If Calories Didn't Matter

If calories didn't matter, what would you eat and how often?


  • lamoursuffit
    lamoursuffit Posts: 267 Member
    Avocados and bacon. Not together, but you know.
  • jannac87
    jannac87 Posts: 13 Member
    Chips and Salsa... all day long
  • aforange
    aforange Posts: 116 Member
    Triple chocolate chip cookies for the rest of eternity.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    soylent green
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    soylent green

    :noway: :noway: That's just wrong!! :laugh:
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    Garlic bread and egg rolls...probably not every day but a few times a week :)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Probably chocolate for me. And pecan pie.

    Thanksgiving and Christmas are dangerous holidays for me, lol! And so it Halloween!!
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    The "I would eat this every day" stuff:
    Ice Cream (the real stuff, not the Edy's Slow Churned 1/2 the sugar stuff I eat now)

    The "I would eat this way more often than I do now" stuff
    White chocolate and macadamia nut cookies
    Nutter Butters
    Bagels and cream cheese
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member


    Its the fat nd sugar, its addictive.
  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    Sour cream and the tomato and basil wheat thins.
  • Bacon sandwiches with thick white bread and a big bakewell tart for dessert.. and a gallon of orange juice to wash it down with.
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    A jar.
    Every. Day.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Fried macaroni and cheese balls wrapped in bacon.
  • Nandos and chocolate fudge cake. Every single day.
    Oh if only.. :heart:
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    chicken fried steak with fries and smothered in white gravy with soft , moist dinner rolls......holy crap im hungry now!!
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    Fried macaroni and cheese balls wrapped in bacon.

    OMG....uumm, never had those but damnnnnn....sounds good.
  • flannelbug
    flannelbug Posts: 23 Member
    Bacon and bacon and bacon
    Some pizza
    Delicious meat stuffed sweet buns
  • ejbrin
    ejbrin Posts: 20
    Pizza. I miss pizza.

    And I would definitely have a few margaritas.
  • JmeJinxx
    JmeJinxx Posts: 210 Member
    cake. donuts. cookies. brownies.
    lots of pizza.
    arizona green tea. iced tea made with sugar.
    any/all chocolate.