Haven't lost any weight??



  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I thought that most people lose the most amount of weight in their first few days, at least I did.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Totals 666

    MY GOD....

    Every day when I complete my entries it tells me I'm not eating enough calories but i'm finding it difficult to eat the whole 1200.

    I need to lose about 50lbs.

    To be honest most people that come here are here because they have ate more that 1200 cals per day. If you are eating less than 1200 per day and gaining you need medical advice (perhaps thyroid). remember though this is a marathon and not a sprint. Its not food that got me here - it didn't jump into my mouth lol. I put it there. The thing that most needs to change is me. MFP is brilliant, a lot of great people here and we can help each other to change. Starvation never worked for me although i did try it a few time - taking it easy and working this way has really helped me though so there is hope for you too :-)
  • maveydavey
    maveydavey Posts: 9 Member
    Totals 666

    MY GOD....

    Every day when I complete my entries it tells me I'm not eating enough calories but i'm finding it difficult to eat the whole 1200.

    I need to lose about 50lbs.

    To be honest most people that come here are here because they have ate more that 1200 cals per day. If you are eating less than 1200 per day and gaining you need medical advice (perhaps thyroid). remember though this is a marathon and not a sprint. Its not food that got me here - it didn't jump into my mouth lol. I put it there. The thing that most needs to change is me. MFP is brilliant, a lot of great people here and we can help each other to change. Starvation never worked for me although i did try it a few time - taking it easy and working this way has really helped me though so there is hope for you too :-)

    Believe me, I ate well over 1200 a day which is why I didn't understand WHY I had lost nothing after changing my 'lifestyle' so dramatically. I will stick to eat, eat more fruit and drink more water and hopefully this will show me some difference next week!
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I thought that most people lose the most amount of weight in their first few days, at least I did.

    My weight fluctuates by 3-4 lb so if I stated off at the bottom of a fluctuation I could loose 4lb in fat and still weight the same :-) It could be that the maveydavvey has already lost some as well etc.
  • maveydavey
    maveydavey Posts: 9 Member
    I always thought you lost the most weight in the first few weeks too, which is why I was shocked I'd stayed the same. Thanks again though, fingers crossed I see better results next week now I know where I might be going wrong.
  • txlissa62
    txlissa62 Posts: 128
    Make sure you get enough protein as well. MFP usually sets the protein goals way too low. I typically have between 75-100 grams of protein a day.

    The more water you drink, the better. You might want to track your sodium as well, as it will make you retain water. (You can change your diary settings to show sodium.)

    Hang in there - don't give up!
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Nice to see a picture of you :-) The most important things I've found here is that persistence pays off and scales say some strange things sometimes lol. If you keep doing what you are doing then you should see results - exercise really helps me as well - both to burn cals and to keep me focused. Getting loads of MFP 'friends' really helps as well. They give me feedback and I give them the same and between us we keep ourselves motivated and engaged with the whole process. What is important though for long term (you have about the same amount of weight to loose as I did and therefore its not going to happen quickly) is to eat enough. Our bodies are extremely clever bits of kit, if it thinks our food source has dried up it stops burning fat so quickly and it will make it harder. The research I've seen is that 2-3 weeks of fast dieting can slow out metabolism down by 150-250 cals per day which is going to make it even harder - we need to increase this rather than reduce it :-) Good luck, you can do it - just be persistent and keep going
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I have gone a month or two without losing a pound. Make sure you measure!! That is where I am seeing a big change! It will take more than just one week for you to see a change.
    Stick with it and be patient. I have learned that I cant rush the weight off. It takes time and work.
    Good luck to you
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I always thought you lost the most weight in the first few weeks too, which is why I was shocked I'd stayed the same. Thanks again though, fingers crossed I see better results next week now I know where I might be going wrong.
    I started here with MFP and it took me 3 months just to lose 7 pounds. I then joined WW and lost 4 pounds the first week and 3 lbs the 2nd week. Then on average 1.9 pounds per week since. I found that I was eating a lot more once I started WW. Now my points are lower on WW because thats how the program works...the more you lose your points decrease. Now my points are equal to 1200 or more calories per day depending on what I eat. There are zero points for most fruits and veggies. SO while I'll eat up all my daily WW Points I can continue to eat veggies without using more points but I am consuming more calories. THis is just what has worked for me. But I basically started with 1600 calories and am now down to 1200 or there about. And I do not eat back my exercise calories burned.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    -Drink water
    -Watch sodium and bad fat
    -Watch out for processed foods
    -Try to exercise at least 4 days a week
    -Eat more food
    -Stop thinking of it as a diet, it seems when people call it a 'diet' they tend to, without realizing it, limit what they can eat; they tend to think that salad is the only thing that is 'healthy'.

    Salad is of course healthy (when not covered in fattening dressing, cheese, bacon, etc. And if that's what you like then by all means eat it. just remember there is other delicious, helathy food out there.

    Also as a note, I'm 31 and have noticed that only if I eat about half the alloted sodium for the day, and exercise about 5 times a weeks do I lose the 2 lbs a week I want to lose. If I eat food high in sodium, I know I will gain water weight and it takes a day to to get rid of it.

    All in all, everyone is different and these are things that have worked for me. Basically I've found that I have to burned a lot of calories and eat healthy food if I want to lose weight and keep it off.
  • jojohintz
    Drink more water!- half your weight in ounces... ie 150 lb person would need 75 ounces
  • Dying2Live84
    Dying2Live84 Posts: 154 Member
    Some great advice here :) Don't let this discourage you, think of our holidaaaaay! xx
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Keep at it. It takes the body awhile to process changes. In the past, I've gained weight when I was super-strict with my diet then lost weight the next week when I was discouraged and eating everything in sight. Your efforts either way do eventually catch up with you; I promise.