Weight Loss Pills



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Yes I take Iron and Vitamin C - changed my damn life.
  • I honestly don't like the idea of pills or aides. I just prefer to do the hard work myself.
  • stljam
    stljam Posts: 512 Member
    Yes I take Iron and Vitamin C - changed my damn life.

    ^^^^^^ Also, the OP may consider ensuring that you are getting enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet or take supplemental vitamins. Supplements can work very well but they are SUPPLEMENTS meaning that they are customized to your specific situation and filling in for specific needs of that individual supplement.

    Proper nutrition, including paying attention to vitamins and minerals, along with hard work = success.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Yes I take Iron and Vitamin C - changed my damn life.

    ^^^^^^ Also, the OP may consider ensuring that you are getting enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet or take supplemental vitamins. Supplements can work very well but they are SUPPLEMENTS meaning that they are customized to your specific situation and filling in for specific needs of that individual supplement.

    Proper nutrition, including paying attention to vitamins and minerals, along with hard work = success.

  • dawndw
    dawndw Posts: 203
    If we are changing our lifestyle to be healthier and cleaner then we really do not want to put something that really is crap in our body. If you really read what is in them it isn't good for your heart for sure. Just eat right and exercise and you won't need them :-)
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    diet pill do work. When you change your life style.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I took weight loss pills when I was a teenager. I regret it 100%.

    It certainly did something, made my heart race, made me dizzy, and broke up my fat pockets so they weren't smooth, but lumpy and even more flabby and saggy than before.

    Never again!
  • One thing that is really helping me and is all natural is green coffee bean extract and raspberry ketone.
  • It doesn't make you jittery and there are no side effects at all....
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    One thing that is really helping me and is all natural is green coffee bean extract and raspberry ketone.

    shortcuts are just asking for trouble. propaganda + shortcuts is just.... so much painfully worse and embarassing too.
  • Rftw1
    Rftw1 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm not sure about all those pills anymore! But, I have been taking something else that's been working wonders for me! I have been going to Costco and buying a pro-biotic by Trunature! Ive been taking them for the past year or so and since I started, lost a few pounds, But more importantly, I feel cleaner inside, lighter on my feet! Ive gotten them for friends at work and they all swear by them as well! Try them out and let me know how they work for you! And best part, a box is like $15, and lasts for 100 days! I love em!
  • berrythin79
    berrythin79 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, I've tried some things in the past that really didn't work long-term like most people are saying. My dr has me taking a half of addepix a day and I don't eat as much when I actually take the pill. It works for me...
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Has anyone ever taken any weight loss pills and seen results?
    I'm not sure if I should take them or not! I'm eating healthy and I'm exercising regularly.
    Any suggestions?

    Doctor, Doctor, give me the news I got a bad case of weight-loss blues.
    No pill gonna cure that ill you gotta eat right and use those shoes!
  • Britt_Duffy
    Britt_Duffy Posts: 40 Member
    I'm not taking any pills and I'm losing a steady 2 lbs/week.

    If you're not losing the weight you have everything set up for, you're doing it wrong. If you need pills, you're definitely doing it wrong.

    It's not always about losing the weight! I've only lost 6 pounds in the last couple months, but i LOOK and FEEL different. Just wanted to point that out, losing eight isn't so black and white.

    To the OP: When I was a freshman in high school, I weighed roughly 130 lbs (I was skinny). But I thought I was fat, so I started using Xenadrine, back when it still had ephedra in it. Do you remember ephedra? It killed people. Young people. Healthy people. Gave them heart attacks while running/playing sports. Horrifying.

    I became so obsessed I didn't care. I got out of the shower, and woke up bleeding from my eye on the floor. I had managed to walk (stumble?) out of the bathroom and when I fell, I hit my left eyebrow on the corner of a standing closet in the hallway. I nearly lost my eye that day. I had to get 6 stitches and start high school with a black eye. I still to this day have a noticeable scar that will follow me everywhere. Forever.

    Should you take pills? Probably not if you like your eyeballs. (kidding).

    But seriously, they can be dangerous because they are not regulated by the FDA. Work hard at it every single day. That way, when you've accomplished your goal(s), you can say that YOU did it all by YOURSELF.
  • teletubbie87
    teletubbie87 Posts: 78 Member
    I really wouldn't recommend taking any of those pills because it's a waste of money, instead, go grocery shopping and buy healthy foods. Lots of vegetables, some fruits, whole grain foods, etc. You want to eat healthy, and keep up with the good lifestyle changes.

