Shin Splint vs Stress Fracture.

shelledixon Posts: 4 Member
edited January 1 in Fitness and Exercise
I've done a toooonne of research, and could recite what every website out there will tell you about them, but I was curious if anyone has any personal experience?

I was supposed to run 10k in November, but I've taken the last 2 weeks off running because of constant shin pain, it never goes away and I can even feel a swollen little bump some days. I doubt I'll be able to run the 10k. Part of my head is screaming "go running, you're being a wimp and giving up" and the other part is saying "rest and relax, its 6-8 weeks now, or possibly ruining yourself for life." I can't afford a gym so unfortunately that's my only cardio other than rollerblading, and I'm not sure if I should even be doing that.

I feel depressed and frustrated without being able to run. That and I was starting to not enjoy it. Has anyone had any experiences with this?


  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    You can't diagnosis a stress fracture on your own IMO. But, when I've had shin pain, my first place to go is my massage therapist, figure it's easier to rule out soft tissue pain and resolve it prior to any dr's appointments for me. It works the majority of the time. How are your shoes? Old or new? May just be a simple gait or wear issue too.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Please go see a doctor. Stress fractures are not something that someone can diagnose over the internet. You may possibly need medical intervention.

    For the record, I have had shin splints before and while they hurt for a few days, the pain was not constant. Please, please, please go see a doctor.
  • empowerme12
    empowerme12 Posts: 32 Member
    I have BiLateral Stress Fractures and while I cannot diagnose you I can tell you that it is a constant pain. It hurts to walk and some days when I get out the bed I cannot touch my feet to the floor. It will get worse as the years pass and I am feeling it now. Like others have told you and I also encourage you to please go to a doctor and get checked out.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    My shin splints were never constant pain so I agree, I'd go see a doctor in shoes :(
  • mdbs2004
    mdbs2004 Posts: 220 Member
    I had a shin splints in football and toughed it out because thats what real dumb football players do. That then turned into a stress fracture. I was later medically released to wrestle and ended up breaking my leg in the same spot of the stress fracture. Not alot of fun.
  • kywh
    kywh Posts: 46 Member
    I agree with the above advice that you should see a doctor. I have had both shin splints and a stress fracture. I did have constant pain with both. With my stress fracture, I had sharp pain in a localized area (where the fracture was). It REALLY hurt to push on that area (like to the point if someone even brushed against it I would nearly fall down with pain). With the shin splints, it eventually felt better when I massaged the area (though it's the kind of massage that definitely hurts before it feels better). Again, I highly recommend going to a doctor, but the unfortunate truth is that either injury is likely to keep you off your feet for 4-8 weeks at a minimum (though you will likely have other PT to do while recovering from shin splints to prevent recurrence). Good luck!
  • shelledixon
    shelledixon Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for all the replies, and yes I do understand that you can't self diagnose a stress fracture. I'm terrified of my doctor so I tend to avoid her at all costs lol. Unfortunately this is unavoidable. I was more looking for personal experiences to kind of ease me into what may or may not happen.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    "Constant shin pain" does not sound like shin splints, see your doctor.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Thanks for all the replies, and yes I do understand that you can't self diagnose a stress fracture. I'm terrified of my doctor so I tend to avoid her at all costs lol. Unfortunately this is unavoidable. I was more looking for personal experiences to kind of ease me into what may or may not happen.

    You really shouldn't be terrified of your doctor. Is there another doctor available for you to see? Or can you go to a different clinic or something? Now I don't love my doc or anything, but I do feel like he's there willing to work with me to help get me better.
  • laurahides86
    laurahides86 Posts: 1 Member
    :smile: when i first started dieting i would go running four times a week but after a few weeks the shin pains started!!!!!!!! Owwwwwiee!!!! I had huge raised lumps along my shins and they would ache like crazy! I didnt go to the doctor but spoke to a wise man about it who said i should not the heels of my feet touch the ground whilst running/jumping/bouncing around!! That was nearly six months ago and i still have the odd ache now and again but generally everything is fine! I also do not have money to join the gym so started doing a kickboxing/aerobic dvd at home most days (on my toes!!) and have had great results
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