Feel like crap!, went over calories by 1000+



  • Sr_Ortega
    1000 calories is 1/3 of a pound. Most scales aren't even that sensitive.

    Not to mention that you calorie goal is set to be at a deficit to the number of calories you need to maintain you weight. If you set your goal to lose 1.5 lbs per week, that is a daily deficit o 750 and your are only 250 over.
  • schustc
    schustc Posts: 428 Member
    I do this about once a week - on average. Some weeks are worse. actually, i probably go over closer to 1500 to 2000 one day a week on average.

    Depending on your caloric needs, this may or may not have a significant impact. if you're on track to lose 2lbs a week, this basically might cut you back by 1/2 a pound. i.e., instead of losing 2 lbs this week, you lose closer to 1.5. End of the world? No. :)

    Don't stress it. it's all good! back on tomorrow! :)
  • BRANN80
    BRANN80 Posts: 46 Member
    Just like everyone else above has said, we all are struggling to keep reaching for our goals. Some days are always going to be harder than others. We're not friends on here, at least not yet, but if you could see my calorie, fat, carb, & sugar intake for today I went out a lot too. I decided to eat dominos pizza for lunch and would freakin' stop eating it. I kept telling myself how stupid I was for choosing to eat that crap, well more than anything I chose to eat way too much of that crap and went over all my goals for the day. We can't beat our self up all day, all week or forever. Tell yourself that you will make up for it tomorrow. That's what I told myself after I decided to throw down 4 slices of pizza and two large lipton green teas today. Your LIFE STYLE CHANGE, don't call it a diet... it has not been ruined. Take each day as it comes. You'll screw up again in the future, but always make up for it the next day. We are all here with our own goals and we are all struggling to meet them.

    Don't give up girl, I'm here for ya!!!!

  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    I did that once too, not realizing how high in calories chinese food can be.

    I want you to know that I did not try to balance out the week or anything like that. I just made a point to not go over my calorie goal for about a week, and made sure not to miss any exercise session I had planned. That one blunder, albiet huge, had no negative effect. I still lost that week. I think it was .6 lbs, but a loss nonetheless.

    Don't beat yourself up. Just do better starting right now. AND don't make big blunders a habbit. No worries.:drinker:
  • SRDB00
    SRDB00 Posts: 50 Member
    I just got back on the wagon this week, I started walking 60-85 minutes and staying within the calories. I had my dinner planned out this evening. I was going to have wingstop but I logged the food so I wouldn't go over and knew exactly how much I could eat.. Well once I got the food I didnt follow through and ate more than I planned which took me over my calories tonight. I felt bad myself which lead me to look for some support and came across this post. I have read most of the comments. I now feel encouraged to continue this weightloss journey. Yes I went over my points today but will dust myself off and continue with the plan.

    Thank you all :)
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    so stop stressing over 1 day and look at your calories for the week instead. Divide 1000 by the 6 next days, so 1000/6 = 166 cals. Eat 166 less each day, or exercise 166 cals more each day for the next 6 days. boom, you're even.

    BTW, you could burn the whole 1000 in 2 spin classes. I typically burn about 530 for 40 min. of spin averaging 216 watts (135 lbs.).
  • StephDuffney
    StephDuffney Posts: 51 Member
    Last Saturday I gave in and had a Carl's Jr. double western cheese burger, onion rings and fries. I just has to get back on tack on Monday and keep at it. However it did feel good to have one of my all time favorite burgers. I will not have one for another 6 months but every so often you need to just eat.
  • skyhealth
    skyhealth Posts: 38 Member
    Thank's guys for all the support it means alot!!
    Today I went to my usual Body Pump class and also went earlier and did Body Combat aswell, hopefully that extra but of exercise will even it out and make me feel a little better. i'm getting ready to go to the party now and my plan is to try enjoy myself and not worry too much, I have a plan set out of what I might eat and I'll remember portion control. I hope the weight i gained is just water weight haha, Ill tell you how I go tonight, I will probably feel guilty and upset at myself again but I just have to deal with it and try get back on track the next day! thanks everyone for the support:)
  • LennyInFlorida
    Yeah... This is no biggie!! We all need to cheat as that's a part of life and your new diet is now a part of your life, don't think of it as short-term and it won't hurt so much mentally. Anytime I overeat I use the next day as a day to use that extra fuel to do some heavier resistance OR longer distance. And, typically, the next week's weigh in thanks me for that cheat!
  • skyhealth
    skyhealth Posts: 38 Member
    Hey Everyone I went to the party last night and I tried my best to enjoy myself but also eat sensibly and keep my portion sizes sensible. I had a piece of cheese pizza and greek salad that she made, I also had a mini spring roll and a tablespoon of sweet chilli sauce. For dessert I hate a scoop of raspberry jelly and half a rum ball. So I think I didnt go too over and still enjoyed myself! Todays a new day and it's time to get back on track! thanks everyone for the support, I'm learning to get over it because we all need to enjoy ourselves sometimes:)
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    Hey Everyone I went to the party last night and I tried my best to enjoy myself but also eat sensibly and keep my portion sizes sensible. I had a piece of cheese pizza and greek salad that she made, I also had a mini spring roll and a tablespoon of sweet chilli sauce. For dessert I hate a scoop of raspberry jelly and half a rum ball. So I think I didnt go too over and still enjoyed myself! Todays a new day and it's time to get back on track! thanks everyone for the support, I'm learning to get over it because we all need to enjoy ourselves sometimes:)

