considering buying a treadmill

c2111 Posts: 693 Member
Hi there, Im considering buying a treadmill, have looked around but there pretty expensive, found one thats cheap but its manual, is it worth it will I be able to interval train or shall I just push the boat out and get an electric one for a few more 100 dollars?

My rationalle for getting one is, hubby goes away a lot and I cant leave the kids alone while i get out and run, so its stuffing it up, you know week on week off.

Advice appreciated thanks :)


  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    I would lean towards electric as well as noise. Sometimes the less expensive can be really noisy. Seems like no big deal at first but you are likely to get 10-15 years of use so you want to be happy with it for a long time. For me treadmill runs are grueling and I would think manual would make it more grueling, but that is just me. :)
  • graywi123
    graywi123 Posts: 19 Member
    A good used treadmill is more then $100. Depends on the childrens age; you might consider buying a used running stroller. Just a thought...
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I did too and they are dreadfully expensive. Some on MFP suggested looking into a Tony Little Freestyle which was more in my price range. I purchased one in January this year, and have built up from 10 minutes/This is crazy hard to 60-90 minutes per day setting calories burned goals and distance of 6-8 miles per day.

    If your heart is set on a treadmill, it will be worth the money. If the money is the holdback, look into the elliptical. It's a great workout!
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    thnx for the noise comment that would annoy me, i think I'll go electric there are some going for 300 to 500 locally so will look into , no cant take kids, age 8 and 6 lol and I want to do it in the morning I was getting good at the 5 k and now hes been away for the last month I ve gone backwards, darn it! Ive considered cross trainer but I do go to gym when I can and use theres, and its essentially so I can keep up distance running.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    If you're on a tight budget consider buying a better quality used treadmill. There's a reason for the price difference between a club quality one (which would probably be overkill for home use) and the budget models.
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    They become the most boring thing ever! ! I just sold mine and it was the vest thing I ever did. I hate them now
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    Best *
  • B1gH0g
    B1gH0g Posts: 361
    I love my treadmill. One of the best purchases I have made. Yes, it can get quite boring, but so is anything. I pop in a movie or crank some music, and time flies by. I bet you could find a quality treadmill on craigslist. So many people buy them, and give up and don't use them. You can get one like new for half the price.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    I'm a starving student so money was a huge issue. For various health and safety reasons I can't run outside. I found a NordicTrack on Craigslist for $50. The incline motor is broken ($300 fix) so I just run on the level. I'm hoping to eventually find an incline motor but I've been busy (work pt and school full time). Anyway, check CL. There are many treadmills for $150. If you have a little more to spend you will get a better quality one. Also, if you have a Habitat for Humanity store near you they sometimes have them. I found a pretty much new Golds Gym one that sells new for $300 and they wanted $150 for it. The thing is it looked like it was never used so that wasn't too bad a buy.
  • JLand918
    JLand918 Posts: 156
    Dont bother buying one,truth is yes you want one but being it is in your home makes you see it as so convenient that you will never really use it. My wife felt same about her eliptical she was so happy about idea of getting it got it home used it like few times in the first month then it just became a $600 coat your money and just force yourself to use the gym like everyone else does.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Treadmills, elliptical machines or any other hamster wheel are almost always going to be too expensive when purchased new. However, they're ridiculously cheap on craigslist.

    Examples (These are my area. Search yours.): (100$. They range around $75-200) (Curb Alert! Free Treadmill!) ($165 Gold's Gym Elliptical)
    And many, many more examples.

    Most people don't use theirs much after they buy it. The people I've seen who succeed at it tend to mount a TV in front or somehow attach a laptop, book, or e-reader. You tend to keep going much longer than you think you would if you're distracted.
  • rogarr
    rogarr Posts: 43 Member
    I use my treadmill daily and I love it !
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    I had three young kids at home with me and was desperate for a way to exercise. My husband talked me into getting a nice treadmill (I hate spending money) and it was worth every penny. Even though I wasn't running at the time I wanted to, so we got something strong enough to handle the impact. That was five years ago, and I am still using it. There is no way I could have gone to a gym.

    For a mom with kids at home, I think it is worth investing as much as you can IF you are serious about using it.
  • 1horsetown
    1horsetown Posts: 247 Member
    My justification for a more expensive treadmill was the cost of driving to the gym. I live 17 miles from the gym (we're in the country), so 34 miles round trip times the Federal mileage rate of 55 cents per mile times 3-4 trips per week.

    Unless I've got an injury I do use it at least 3 times per week. I've got an 8 year old boy now ( he was 5 when I got it). He can't legally be left home alone yet. The road in front of our place is crushed limestone, an absolutely terrible surface for running on, just ask my shin splints.

    Don't waste your time on a manual treadmill. Shop Craigslist (watch out for scams!!!) Shop eBay, if you live near a major metropolitan area you can find some good deals. These things used are impossible to ship, so you have to pick them up. Make sure anything you bid on is in reasonable driving distance.

    Mine was worth every penny. I bought mine from the manufacturer on Black Friday and got a pretty good deal.
  • dawnshot
    dawnshot Posts: 137 Member
    I use my son's treadmill. He's only used it about four times, but I'm on it at least three times per week, and I would never have started running without it! I'm going to start running outside as well soon, but it's nice to know it's there when the weather's bad ( most of the time here in the UK) I would definately go with electric too
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Mine was worth every penny. I bought mine from the manufacturer on Black Friday and got a pretty good deal.

    This year's Black Friday is November 23rd. There are currently 48 days remaining. If you can wait the 48 days and are willing to stand in line overnight then you could easily come away with a great deal.
  • resurrectednightmares
    My treadmill was around $450 or so and I like it. It is a Golds Gym brand treadmill so that is why it is pricey (certain name brands cost certain prices). It has different speeds and can change the walking/running height, making it feel like you're walking up hills. Since I am short on money, I didnt get the treadmill I wanted (I wanted the one with the built in GPS, the one that moves with the roads/sidewalks).

    If you are on the fence about still getting a treadmill, you can always do things with the kids? Play outside with them. Since your kids are old enough, you can do things with them. Are they into sports? You can play catch with a football or bounce a basketball with them. That is always good for your arms. I have a three year old and a four year old, so I get to run after them parts of the day. I play basketball with my son (I lift him up as he puts the ball in our basketball) and push my daughter on the swing set. It is always good to have some time with the family regardless on if they realize you're trying to loose weight lol.
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    thanks for all the advice, i'll go electric im in australia so craigslist wont do but we have something similar. I do heaps with my kids, Im pretty active but I got into running and have to hold back when hubby is away, I have made them come with me on scooters and they hate it! lol so its for training purposes (they also dont want to run at 6 am before i go to work and school), i definatly want one so after reading the posts, the way to go is electric, I'll spend the extra and get a better one. Thanks for all the input :)