Lack inspiration

I need a kick start, i have no motivation need to lose weigh, already had 400 calories and its only 10.30 am hmmmm


  • danholden4006
    danholden4006 Posts: 66 Member
    I apologize if this sounds mean, but doesn't the screen name you picked out say it all?

    It's a personal reflection of how you see yourself. I don't know about you but I want the person looking back at me in my mirror to smile at me and not hate my guts.
  • MonkeyxLover
    I need motivation too. I know I should lose weight for the better of my health but no one supports me they just nag at me if I haven't lost any weight.
  • Valm0n
    Valm0n Posts: 88
    I was about to say exactly the same. You can't get any motivation if at the beginning you slur yourself :frown:
  • jonesin_am
    jonesin_am Posts: 404 Member
    I think that your screen name is your very first problem. I know the feeling but self hate will get you nowhere. I saw this quote on FB the other day and thought that I would share it as I have to remind myself of the same thing some days.

    Your body is not an enemy to be conquered and wrestled into submission.
    Eat well and exercise because you deserve to be strong and healthy.
    Self-hate is poor motivation.
    Be patient and kind to yourself, for that will carry you through discouragement and frustration.
    ~Go Kaleo

    If you don't accept yourself for who you are knowing you are making the right changes going forward, success will not come.
    Good luck! You got this :)
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I've made some wonderful friends on here. Most everyone will try their best to be as helpful as possible. So what you've already used 400 calories. You're just starting out and you will have to make some adjustments. Your friendswill share with you little things they've used to overcome obstacles. I think you are suffering from more than a lack of inspiration. Seems more like a lack of confidence or self love. It's your body and the only one you are going to have in this lifetime. Show it some love! Try seeing yourself differently. Your chosen screen name implies that you've already given up and given in. Let's get on this pony and learn to ride it! It's not over yet! There's still more to life and you've got to get in it to win it! I think if you change the way you are looking at yourself, you'll change everything. There is power in words! Friend me if you'd like. Cheers to the start of your new journey!
  • shermar104
    My kickstart happened a couple of weeks ago, when my doctor told me that I have "fatty liver syndrome", and my kidney (I only have one) was starting to slowly fail. That was motivation enough. I've had a heart attack, lost one kidney, back problems, had my gaul bladder removed, and a couple of hernias repaired... all in the last two years. Now they tell me that I'm pre-diabetic. My doctor, who is just a super nice guy, besides being an excellent physician told me the following. "If you lose the weight, chances are quite good that 90% of your problems will disappear. You will be off most if not all your medications, and with proper weight control and exercise you'll never have to worry about becoming diabetic".

    I found this site quite by accident when I was looking for a calorie counter program to help me lose weight. It is BY FAR the best program I have ever been on, and offers so much more than just counting calories. It gives you a visual look at how your progressing, not only by weight loss, but also by how much you've lost in inches etc.

    Give yourself a break, and eat! It doesn't make sense, but it works! It sounds to me like your binge eating. In other words, rather than spreading those calories throughout the day, you have two or three really big meals to keep you satisfied. You should be eating throughout the day. Every meal is important whether it's one of the three main meals, or the snacks that keep you satisfied between those major meals. If you count your calories and eat each meal and snack when you should, I'll guarantee you that the weight will come off. In just a little over two weeks, I've lost over 12 pounds! I've never had a program work so well for me, and I've never been this excited about weighing myself every morning.

    By the way, please don't get discouraged if you lose some weight and then regain a little. My chart was up and down like a yoyo, but it was mostly water retention. If you persist, you will win this battle and hopefully gain back some self esteem. I wish you the best.