol I was 5, and told his dad I was gonna marry him someday...15 years later we went out on a real date and hit it off. I still thought he was the one.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? Jokingly, a few weeks, he said it first though, shocked me!

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? He had every single quality I had ever imagined I would want in one person, the perfect southern gentleman, again I was pretty biased about this guy because of my little girl crush, but he proved to be even more amazing than I could have ever imagined.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? About 8 months after our first date.

    5. How long after were you married? Almost a year after the engagement.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? Absolutely not, everyone loves him and Ive always been like a part of his family even before we were together, everyone was very accepting.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one?
    I knew we would be great friends within a couple days. I knew we would be great together after a couple of weeks. We are the kind of couple that are best friends who happen to have great sex.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her?
    A month or a little more

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)?
    Comfortable warm and fuzzies. The smile that you can't keep off your face when you think about them or see them. Again we are a slow burning romance rather than one of the spectacular, fiery types.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged?
    A year and a half

    5. How long after were you married?
    A year to the day after the engagement. We've been married almost 2 years now.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship?
    Nope. He was grandma approved when I met him. He was actually renting a room from her, when my mom and I moved in (after my mom's divorce). I met him by moving in with him. We spent time together every day, so our year and a half of dating, would be like someone else's 3-4 years...

    7. The quote that expresses your relationship the best? We met, we clicked, we went with it. He is still my very best friend. .:flowerforyou:
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one?

    I went home from our first date, phoned my mother and told her I was going to marry the guy I just had a date with (4 months after my divorce was complete).

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her?

    about 10 days.

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)?

    Utterly confident. Otherwise indescribable.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged?

    He bought the ring after 3 weeks. But didn't give it to me for another 3 months (had to win over the family!! LOL).

    5. How long after were you married?

    We married 8.5 months after our first dates.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship?

    My big sister was ADAMANT that I postpone the wedding. Didn't happen!!


  • mkedward
    mkedward Posts: 3 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one?
    I'd say it took me 2 months, the feelings were there immediately but I wasn't completely sure until then.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her?
    He declared it after ~ 3 months (on new years) and I needed a little longer. I declared it a month after that (valentine's day)

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)?
    Idk, it's hard to explain. I think there were a couple times. The first, a friend was talking about losing their significant other and I realized that I couldn't sympathize because I couldn't even fathom what life would be like without him. I honestly could not even think of the scenario where he wouldn't be in my life. Another big moment happened when we were hanging out in my dorm, just being goofy, and he did something that unintentionally made me laugh. He got kind of embarassed, and then really bashful. My heart melted at that moment, getting to see that innocent, soft side of him.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged?
    N/A- not yet anyways.

    5. How long after were you married?
    N/A- We know we want to get married, it's just too expensive to even think about right now.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship?
    I think my dog gets a little jealous... but other than that, nope!
  • Corryn78
    Corryn78 Posts: 215
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? I started thinking it a couple months after meeting.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? around 6 months I think

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? He is the first man I ever felt truly happy to be with. No questions, no worries. No...what ifs.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? we aren't

    5. How long after were you married? might not ever...neither of us are really worried about it.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? After we first met, my friends thought we were not a great fit, but after seeing us together, they knew better :)
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    Wow... it's like an interrogation (squinting in the light now)... but I love my honey so I'll reply

    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? Immediately - I know it sounds corny but I think when you're soul mates, something just clicks

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? Not very long - we both declared it...he did first, within about a week of meeting

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? Everything felt right - perfect - he seemed to good to be true, but 12 years later, he still is THAT perfect.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? We were in a long distance relationship for years unfortunately, but we were engaged very early on.

    5. How long after were you married? Shortly after getting to move in together, after being kept apart for so long in a long-distance relationship. Been happily married ever since.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? Yes - my family because he is older than me, so they never gave him a chance. I didn't care though - I left the state, moved to CO and married him.
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one?

    After a couple of months I fell in love, but I knew in my heart after about 6 months that he was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her?

    I told him I loved him after about 3-4 months. Unfortunately I was the one to say it first but now he says it all the time... no harm no foul.

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)?

    He makes me feel those butterflies in my stomach when he walks into the room. Whenever anything happens he is the first person I want to tell about it. I miss him when he is gone.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged?

    We are not engaged. We have been together a year and are discussing moving in together in about 6 months.

    5. How long after were you married?

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship?
    No, Actually, my parents love him and his mom loves me. :love:
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? ABOUT 6 MONTHS

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? TOOK ME LONGER THAN IT DID HIM. HE SAID IT TO ME WITHIN A WEEK. I WASN'T READY YET.

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? HE IS THE SMARTEST MAN I'VE EVER MET. HE'S FUNNY, HANDSOME AND A GENIUS (literally). HE HAS AN EXCELLENT WORK ETHIC. THE WHOLE PICTURE JUST SPREAD OUT IN FRONT OF ME AND I WAS HOOKED.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? ABOUT 9 MONTHS

    5. How long after were you married? 17 MONTHS

  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one?
    He knew the minute I walked into the bar that he wanted to marry me. It took a LOT of convincing on his part. about 6 months before we started dating
    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her?
    about 3 months after we started dating. It was so romantic! I was throwing up in between words.

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)?