    You want long-term results and that only comes with working your *kitten* off and eating right. Making healthy choices.
    Exercise gives you a longer life, makes you stronger and is great for stress-management. Don't fall for those Diet pills that
    will probably bring side-effects aside from emptying your wallet.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    I took Phentermine. Let me walk you through it.

    - Paid full price bc insurance wouldnt cover $70
    - First day wasnt that bad. I still got slightly hungry.
    - 2 days later I took another pill. Side effects included- chest pain, shortness of breath, rapid heartrate, SERIOUS irritability, anxiety, anger/frustration, still slightly hungry, overall felt like ****, restless, lack of libido
    - Delusional to think that it wasnt that bad and felt desperate to lose weight (not sure why since I was loosing like 2lbs a week on my own). Took the pills again- same side effects.
    - When I didnt take it (dr told me I could space them out), I had MASSIVE withdrawal symptoms. Serious fatigue, worse hunger, still had all the same irritability/anger issues as before but were different.
    - I took 5 pills over 2 weeks (some where whole, some were half) and had to quit. I didnt lose any weight from it and it took WEEKS to feel better. My husband was about to start sleeping in his truck.
    - All in all, the only thing I accomplished with blowing $70 on pills that I cannot take.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Has anyone ever taken any weight loss pills and seen results?
    I'm not sure if I should take them or not! I'm eating healthy and I'm exercising regularly.
    Any suggestions?

    My suggestion would be to keep eating healthy and exercising regularly and FORGET about the diet pills!!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I have taken different weight loss pills none of them helped me to lose more then 5 lbs but since being on MFP and eating right and exercising i have lost 105 lbs it has taken 2 yrs to do it, but I have done it on my own. Just stick with MFP eat right and exercise it will come off
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm not taking any pills and I'm losing a steady 2 lbs/week.

    If you're not losing the weight you have everything set up for, you're doing it wrong. If you need pills, you're definitely doing it wrong.

    It's not always about losing the weight! I've only lost 6 pounds in the last couple months, but i LOOK and FEEL different. Just wanted to point that out, losing eight isn't so black and white.

    To the OP: When I was a freshman in high school, I weighed roughly 130 lbs (I was skinny). But I thought I was fat, so I started using Xenadrine, back when it still had ephedra in it. Do you remember ephedra? It killed people. Young people. Healthy people. Gave them heart attacks while running/playing sports. Horrifying.

    I became so obsessed I didn't care. I got out of the shower, and woke up bleeding from my eye on the floor. I had managed to walk (stumble?) out of the bathroom and when I fell, I hit my left eyebrow on the corner of a standing closet in the hallway. I nearly lost my eye that day. I had to get 6 stitches and start high school with a black eye. I still to this day have a noticeable scar that will follow me everywhere. Forever.

    Should you take pills? Probably not if you like your eyeballs. (kidding).

    But seriously, they can be dangerous because they are not regulated by the FDA. Work hard at it every single day. That way, when you've accomplished your goal(s), you can say that YOU did it all by YOURSELF.

    This exactly. The pills that you can just order don't work (notice they all work "with diet and exercise"- it's the diet and exercise that work...and the placebo effect). The pills that do work are dangerous. Before ephedra was pulled off the market, I was addicted to them (my first year of college). I did lose weight but I would get shaky, my heart would be pounding, and a couple times I had panic attacks- that was all from the "recommended dose." But I got hooked and went from 1 or 2 pills a day to 8-10 a day- it was like being on speed...which is basically what is was...legal speed. When I heard they were getting pulled, I freaked out and stocked up. Later that night, I took way too many and I remember sitting in the corner of my dorm room, shaking and crying and convinced I was going to die. I started those pills to lose 30 lbs...I lost them and gained an addiction instead. I finally was able to give them up (I had to wean myself- not sure how I managed it)...and I gained the 30 back pretty quickly...along with another 40.

    I'm not trying to use a scare tactic or be dramatic...just telling you what happened to me and why I think it's not worth it.
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    It depends on what you are trying to achieve. More fiber for hunger control, try a fiber supplement...I would honestly not take anything that isn't recommended by your doctor. I just take a supplement to help with metabolism by 1 a day, so far so good.