    Sounds like fun! Glad you cut yourself some slack. We're human, afterall. :drinker:
  • dlynnkind
    dlynnkind Posts: 134 Member
    Life happens. This is a lifestyle change, not a "diet", and we are all in it for the long run. Don't beat yourself up. Just don't let it turn into a week of bad eating. You have the right mindset and you can do this!

    Good Luck
  • deenaspell
    deenaspell Posts: 227 Member
    I went over 600+ the other day. Try not to freak out. It's hard not to, but it's really ok!
  • jzrharv
    jzrharv Posts: 126 Member
    I feel so upset and guilty, I know I went over my calorie limit by over 1000 calories today

    I don't know what to do with myself, I feel like i'm going to gain so much weight and my healthy diet has been ruined:(

    Umm, one day? Gain so much weight? That would be NOT!

    Once is a while, no big deal. Daily basis, big deal. I mean, you're at your target weight.

    As penance, I command to you reset your loss goal for 1.5 lbs/week for 1 week, ....oh, and three Hail Marys. Go and sin no more, or until the next party with the irresistible pastries.
  • mlawilm
    mlawilm Posts: 39 Member
    You can never beat yourself up for having an off day. A big part of losing weight is allowing yourself to indulge every once in awhile. If you don't allow for days like that, this will never work because it will become a chore and not something you are choosing to do. Rub your belly, put on your sweats and chill out and start fresh tomorrow !

    p.s. A little tip that I have learned to embrace is that when you go out to these parties, just eat half of your meal and pack the rest to go. That way you can still partake in the event but you don't have to go home feeling guilty for over eating ! :ohwell:
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    Ok I read about half the comments so sorry if this was mentioned...

    But what is your goal loss set to? If its at 2 pounds a week....then it has 1000 calorie DEFICIT worked in! So even if you go over your goal by the whole thousand calories...guess what? Not over! Just one day gone. No loss no gain. No big deal!

    And if your goal is only a pound a week...so what...2 days gone...not backwards...just gone. Back at it Saturday and its all good.

    This is my life saver...mental saver...whatever. Mine is set at 1.5lb a week, and I console myself that any overage less than 750 is still a great day compared to how much I ate when I put the pounds on! :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I feel so upset and guilty, I know I went over my calorie limit by over 1000 calories today
    I went out for my brothers birthday and had a chicken souvlaki which was covered in oil, and I had a piece of chocolate mousse cake which was heaps:( I feel so depressed, Plus tomorrow I have another birthday party to go to and I know I have to go over my calories because my friend and has cooked greek food especially for me and I can't refuse to eat food someone made just for me:(

    I don't know what to do with myself, I feel like i'm going to gain so much weight and my healthy diet has been ruined:(

    Whats TDEE? You may still be in a deficit.

    My TDEE is 1718 but I have gone over my weekly calorie goal by a lot:(

    TDEE of 1700 is someone who is very short or very old or very sedentary.
    How often do you work out?
    Whats your occupation?
    How tall are you?
    How much do you weigh?

    I notice youve lost what you tried to lose just by looking at your ticker but whats the underlying issue here?
    Are you skinny fat and want to lose the fat?
    Do you have severe image issues?

    IMO you probably are tackling the fat loss wrong.
    You probably feel that if you diet down as much as you can that youll eventually lose it.
    This isnt the case.
    PM me and i'll get you started on the right track.
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    I dont worry if i go over on one day or even 2. I just make a note of how many calories i went over by and exercise that amount back off on top of what i'd normally do. Whether it takes me a day or a week to do that it doesnt matter. MFP gives us daily and weekly targets but what it cant show is the overall target, as long as you meet your calorie and exercise goals over that time is all that matters.
  • Potts1024
    Potts1024 Posts: 12 Member
    I went over myself yesterday.. I've been battling a nasty cold and really went overboard with the whole feed a cold thought.. LOL But the bright side is this.. I woke up today FEELING better and I know my calorie overload was YESTERDAY. Today is a new day!
  • mguerra310
    Your fine. Some people say its ok to 'cheat' your diet atleast once a week. I do. Usually Friday nite or Sat, well actually rite now that football is back its now sunday, anyway back to my point, I cheat my diet once a week and it hasn't derailed me since i've lost 31 pounds since june. So go ahead and enjoy a burger once in awhile. Think of it as a treat for your hard work.