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged?
    3? years

    5. How long after were you married?
    9 months later

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship?

    his gramma, mom, because I had kids. His cousin because "I wasn't as smart as him and didn't make even 1/2 as much money as he did. pretty much a "trophy" wife.
  • fluffymcfluffster
    fluffymcfluffster Posts: 51 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? Oh my... This was the hardest thing. I would ask people and they would say, "you just know." Well, I didn't, so did that mean he wasn't the one?!? Then, I knew. It took a long time to know. I had to be old enough and mature enough to really think through if we would be on a similar page when it came to marriage, kids, houses, jobs, life, etc. Once I realized he had the qualities I was looking for in a man and saw we envisioned a similar life, it was a no brainer. Took a long time though (a few years)

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? When we discussed marriage was when I felt it was clear to him - so, a few years

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? See above - it was the thought that no other man would be able to fill his shoes.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? engaged at 6 years

    5. How long after were you married? Married 18 months later

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? Nope
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? I think my heart knew right away, but it took my head a while to catch up.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? It's been so long now I cannot even remember

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? First, I let him take me out again after he stood me up on our first date. And I realized I had slowly dropped all my other "boyfriends" and was dating him exclusively.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? 2 months

    5. How long after were you married? 1 year and 9 days after we met

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? My mother did NOT want me to get married. It wasn't him, she just thought I was too young. But I was adamant, so she eventually went along with it.

    We celebrated our 25th anniversary in July. My heart still does a little flip when I see him across a crowded room. :love:

  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    When I was 22 someone told me "you'll just know"
    ...Still waiting to "just know"
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one?

    Not for years, we were good friends before and then got together :)

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her?

    We said 'i love you' after a few months but it was when we were visiting Thailand around 4 years after we met, that we realised we wanted to stay together forever and a day. We got matching gecko tattoos and the rest is history :)

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)?

    I knew he could make me happy, i knew he would allow me to live a life that made me happy, i knew I could make HIM happy. Those are the basics, we are great companions, enjoy the same things and we want the same things from life. I realised he was 'the one' when i realised our memories and time together would never be doable with someone else. To be honest it was only firmly set in my mind when i fell pregnant with his child, OUR child. It was important to me that we experience that and our children experienced us being united and kind to each other.
    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged?

    5. How long after were you married?

    about a year after thailand and about 4 months after i found out i was pregnant.

    Love is not about flutters in the tummy or the twinkle in the eye. Its about shared experiences, compatibility and family. About looking into your lovers eyes and seeing your years together, your babies. Its about watching your childs first steps together, for us the pain of loosing a baby together and all the bits in between.

    Love is a collection of memories, not a Hollywood romance.
    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship?
  • 240to140
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? A couple of months. (November to January)

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? About 5 months (First said in April)

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? When I told him my true weight and he didn't run away or leave me. Instead he told me he'd stand beside me and support me through the whole weight loss journey and support whatever I did as long as it wasn't illegal or harmful to me or my body.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? n/a

    5. How long after were you married? n/a

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? Not really "opposed", but my Mom and BFF were a little apprehensive since I am moving 1,000 away from them to be closer to him. But, they are both very happy that we found each other.
  • LaDonnaLoves
    LaDonnaLoves Posts: 16 Member
    It took me a LONG time to find "the one", and I had always thought they were the one before, so it was completely overwhelming to find "the one" for REAL :)

    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? It was somewhere between 6-12 weeks.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? About 3-6 months?

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? It's so very difficult to describe. He fit, perfectly, he's not perfect, and he's seen me be TRULY myself, not the self that is someone else around other people, but the real me; and he loves me anyway, plus our lives are completely compatible, everything about us works, we ebb and flow together like yin and yang in a way that is indescribable because I can't fully comprehend it myself.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? I think anyone is insane for getting married before knowing each other one year, but then again, I formed that thought before having met "the one". The one, changes everything.

    5. How long after were you married?

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? No one opposes our union/relationship.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? I don't actually know what "the one" means? I define it as the one you *want* to spend the rest of your life with, because I don't believe there is just one person you are *supposed* to spend the rest of your life with. I am unimaginative and unromantic like that. So, I would say about 3 years into the relationship. I think it takes more "settling into" a relationship and getting to know the person. I don't see the rush in knowing or getting married. If you want to spend the rest of your life with them, and you continue to want to, you will. There is know "supposed to" for me.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? We just knew it and know it. Again, I'm terribly unromantic.

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? I don't think the feeling can really be described, and I think it varies from person to person, obviously. You just feel it and know it.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? Not engaged. No plans to be.

    5. How long after were you married? Not married. No plans to be. Trust me, I'm happy in my relationship. I feel like, even after almost 8 years (!) we are still having far too much fun to get married. And I really dislike the idea of having a wedding.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? Definitely not. Ask any of our friends or family and they will tell you how great we are for one another.

    wow. hmph. umm. That's all I got. that was my reaction to this.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? - The first night we had more than a 2 sentence conversation

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? - A week maybe

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? - I just felt like I didn't want any other guy in my life and if I lost him or didn't have him near me I would go crazy

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? - 5 months

    5. How long after were you married? - 6 months

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? - Not that I know of! I thought they would because we kind of rushed into things and we were from different countries but then I realized who gives a ****?? I had my friends and family's support and that was more than I needed.

    That's awesome. <3 This!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Long story short.. i got divorced. We were best friends. I couldnt afford a house alone with my 2 kids. He moved in to help me with bills... 11 months later we were drunk & partying while my kids were at their dads, the next morning we woke up married. Been married almost 8 years now & its been the best 8 years of my life. :heart:

    That's a helluva story! Love it :flowerforyou:

    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? I think my heart knew right away, but it took my head a while to catch up.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? It's been so long now I cannot even remember

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? First, I let him take me out again after he stood me up on our first date. And I realized I had slowly dropped all my other "boyfriends" and was dating him exclusively.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? 2 months

    5. How long after were you married? 1 year and 9 days after we met

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? My mother did NOT want me to get married. It wasn't him, she just thought I was too young. But I was adamant, so she eventually went along with it.

    We celebrated our 25th anniversary in July. My heart still does a little flip when I see him across a crowded room. :love:

    awww I <3 This!